
Increase prozac dosage side effects

Common Questions and Answers about Increase prozac dosage side effects


20632981 tn?1503687567 My question is, does Prozac have low side effects like Zoloft but does it work better? And should I be taking a SSRI or SNRI for depression and anxiety, what works better with less side effects?
2193833 tn?1339411302 when it comes to the meds, and the reintroduction of the drug into our systems causes a faster than normal increase in the serotonin, which leads to more severe side effects. Some people had no side effects initially, and the second time around, have every one in the book. That was me, pretty much. The bad news is, it will probably be much more difficult for you to adjust to the Prozac this time around, you may have to endure more side effects that are bothersome.
Avatar n tn Long story short, after 3 weeks of being on the increased dosage if I persist and wait a few more weeks will the side effects to go away, is it normal for an increase in dosage to have this affect and how long do the side effects usually last? Or should I go back to my GP and be reducing back down to 20mg until I see the psychiatrist. If it is likely these are just interim side effects I can persist for another few weeks.
Avatar m tn Merry Christmas - I'm sorry you're going through this! I don't have any experience with prozac, so I'm not sure how much help I can be. However, I can share a couple of things I've learned on my med. journey. Starting or increasing a dose on our anxiety meds can actually increase our anxiety as a side effect. This is no fun, I know. But this is usually temporary and goes away over time. GI distress can also be a common side effect.
2080404 tn?1643113754 Hi there. Is this better? Prozac does give some gi side effects. When my son started this, he had nausea and it lasted for about a week and a half and then began getting better. He chewed ginger gum, ate tums and peptobismal chews. They seemed to help him. Was trazadone new as well? I will say that unless something is really awful, giving a full trial is best in my opinion. My son actually needed the full dose of prozac of 80 mg, so prepare that they may tweak your dosage as well.
Avatar m tn I woke up this morning worried about side effects and felt like my heart was racing and going to beat out of my chest. I took 2 xanax (which I've been taking for years) and feel like I'm calming down, but I'm worried this racing heart is a side effect or if it's just my anxiety of taking the new medication. I want to get my life back but I think I'm afraid even this won't work. Would appreciate any advice or feedback.
Avatar n tn The average dose for Cymbalta is 60mg per day, and although some doctors do prescribe it 120mg per day...there is no evidence to prove that it helps any more than the 60 mg per day. The maximim dose for Prozac is 80mg per day so you're still below the highest dosage on that one. I doubt your doctor will increase the Cymbalta anymore, and if he tries to...find another doctor! Best wishes.
Avatar m tn They're both in the same class of drugs, and pretty much treat the same symptoms. Paxil is a newer medication, and if the dosage isn't working you may need to have your doctor increase it. Prozac is an old drug and I think the newer ones come with fewer side effects. It's best to discuss this with your doctor since he is aware of what will best suit your needs.
1275577 tn?1273233214 i was on 300mg of wellbutrin. i didn't have any side effects. i tapered up from 150 to 300 quickly and didnt notice anything.
Avatar m tn Is your psychiatrist aware of your allergic reaction to Nyquil? I don't know if it matters, but a quick call to his office can clear this up. If he is aware of your reaction to Nyquil then I would take the Prozac. You can't worry about side effects because we all respond differently to these types of drugs, and just because anxiety is listed as a side effect doesn't mean you will experience it. Prozac is an excellent medication and has been widely used for many years.
232328 tn?1207090071 how high of a strength is what they gave me? How long until I start feeling better? And are there any side effects that I should be concerned about? I also take about 30 mg's of vicodin for severe back pain and 600 mg's of Neurontin a day. Would either of these 2 clash with the Prozac?? Please help. I can't wait to start feeling like "myself" again. Thanks and I really hope that I can get some sort of response from someone today.
Avatar f tn You say you were on Lexapro for a long time? Is that right? How did you stop taking it, abruptly or a slow taper taking as long as you needed to (here's hoping Lexapro has a liquid, because one of the hard things about only needing such a low dose is it's hard to break pills to do a taper off). I'm asking because some of the effects you're having sound more like withdrawal effects than the usual start-up effects of Prozac.
