
Is kariva generic

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Avatar f tn Hi- I am a 17 year old girl and I have been on birth control pills for a little over a year and a half now. I was originally prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo but was switched to Kariva in May of this year because it was said to be the "less expensive generic brand" of Tricyclen Lo. I always felt a little more irritable and noticed my skin got a little more sensitive when I originally started taking the pill, but nothing too bad.
Avatar m tn m a 21 year old who just stopped the pill after 5 years of being on it consistently. In October I was switched from Azzurette to Kariva, just a generic brand switch. I hated it and decided to go natural and stop the pill all-together around November 13. I got my "withdrawal period" right after.
Avatar f tn Taking the medication the same way every day, apart from food or other meds (including vitamins) is a start. Then make sure there is not a generic being substituted. must also review other medications and conditions to look for absorption or binding problems. These are often difficult things to sort out and can be frustrating for patients and docs.
Avatar f tn I was orginally on Depo-Provera for 1 1/2 years (never had a period), switched to Seasonale (major nausea), then switched to Tri-Sprintec (my chest got huge on this pill), and then to Kariva (was great!). I was on Kariva for 10 months. I never took the placebo week, so I never had a 'period'. However, if and when I missed a pill or took it a little late, I always had spotting for a day or two.
Avatar m tn I am on Kariva birth control. I missed 2 or 3 pills the week that i had sex. We used protection everytime except penetration once for like 30 but he did not ejaculate. I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid.
Avatar f tn My doctor told me to start taking the Yellow pill (hormone pill) on the first day of my period which I found a little confusing as it is meant to stop your period. Anyway, I have now almost finished my first sheet and I am up to the White suger pills which bring on your period, but the thing is I have now had my period for over two weeks (the whole time I have been taking the pill) and I am worried as to why? I had sex a week before I went on the pill but I don't think I'm pregnant?
1063764 tn?1272821064 I am also on the birth control pill Kariva. I was told that they would not interfere with each other, however something is not right and I was just wondering if anyone out there could help me out. I can't get back to the endocrinologist for another 4 months for my next test, so I did not want to stop the medication. Does anyone know how long it stays in your body...I was considering not taking it for a few weeks just to see if this cleared up.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
1134609 tn?1269272200 It has been an interesting process, but I think I have finally figured out the medication issues. Here's the lay of the land: 1. I have always been sensitive to medications; they either work for me or the SEs are unbearable. 2. I have never had any luck when I have been placed on the generic brands of medications. Celexa especially; I was on it for 10 years, tried the generic several times and paid for it. 3. I have also been on Neurontin for the past 10 years.
Avatar m tn We had the same issue with 2 of our female Dobi's (Reagan & Taylor). Reagan, poor thing, got the worst of it. Apparently, some breeds are more susceptible to it than others. What happens is, when they get fixed, they're basically losing the ability to make estrogen, which is needed for muscle development.
Avatar f tn Okay. My doctor is thankfully a girl, so it won't be difficult or uncomfortable to talk to her about it. She is actually the one who brought it up the other day when I was in there. I'm also seein my dermatologist here soon hopefully do I'll get her opinion too.
7991152 tn?1396061810 Levoxyl is not a generic. It is a brand name, just like Synthroid is. It comes from the same manufacturer every time you refill your script. Think of them like Coke and Pepsi. Both are brand names. Both are colas. Some people like one better than the other. All the other "colas" you can buy are like generic levothyroxine. Though all are cola, each has some difference ingredients in it, like dyes, etc., depending on who makes them.
535882 tn?1396576685 NP is a generic Amour. it's made like the old Amour was made before the reformulation,(TO the NEW Amour) it's cheep ask for it , might help, give it a try, most docs/ insurance love it because its a "so-called" generic but really it's a Acella pharmaceuticals, brand /copy of old Amour, works for me.
309783 tn?1271958229 Viepax is simply a new generic version of Effexor XR (Extended Release) The active ingredient is Venlafaxine. (Same as in Effexor XR) The patent on Effexor XR ran out about 8 months ago and now other pharm companies can make generic extended release Effexor. In the last 7 years Effexor XR has made Weith Pharm company 3.5 Billion dollars per year. That Billion not Million. Now you can see why other pharm companies are so eager to get their generic version to market.
Avatar f tn If you are on a generic, I think it is important to take the same manufacturers generic each refill. I take generic and it is as good for me. If you have a particular med that is problematic, your doctor may be able to write 'do not substitute'. Problem is insurance companies can push back but with appeals and a letter from the doctor, that is often enough to get it covered. I personally have not had any issues with generics.
Avatar f tn t care what my Doctor said or any other Doctor. Generic Effexor is not the same. I was switched to Generic and now I am having the same side effects as when I tried to go off Effexor. The Brain Shocks and Nausea are terrible.
456874 tn?1218139741 My insurance will only cover for the generic of Yasmin-does anyone know if it is as effective?
Avatar n tn My old lab needs a med for cough control, the next step is butorphanoo, but it is very costly. Can you suggest something else we could try?
Avatar f tn I was on Lo Lo Estren and it was perfect but insurance wanted a generic so I was given a generic for Yaz. Now I am losing my mind! I am super anxious all the time and suddenly jealous of every woman that my husband works with. I obsess over silly things that I would never worry about before. I am switching back ASAP but I was wondering if anyone else has been through this with Yaz as well. I don't know how long I can take this until the pill is out of my system!
Avatar m tn from Europe, I cannot believe how expensive Valtrex is here in the U.S.! I just want to get confirmation that there is a Generic Valtrex that is NOT Acyclovir - it that correct? My online pharmacy is offering me Valcyclovir which is a lot cheaper than Valtrex but I just want to make sure it isn't Acyclovir before I purchase it. Thank you in advance for your help!
Avatar m tn I want to buy generic entecavir which is cheaper than its original. May i know how can i get the generic if you are staying in Sing/Mlaysia?
Avatar n tn the generic in india is absolutely the same as brands, it is just cheap and easy easy to do.
874521 tn?1424116797 Hi, Oxycontin is the brand name for the medication and yes it is extended release. Now the oxycodone ER is the generic version and if that's listed on your bottle then your most likley taking the generic version. Your pharmacist will tell you which generic brand your taking. As far as I know only malikroft is allowed to make the generic form of oxycontin. When you get a generic your RX bottle will list the name brand and the generic name under it.
Avatar f tn what is a generic drug?
519736 tn?1253986826 This is probably due to the Lipitor, it is a common side effect. A couple thoughts, one is that people that restart a statin after a break do better. Also, there are others that are not as strong and are tolerated better like Simvastatin, he should ask his doctor.
1801781 tn?1461629469 I am having to switch to the generic version of Lexapro as it is now available. Insurance wants the change and I am OK with it as the cost will be less. My question is has anyone been on it and can they tell a difference??