
How to make a guy break up with you

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6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar f tn I have been broken up with him for a month and a half and although Im happy I left him, I cant help but stare at the phone in case he left a message. We've broken up several times before and well he pursued me and I guess I was flattered and felt huh he really is a romantic and oh hes really trying. He would do some really sweet things.. And I guess a part of me still wants to go on believing in posibitlities, I used to love the idea we were highschool sweet hearts.
Avatar f tn I know the pain of heartbreak is pretty bad and you would do anything to make it go away right away but the reality is that you have to go day by day. If you are having a very hard time with it you may just want to seek counseling to help you through this rough patch in your life. Once the initial shock and sadness wear off you need to take a look at yourself and tell yourself you deserve better.
Avatar f tn He has to FIRST want to make a "decision" or "choose." I saw nothing in your posts about him saying he wants to leave the gf. I am not sure if he is wanting to "dump" her for you, hence you want "advice" on how to push him in a direction to "dump" her. In my opinion I don't think he is going to leave her (gf). Well, in my opinion, I wouldn't pursue this at all. Plus, you both work together.
Avatar f tn t want to be with a man that cheats, right? Right? You need to really focus on that you want a healthy relationship with a great guy------------ a non cheating kind of guy! You dodged a bullet, right? Now no relationship is perfect and you may have missed some signs that things weren't going as great as you thouht. I'd reflect on that so that in your next relationship------ you are wiser and more able to read the relationship.
1710121 tn?1326476935 there is also an anxiety forum here, which I wanted to mention because they may be able to help you find a way to control it without seeing a dr. BUT I urge you to talk to one just because post partum depression is serious, and you should discuss your anxiety with a dr before giving birth. No one will think you're a freak, some things we just can't control, and anxiety is one of them. We can't pick and choose what we will or will not have.
Avatar f tn I know how you feel. I broke up with my boyfriend last week because the way he was treating me was disgraceful. Apparently it was all my fault though because I'm pregnant and I'm a "drama queen". But mine wasn't just other girls...he ended up treating me like he hated me, and treated other girls ("friends") better than he treated me...he wouldn't even go in public with me because he was embarrassed that I'm pregnant and "fat".
Avatar n tn t bear to break his heart and do what? Send him back home? What if I make a mistake? If I was to break up with him.. how the hell would I do this? It's scary to think about... but if it's not going to work in the long run, isn't waiting going to make it even worse for him? Sometimes I just want freedom to explore any other options, like meeting someone in my area who has all the qualities I want in someone. But then I think about how loved I am..
676032 tn?1315674063 So I have been wondering this the past few days! How important is closure after you break up with someone?? And also what to ye see as "closure"... Is it important to be able to move fully on and if so, how does someone do it??? Exapmle: Breaking up of a long term relationship over the phone, and not speaking sense, is that proper closure??
1381451 tn?1288095766 My question to you is why do you have this trust issue? Is it with all women or just her? Are you insecure and thus try to control your girlfriend and her actions? This is something to work on within yourself because if it is not addressed from within, it will keep resurfacing in new relationships. I don't know if you two will work it out or not but I think I'd do some soul searching as to what exactly went wrong.
376148 tn?1309899577 This is not pregnancy related but i figured you are the girls to talk to sence your the ones i share everything with! My fiance and i jut got into a fight and i told him to leave an never come back...i know its all my fault that he left and i probably brought it on myself by telling him to leave but he packed all his stuff and i dont think hes coming back!! Idont know why i told him to leave i love him sooo much hes my world! I cant live without him and now i dont know what to do..
Avatar m tn I don't know anything about your gf, but I know when I went through major surgery I pushed a lot of people away. My thought process on it was that I didn't want to cause them pain to have to see and deal with me when I had to go through with it all. Which is pretty stupid, but that was the idea I had. Maybe she could be in that mind frame, so giving her some time can help. After the ordeal is over things can go back to how it was before.
