
Index finger pain

Common Questions and Answers about Index finger pain


Avatar n tn Back in March I was holding a little girl that was standing on my lap and she lost her balance and squatted down. My hand was behind her knee and my right index finger popped and then hurt really bad for awhile. I assumed it would go away and it didn't. A few days later I went to urgent care. They took x-rays and saw nothing and told me to take ibuprofen and continue to use it like normal.
Avatar m tn My index finger has chronic pain when it is exposed to cold temps. or if my circulation is lessened in that arm. It's just that finger and only at the finger nail, cuticle area. The feeling is similar to getting it smashed into something. Also, when no pain is present, if I hit it ever so slightly on something, it might as well have been smashed in a door, the feeling would be the same!
Avatar n tn my index finger is geting swollen in the middle and it stings when bend it what can be the cause of it
Avatar f tn Which part of the finger is painful and does it affect both hands? Aside from the finger pain, what other symptoms are present? Finger pain is pain may be attributed to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, injury, blood flow problems, nerve problems and even from conditions such as diabetes. Try to avoid activities that cause or worsen pain. Anti-inflammatory medication can also help. If it persists, it is best that you have this checked by your doctor for proper diagnosis.
Avatar n tn My right index finger has been swollen for a month now. the knuckle is painful to the touch, but i'm able to bend it. Any ideas what it could be?? Thanks for any help!
Avatar n tn I have this problem, burning pain between index finger and 2nd finger. I cannot clench my fist unless I straighten index finger then I can make fist with the other three. I have never heard of this before, so if you have no answer I will have to goto.
Avatar m tn I am 23 year old female and have enchondroma on my left hand index finger. Should i get it operated? What diffrence will i feel after it has been operated.
Avatar m tn I took a puck off of my right index finger and didn't really notice any immediate pain. Over the next couple days I noticed that I couldn't form a fist because my finger was very swollen and hurt to bend that far. Upon further observation I noticed that my first finger knuckle had become very wide, but the rest of my finger remained regular size. It is also very sensitive to touch.
Avatar n tn Do you have numbness of the index finger along with the pain? if yes, it could be carpal tunnel syndrome as it involves index finger mainly. Another possibility is of Raynaud’s phenomenon which is constriction of the blood vessels of the fingers and toes. But it is accompanied by skin color changes. Apply ice compresses over the finger. You can also take OTC pain killers. They should help. Also get your blood sugar levels evaluated.
Avatar m tn I am having pain in my Right index finger (knuckle) for almost two months now. I don't have any swelling, warmth, or redness around the site. Could it be related to the distal radius fracture surgery which I had one year back on my Left hand. Thanking you in advance for your highly valued advise.
Avatar n tn I posted prior about pain in my knuckle starting in my left index finger knuckle. Since then, in early January of this year it transferred to the opposite knuckle. I went in to get tests done and they came back negative for RA, OA, and gout. Everything looked good on the x-rays and there was no cartilage worn down on the joints. Since I got it tested, the pain has continued to transfer to surrounding knuckles but not to the same pain level as the original left index finger knuckle.
1744581 tn?1311302411 I cut the knuckle of my R index finger on a deli/meat slicer 2 days ago, The ER dr said I had a layer of fat over the muscle left over the bone & that was it. I got 12 stitches. The dr didn't think I cut the tendon b/c I could move my index finger although I had a lot of pain. He diagnosed it as a AVULSION INJURY.
556780 tn?1225449604 I cut my right index finger with a razor cutter. I have tremendous amount pain and numbness. Each day its the same pain morning and night. Please help.
1336836 tn?1275740921 What could cause my index finger to be numb and tingle when touching the joint of the finger?
Avatar n tn ve been having increasingly frequent sharp, stabbing pain under my fingernail on my left index finger. It makes me wince every time. I also have a strange, semi-numb feeling on the palm side of that same fingertip. The fingernail looks nice and healthy. I've had a digital mucous cyst on my right index finger (which was removed surgically but is back almost as big). Both of these fingers have large bumps or swellings on them at the joint closest to the fingernail.
Avatar m tn s no swelling. My wrist pops easily. The central knuckles of my index finger, middle finger and ring finger all hurt. The index finger also hurt a few days at the base, but stopped. I have a doctor's appointment on the 7th. Sorry for the repeated posts; just a little worried and the appointment seems so far away. If you were me, what you lean closer to? Arthritis or tendonitis?
Avatar m tn I have been developing numbness in the left index finger very recently,I normally take B12 pills in excess, does this have any influence or show any sign of any disease any kind, I eat a nonvergetarian diet, am slightly obese, I am worried about this numbness, I heard some sideeffects of overdose of B12 pills, can you post a reply regarding how to treat this numbness
Avatar n tn On my left hand, my index finger is longer than my middle finger, my ring finger is shorter than my middle finger. On my left had, my middle finger is shorter than both other fingers (ring & middle). It's nver caused any problems but I've always wondered why my Mom & I had it.
Avatar n tn My problem is that my index finger falls asleep when I write or even scroll with a computer mouse. Even when I exercise the index finger starts tingling. Its really weird this has never happened to me before. Can you help? I'm not sure if its serious enough to see a doctor. Thanks for your help in advance.
Avatar m tn First phallange of index finger is swollen. Inflammation on handling dusty objects. Advise.
Avatar m tn t been able to move that index finger for 4 weeks since the pins were still in there, as any movement in that finger caused extreme pain...but now my index finger seems to be stuck in that same position (slightly curved, as if holding a cup). I started OT the Thursday after the pins were removed, but I couldn't do half the tendon gliding exercises as I could not make a fist.
645800 tn?1466860955 I guess going to that one appointment was more than I should have done. Oh and I am more convinced than ever that the index finger pain is MS. Yesterday when I got up my right shin has been feeling like it is broken just like the index finger does.
Avatar f tn ve developed a strange symptom the last 3 days where my just the tops of my index, middle and ring fingers are in excuriating swelling, no redness - nothing....just pain...I feel I'm on the verge of a relapse - where my legs and face are getting painful, etc., but not full fledge yet. Could this be attributed to my MS ?