
How to get a guy to break up with you

Common Questions and Answers about How to get a guy to break up with you


6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn t leak out because it highly could have. Could there have been another guy you had sex with? Or are you narrowing it down to this guy because you want him to be the father?
Avatar f tn Hi there and welcome to the forum. Ugh, the dreaded post break up hook up. Lots of folks fall into this trap. It usually lasts until one of the two hooking up finds an important new signficant other and then the other person in the hook up is devastated all over again. My heartfelt advice is to break it off completely. No meeting up to 'talk', no texting one another, no phone calls. Nothing. Break it off and officially move on from him.
Avatar n tn t bear to break his heart and do what? Send him back home? What if I make a mistake? If I was to break up with him.. how the hell would I do this? It's scary to think about... but if it's not going to work in the long run, isn't waiting going to make it even worse for him? Sometimes I just want freedom to explore any other options, like meeting someone in my area who has all the qualities I want in someone. But then I think about how loved I am..
Avatar f tn t want to be with a man that cheats, right? Right? You need to really focus on that you want a healthy relationship with a great guy------------ a non cheating kind of guy! You dodged a bullet, right? Now no relationship is perfect and you may have missed some signs that things weren't going as great as you thouht. I'd reflect on that so that in your next relationship------ you are wiser and more able to read the relationship.
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar m tn m not sure what to tell you. You have to mingle with females and ask out who you think might be fun to hang out with and go from there. If you click, great, if not, then you ask someone else out. Work your way down until you feel someone is unique and special and you get along great and she seems to feel the same way about you and then . . . it goes on. But you have to really start dating to have any romance. That isn't something anyone can teach you.
Avatar f tn Wondering how you are doing leaffan?
Avatar f tn I have been on both sides. I have broken hearts and I was dumped 2 x's. I think maturity has a lot to do with how you respond to a broken heart. As a teenager, I hated, wanted revenge and wanted him to hurt just as much as he hurt me and it took a long time to heal. It changed me as a person. As an adult (up in age now (lol), I had a guy who just wasn't feeling it. He literally told me to go back to my ex...
Avatar f tn I agree with specialmom, just because he was bad for you doesn't mean you will just get over it. He is a routine for you. At some point he was your best friend. You called him when something happened, you called him probably all throughout the day so you have to just get out of that routine of wanting to talk to him. When I went through a major breakup I would find solace in the gym. I used to work out like crazy.
Avatar f tn t want to be with someone often feel relief when they break up. If you were in that position, some new guy would have been an ally in getting the clingy ex-girlfriend off your back. Clearly you didn't see it like that, though. If you two were really broken up and both of you were sure that was it, well, a breakup means you don't have any claims on each other and are free to get into relationships and sleep with someone else. Did you sleep with anyone else in that time period?
973741 tn?1342342773 And the more you have intertwined your life with someone, the more complex a break up can be. I thought we could list TOP WAYS TO GET OVER A BREAK UP. ** take time to mourn. It's very important to go ahead and feel the loss. There is no way around it. Allow yourself to be sad for a bit. NOTE: should you have signs of depression such as having 2 weeks of more of not being able to function, feeling hopeless, sleep disturbance among other things, please talk to your doctor.
Avatar f tn I can tell you that up to 80% of the population has hsv1 (it gets higher as you get older), and that if you break up with this guy because of herpes - a man you love - the chances are really, really good that the next guy you meet will also have it. That said, I know I know nothing about your relationship, if this is something you are in for the long term, or what. You have every right to decide this relationship isn't for you, for any reason at any time.
Avatar f tn You are not allowing yourself to heal and move on by continuing this contact. The whole "friends" thing after a break up is a lot rarer than you think. If two exes DO form a friendship at some point, it isn't the kind you're thinking, where you will spend all kinds of time together, talking all the time..etc...if that was the case, you would have never broke up to begin with.
Avatar f tn Nothing is your fault and I sincerely hope you will move on and realize this is not someone you want to stay with. It will only get worse. I promise you if you cave on this, you will be revisiting this same situation only worse. Next time he will hit you.
Avatar f tn I know the pain of heartbreak is pretty bad and you would do anything to make it go away right away but the reality is that you have to go day by day. If you are having a very hard time with it you may just want to seek counseling to help you through this rough patch in your life. Once the initial shock and sadness wear off you need to take a look at yourself and tell yourself you deserve better.
Avatar f tn Hi there and welcome. Well, in truth, as a mother, I can say that his splitting from you because of his children's feelings is so admirable. I wish more parents would take the feelings of their kid that seriously. I really do. Parents splitting up is very dramatic for kids and the goal is to not make it traumatic. It's one of the biggest life changes kids can go through and hurts them.
Avatar f tn re with and you need to break yourself of that. You will not be happy with this guy or with your ex. You need to get right within yourself before you can be in a solid relationship with a guy who deserves you. You have a lot of work ahead of you but it's your choice what kind of future you want.
Avatar f tn He has to FIRST want to make a "decision" or "choose." I saw nothing in your posts about him saying he wants to leave the gf. I am not sure if he is wanting to "dump" her for you, hence you want "advice" on how to push him in a direction to "dump" her. In my opinion I don't think he is going to leave her (gf). Well, in my opinion, I wouldn't pursue this at all. Plus, you both work together.
Avatar f tn I know how you feel. I broke up with my boyfriend last week because the way he was treating me was disgraceful. Apparently it was all my fault though because I'm pregnant and I'm a "drama queen". But mine wasn't just other girls...he ended up treating me like he hated me, and treated other girls ("friends") better than he treated me...he wouldn't even go in public with me because he was embarrassed that I'm pregnant and "fat".
469113 tn?1217757385 However ,then again,this is just a differential. The only thing I can suggest now is for you to be referred to a pain management specialist This may help alleviate the condition until you are further assessed. Do keep us posted for anything and keep your proactive and positive attitude.A second opinion will be able to help.
Avatar f tn And If guy A is not the father then u know that it is guy B baby. A lot of lives have been messed up going by dates. Take a minute to look up sperm survival times and fertilized egg implantation times. Then talk to ur doctor on ur next visit s/he will answer any questions that u may have. Bc this is the type of thing that u need to be 100% about. I'm not judging you bc a similar situation happened to my good friend .
Avatar n tn I started seeing a guy who told me he has herpetic whitlow. I like him so I agreed to keep seeing him. We've hung out about 5 times, and have a good connection so we've been making out, dry humping, and mutual masturbation. I am so freaked out that I might catch herpes from him.
Avatar n tn On the up side they won't let you go past 42 weeks of pregnancy if that happens they will schedule you yo come in to break your water and maybe some pitocine if the contraction don't start 1 hr afyer water breaking.