Avatar f tn t leak out because it highly could have. Could there have been another guy you had sex with? Or are you narrowing it down to this guy because you want him to be the father?
Avatar f tn They are your best friend and if anything were to happen during the day like a fight with the boss or something good happening, you want to share it with that person but when you can't it's so hard. Sometimes you want to just say I love you darn it and want to hear their voice but you know you shouldn't and sometimes you can't. Plus you don't want them thinking you miss him, so you have to play the game.
Avatar f tn I didn't take a birthing class thinking I would know when my son would be ready to come out. Well I'm 37 weeks a d 4 days along and I have been having what I think ar contractions. Starting in my back and pelvis. The thing I don't know is if they really are. When j walk I have a lot of pelvic pain and pain towards the top of my belly that goes down towards my pelvis. It's kind of sharp but not enough to make me cry. They have been happening ever 5 to 15 minutes.
Avatar f tn Hello um... well im a 12 yr old turning 13 in a few days and my bestie told my im flat chested and I'm a 32 a cup and I was wondering how do you make your breast bigger because I feel extremely conscious about my size cause almost all the girls in my school are a size 40 and it feels uncomfortable. I think the reason for my small Breast are:i sleepwith my bra on, I don't live a healthy life don't eat veggies or exercise (unless I'm at school which is 50 min.of p.
Avatar f tn t in this so I think You should let Him know that in a kind way. He sounds like a great guy and He deserves to be with someone who is more sure of Her feelings for Him. You are not a "jerk", He's just not "the one". The "right" guy will come along for You. I agree with Life, there's no hurry.
Avatar m tn Since you claim it was just a handjob and nothing else (that's all it was, right?) then it's probably not worth telling her because she will get really upset and probably break up with you. But don't misunderstand my advice, cause I think it was a stupid thing for you to allow to happen if you claim to care as much about this girl as you say you do. But if all it was, was a happy ending, I mean, there are far worse things that could have happened.
Avatar n tn I started seeing a guy who told me he has herpetic whitlow. I like him so I agreed to keep seeing him. We've hung out about 5 times, and have a good connection so we've been making out, dry humping, and mutual masturbation. I am so freaked out that I might catch herpes from him.
Avatar f tn I mean he's been with other women before me, and he doesn't feel that way any longer. He keeps telling me he doesn't want to lose me over what he did during that break up, and that the only reason we'll break up is if I break up with him. He wants to stay for the long run. Yes, I'm 21 and he's 23. We lived together for about 6 months last year, and we're moving back in together in July.
1185315 tn?1288907489 I also made him a dr appt next week to be referred to a Psychiatrist. I honestly think he needs to talk to someone. He cannot make up his mind and its amazing to me how these girls will just wait for him. I don't understand. In the meantime it is totaly stressing me out and I pretty much have a stressfree life beside all this BS! He is torn because he does not want to be a part time Dad but he says he doesnt think he has feelings for the Fiance' anymore but he wants to be with his kids.
Avatar f tn I have been on both sides. I have broken hearts and I was dumped 2 x's. I think maturity has a lot to do with how you respond to a broken heart. As a teenager, I hated, wanted revenge and wanted him to hurt just as much as he hurt me and it took a long time to heal. It changed me as a person. As an adult (up in age now (lol), I had a guy who just wasn't feeling it. He literally told me to go back to my ex...
Avatar f tn Do things that are different from the things you did with him. Make some new friends from a different group of people. Change your life in a positive direction and don't give yourself much time alone- even much time to think!! All you can do is distract yourself-- but the funny thing, is that the longer you do this, the better it works. And one day, you will wake up and find that your heart aches less. And each day will get better.
973741 tn?1342342773 I did let a good one slip away. I had just been through a break up when we met that hurt me. So, I was kind of a royal jerk to him. Took it all for granted as I was still thinking about the other guy. And THEN, I broke it off. Like a year later I was like "whaaaa???? That was stupid.