
Invega and increased appetite

Common Questions and Answers about Invega and increased appetite


Avatar f tn That's how I started to feel after about 20 or 22 weeks im 28 weeks and 5 day's now and my appetite has subsided now but I've gained about 15 pounds lol
Avatar f tn Soo I've had pretty normal appetite but now since last week its increased im a ftm and wasn't sure if that's normal or if it's jus me. Im 33weeks and 1day btw.
9215866 tn?1403133867 I am only 4-5 weeks from my last period and my appetite has gone from hardly ever eating at all to constantly eating and craving odd foods. Is this normal?
1751415 tn?1315069443 He sleeps constantly, has very little appetite (if any at all), and is in constant pain. Recently the hospice staff put him on morphine. His appetite has picked up just a bit. When I asked about it the nurse said morphine is known to increase a person's appetite. Is this true???
Avatar m tn i was on invega for 3 years at 8 mg a day and i was wondering if invega can cause you to gain weight and have blood clots in your legs
20914619 tn?1637171288 m a 37 yo female and have been diagnosed as schizoaffective with bipolar features, and in May was started on Invega 224 mg injectable and 12 mg oral once daily along side Topomax 10mg once daily. But since being prescribed the Invega in May I've gained significant weight (30 lbs) being the heaviest I've ever been in my life. My hair is growing in darker and coarser, and I've been battling extreme depression. Usually an active person I cant seem to motivate myself to do anything.
1069565 tn?1255536393 Pressure in front and back of head with and without headache, Acheness, Fatigue that does not get better with rest, Involuntary movements in the arms, hands, and legs, Extreme Sleepiness (Fell asleep in bathtub and almost drowned), Barely feel pain. Shortness of Breath and more tiredness and fatigue when I Barely exert myself or get agitated.
Avatar f tn the other 3 I cant remember but it made me feel so doped up I switched docs and and she put me on 2 celexa and zyprexa and they have worked wonderful for me. No dopey drugged feeling. Just nice stable everyday normal living. Its seems to me that alot of docs tend to overprescribe when all is need for bi polar is a good mood stabilizer and a good anti depressant I could be wrong since I am not a doc . I am just a bi polar (in remission lol)who has been on alot of meds.
Avatar n tn I was on Risperdal for 2 years and I noticed that at the end of the day it would wear off. so my doc put me invega sustenna and my wife noticed the difference pretty quickly. I am taking Gedon too and I am very happy with the effects.
Avatar f tn Should I stop consuming cannabis with invega sustenna? And if I don’t what are the interactions I was just told it causes sedation.
Avatar n tn I have been off my exercise a few months and gained approximately 10lbs over 8 months. Obviously, I need to get back to the exercise. This weekend my HR and BP suddenly increased and rose to 110 bmp and 160/80 with very little movement. I do not intake any caffine (of any kind - energy drinks, supplements with caffine forms, ...) so it is not from that.
Avatar f tn As you will know Seroquel is a very calming anti psychotic, whereas Invega is quite agitating, I think by dropping the Invega you will have a lot less side effects ( fingers crossed ) You might feel quite drowsy for a few weeks because of the Seroquel but the extra 50mg he has given you isn't going to be too harsh, my doc usually increases my Seroquel by 100mg. With it being the XR version as well, you will have less drowsiness.
Avatar f tn I am without invega now for 2 days and placed on zyprexa taken so far 2 days. Can anyone tell me when I will feel better. I am exhausted, listless, get dizzy When standing and terrible nausea. No appetite. I also have ideas of reference in my Psychosis. High anxiety. He also put me on cogentin for uncontrollable muscle Movements of my tongue rubbing my teeth all day. This is day 3 and it's still happening. I guess it's a lot of mental strain changing all these meds at once.
11055444 tn?1414944590 invega is an antipsychotic for schizophrenia. Do you have that? And you really can't just up and quit these meds, especially Xanax -- they can have a wallop of a withdrawal. You have to stop them slowly. You say you have PTSD -- were you in the military? I ask because most drug companies have programs to help people who can't afford medication, and veterans are better treated than others in this regard.
912156 tn?1242874384 Hi 7 months ago i was given a drug called invega that is time released and i was instructed to cut it n half and take it wich almost killed me. This drug is known for causing arythmias by prolongation of the QT interval. I have since stoped taking the invega. I dont take any drug, not even asprin.
Avatar f tn I'm not even 9 weeks yet and i really have to fight not to eat my entire house. Or I'm puking. Goes back and forth lol maybe the Hunger is all in my head. I dont even feel hungry, i just can't stop thinking about food!
442658 tn?1563386491 Way to go on 53 days. although my DOC was different i also had an increased appetite after getting clean. i have to admit food is one of my addictions, I LOVE TO EAT, but while using i had no appetite at all. it seems a lot of people gained an appetiye after getting clean.
Avatar f tn I have been having this very annoying and scary behavior for the past few days. It all started with me waking up in the middle of the night and as I was trying to fall back asleep, there were words and visions (sometimes scary) just constantly flashing in my head and racing. I don't hear anything. It's just thoughts. Ever since then, when I watch TV, I repeat in my head everything they say.
Avatar f tn Excellent drug for crisises in my opinion Very large appetite and weight gain, and heavy sedation, but appetite and sleep can be just what you need during a psychosis, it helps the recovery for me great in crisis, not great for maintenance
Avatar n tn I stopped having my period when on invega and Pregnancy is not on the table already done the test. Can anyone help me?