
How to overcome fear of love

Common Questions and Answers about How to overcome fear of love


Avatar f tn Talk this over with your parents so they can get you therapy to learn how to break free of this fear. Good luck and take care!
Avatar n tn I have had a toothache/facepain for over two weeks, I know I need to go and see a dentist but I have a great fear of going because of cetain circumstances that happened while going to the dentist as a child. I have been taking advil for the pain and most times it is tolerable but now it seems to be getting worse as it is keeping me awake at night.
Avatar f tn To overcome anxiety, one must understand the logic of why the brain is feeling threatened, it sends messages to the body saying its under threat. New pathways need to be created to overcome the old programming. So for example, if you panic over a fear of flying, you must start flying and let the brain realise that its all okay, and reprogram the thoughts. However, the fear of dying can't really be practiced. Some buddhists meditate in a morgue as it is the closest we can get to dying.
Avatar f tn reading about it dont help it will just heighten your anxiety,the recorded deaths are tragic,but in comparrison to the success rate of themit do put it in to a prospective,just tell your fears to the person who is going to give you the needle ask any questions you need to ask and remember they cannot force you to have anything done that you dont wish to have done.
Avatar m tn I have no idea how to help you overcome your apparently severe ticklishness, perhaps therapy would offer some useful insight. I don't know how often you are approached by people wielding a "vibration device," but I would try yelling, in a very loud and forceful tone of voice "NO!" Or "STOP! I DO NOT LIKE THAT!
Avatar f tn I mean I can masturbate to them without a problem, but as soon as I’m done all the doubt just starts to set in again. I’m trying, I swear to go I’m trying to just calm myself and not react to anything but it feels helpless. There are more important things going on in the world right now it seems unfair that being gay is all I think about. Please, if you have any advice I’ll be glad to listen.
2028721 tn?1356682003 A talk therapist can help you with ideas of things to do to overcome anxiety. You would not be crazy for going to someone for that. You'd be crazy NOT to!
Avatar f tn Things that are worth being happy for, things that make you smile or things you have been blessed with. Then task yourself at the end of the day, no matter how bad that day was, to name out loud a positive of the day. Example: my car got rear ended today and I lost 20 dollars in cash. Positive: the lady who hit me has insurance and she was so nice. I'm thankful my baby is okay, what an amazing thing that our bodies are so protective for our unborn child!
Avatar f tn As you said, the newfound fear of anxiety can be attributed to the fact that you had panic attacks during your last flight. It is similar, in a way, to agoraphobia. For your next flight, you can ask you doctor if you can take 1mg of Xanax to see if that helps. However, Xanax is relatively short-acting (effects last about 5 hours). Klonopin is probably a better option. It is very similar to Xanax, but it lasts a lot long (10-12 hours).
Avatar f tn Have you tried focused slow breathing, walking, aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage, redirect by doing something? Also...low Vitamin D3 and magnesium can contribute to anxiety and depression.
Avatar f tn t even want to tell a counsellor because I am embarrassed of how irrational this sounds. My anxiety has taken control of me and I need to change this for my health. I miss being able to eat without my mind worrying about severe allergic reactions. If anyone has experienced this or has any advice it would be appreciated! Thanks!
Avatar n tn Look, I can't pretend to have the same problems, I'm a guy. But I'm going to offer a comment because there really aren't a lot of people who participate on here and so I'm not sure you're going to find that many who will respond with similar experiences. But in a way, everyone with mental problems has similar issues -- we may differ on the specific things that terrify us but we're all terrified.
Avatar m tn their is no chance of HIV without condom overcome your fears ...take a test....taking a test can come out of fear 99% than googing...
Avatar m tn I am afraid I stepped on a syringe(iI know you are thinking this is crazy but yea damn OCD) I know this fear is ocd but I am trying to think of facts to confront this fear with,it worked with fear of HIV and oral sex.
Avatar n tn it takes much more than bleeding from an extraction to be of concern. talk to him about what to do if bleeding is more excessive (biting on gauze or a tea bag will stop it) and possibly not do it on a friday as they wont be there on the weekend to answer your questions should you have any. you are going to get through this fine ok!
Avatar f tn To those who recovered, what have you done to overcome this horrible eating disorder? Did you need to see a dr and seek help professionally? I have a stable job but not financially capable to seek professional help. Any advise will be welcomed. Thank you.
Avatar f tn thank God He has given my eyes to see and ears to hear... we are in for a fight for our very lives and yet want to allow fear to stop us from making a decision. that decision is to live and be free and to be an example of the power to overcome. i dont want to have answer God when He asks me... after all that I did...why didnt you overcome? why did you lack faith in Me and believe that lie.... go away from me sir. i never knew you....
Avatar n tn I have developed a fear of heights that has interfered with my ability to enjoy my favorite winter sport...snow skiing. The anxiety produced when confronted with height creates what is near panic. The fear only exhibits itself primarily on the ground and outside.. I do not have a fear of flying in a jet airplane or inside tall buildings. It has become a real problem for me to enjoy skiing.
Avatar m tn Agreed. But some of these fears can be overcome. Puppies and chicks tend to be fast moving. Find the right kind of puppy at a pound or store, and I bet his response will be different.
Avatar f tn It will most certainly recede, however, the fact that you are feeling anxious may also mean that you have an anxious nature and that you do have to learn to live with when there are stressful situations in your life. But there are lots of ways to deal with it now, you can do it. You have to break out of the vicious circle of being "afraid" of your anxiety. Try some of the tips I mentioned above, they may help you.
Avatar f tn So, I'm going to stick to the topic of depression and anxiety. That's what this is about since I see that you've asked about the risk associated with your activity and have been firmly answered that it was not a risk. So, the mental health part of your issue. That's huge. Irrational fear stems from anxiety. Health anxiety is a real thing. Yours is attached to these two sexual encounters but it is basically health anxiety.
Avatar m tn scarlett11 Try a sleep app that has dozens of recordings of therapists telling you how to go to sleep. You get to select which one you want to listen to, and I often listen to the same recording for months. Sometimes I fall asleep in the first few minutes but for that to work, I have to pay attention to what the speaker says.
1700380 tn?1308585783 For most men, this would be an automatic erection killer. And of course you can overcome this by relaxing and letting of of worrying. You know she said it because of some negative feelings. And, yes, you obviously still have some unresolved issues. How about really opening up and telling her how much her comment hurt you? Sometimes just owning your feelings can help. If you love each other, hang in there. The unresolved issues will only go away if you resolve them by talking. Over and over.