Avatar m tn You will have start-up side effects that will be the worst within the first few days of taking the drug. Most of these will diminish over time, depending on the drug, amount Rxed and your body chemistry. My advice to anyone is to take the smallest dosage possible, or even split that small dose in half (if possible for that drug). Then see how you feel after a couple weeks if you feel a small amount better... increase the dosage. If you feel great!...
Avatar n tn Thank you for your reply, but I do know the side effects of Fluoxetine. I'm trying to fix the side effects...
1330182 tn?1279815900 Hello! I was on Zoloft for approx 5 years..It did wonders in the beginning for my anxiety but as my dosage was increased to 50mg, I noticed weight gain and break thru anxiety.. I switched to prozac which over time made my anxiety worse.. I went off prozac in March 2010 and my anxiety came back hard! I lost a lot of weight and couldn't eat :( I started Celexa 3 weeks ago @2.5mg. I know that is a low dose, but I am very med sensitive..
Avatar n tn I recently started taking Abilify and am experiencing uncontrolled shaking and light-headedness. What are the side effects of Abilify and are these a couple of them. Should I try something else to help with my depression. THe Psych. said that this in concert with my prozac should help me out. Thanks for your help.
Avatar n tn I've been on armour about a week and half for my hypo and have just recently started to feel some side effects. I've started getting some pains in my chest, it feels like it's right up under my heart, mostly during the night or in the morning. They don't really last long but I definitely notice it when its there. I am also very aware of my heart beat, even though it's not racing and at a normal rate, around the time these happen.
Avatar f tn i struggle with the physical side effects. What makes it so hard to increase? Is there anything you can take to make it easier?
Avatar m tn I take Prozac. Your side effects could be from the Prozac, or it could just be anxiety in general. Anxiety can do this to people, weird dreams, waking up in a panic etc. Or it could be the Prozac. I have weird dreams time to time, I have no idea if it is the Prozac, or just me having dreams. I haven't really looked into it. 7 days on Prozac will not relief you from any anxiety. it will take 6-8 weeks. and by the 4th week or so your doctor might have you increase to 20mg instead of 10mg.
1460652 tn?1340248730 I am assuming your slow increase is due to side-effects, otherwise you could probably increase a little more on each increment. It's gonna take awhile but it's worth it. Stick with it.
Avatar f tn I recently went back on Zoloft myself, and I can tell you that I experienced the start-ups side effects every time I bumped up my dose, but I can tell you that the longer I was on it, the quicker those side effects resolved for me after a dosage increase (and the milder they got with time). I too had that jittery "drank too much coffee" feeling side effect. It's tough but give it some time. I think that going up gradually is the way to go, I tolerated that very well.
Avatar n tn How long have you been taking the Prozac for? Sometimes it takes a couple of weeks to get adjusted to medication. Also my psychiatrist told me alot of people who suffer from anxiety/depression will think the medication is making them worse because the are already struggling with anxiety/depression. However, some medications just don't work for people, or cause side effects such as fatigue.
653169 tn?1303446369 Has anyone else had similar side effects with Savella and is it possible to take prozac with Savella?
1275577 tn?1273233214 I should have stayed with Prozac, other then the enormous weight gain i had no sexual side effects or other problems with it. I was worried about my health with all that weight gain BUT the Wellbutrin does not work for me as an appetite suppressant or as an stimulant, so really i'm right there with this med where i have been with Prozac, except with more anxiety and very frequent panic attacks....
Avatar m tn They normally will start you out on a low dosage, see if it helps, and if not they either increase it or switch medications. Always work closely with your doctor on your medications. Take care.
907840 tn?1242560482 What you're feeling may be a temporary side-effect from the increase in dosage. Prozac typically has an "uppity" effect that can create anxiety in some people or make anxiety/panic worse. Your symptoms are likely to go away as your body adjusts to the higher dose; however, you should talk to your dr. asap to ask for his/her advice. You may need to up your dose more slowly. He/she may also be able to prescribe an anti-anxiety medication for you to take until these symptoms subside.
1798419 tn?1315810427 told me that Effexor may attribute to weight gain, and it DOES state this in the side effects printed from the manufacturer, so your Dr. is incorrect. Do your homework and don't trust all the Doctors, find a good one, and also consider natural health options if you possibly can. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I agree side effects can occur causing weight gain for me it was respiridone and abilify