
How to fight cat allergies naturally

Common Questions and Answers about How to fight cat allergies naturally


Avatar f tn Along with the nerve pain, he has had swollen glands in his neck the whole time. This tells me his body is trying to fight something off. Here’s the kicker, he has lots of allergies and is highly allergic to cats... and he has a cat. He used to suffer when anywhere near cats but for some reason they picked up a stray cat and wouldn’t you know it, ever since then these symptoms started and have been getting worse.
365714 tn?1292199108 Ead-a-puss...heh heh...I love it. We've got a Bumperus Maiximus over here. Okay, ALL cats do this, right? You're making the bed, and you "billow out/flare" the blanket or sheet and they RUN under it as it comes down on the mattress. Thus defeating your attempts to make a nice neat bed.
Avatar n tn My cat appears to have been in a fight. A big part of flesh (skin) is missing from his stomach area. I can see bare meat on his stomach. There is also a tube of nerves, veins or something that is exposed from his upper chest down to his stomach. I put antibiotic ointment and wrapped him in gauze. Also there is a horrible smell. What can I do for him to help it heal?
681148 tn?1437661591 It seems like Akira has seasonal allergies and dust allergies in addition to her food allergies. Because I really don't want to give her long term steroids, I decided to only give her the 1/4 tablet of Zyrtec that the vet told me to give her before. I try to wait 'til I just have to give it to her, because I know that people can build up a tolerance to antihistamines, so I figure that animals can, too.
594937 tn?1221095464 ok my mom has a cat that loves to go outside. well he also loves to fight but has no front or back claws cuz the previous owner was crule and now he cat defend himself. well he gets out and gets in fights and now has sores all over his nose and the back of his ear. i was wonderin because my mom is useless and ill have to do it....but if anyone knows something to put on it to clean it and help it heal...idk i hydrogen peroxide is ok for a cat or not im only 18 and dont know much about cats.......
Avatar n tn Otodectes, Cheyletiella, Scabies, etc, ringworm and other fungal infections, allergies (allergies to food can occur anytime in the life of a cat), bacterial skin infections, endocrine disorders and more. Ringworm, and some mites can be transmitted to people. Frontline does not treat mites. The topical: "Revolution" is for fleas, ticks, ear mites, and scabies, so it might be a good idea to switch to Revolution for a couple of months.
Avatar f tn Its been said that kids who grow up with pets are less likely to develop allergies to them idk how accurate that is but we got pets when my first was like 2 months old and have had them ever since and she's just fine...
Avatar f tn Works wonders for me, defintely have more symptoms when the cats are due to be washed. Vaccuum a lot and groom the cat regularly outside to help keep the hair down in the house. I would double check first that there is a true allergy involved, no use going through everything if you aren't allergic and it's from something else. Also look at the cat litter you are using, some have strong perfume or a lot of silica dust which is known to affect some people.
2083449 tn?1381354708 welcome to our cat community....and welcome to all 6 of your kitties as well. we are all somewhat crazy cat people here and love to share stories and information.....
Avatar f tn How do y'all deal with cat allergies?!?!? I've just recently become super allergic to my best friends cat's and I wanna be able to go see her without her cats killing me!!! (or me wanting to kill myself for that matter!) It's really bad, and my eyes, ears, throat, nose and basically whole body have really become anti-cats lately :( What should I do?!?!?! Thanks for the tips and suggestions friends!
Avatar n tn Allergies to a person is not likely but allergies to what may be on a person is very real. For example if you own a cat or dog you can carry the dander that is in the air from your home on you and your clothes. But what you are describing does not sound like allergy. If he becomes repeatedly ill after seeing you and gets better away from you and this happens all the time or most of the time it could be an issue if bacteria or viral.
Avatar m tn Could you detail a little more about your history. What is your age? When was your last biopsy? Do you have a positive family history for prostate cancer? What were your previous PSA results?
1232362 tn?1333135406 I was hoping you would come along and answer - thanks FM. Don't you also give Akira a little Zyrtec?
Avatar f tn Hello, I am wondering if I am able to let my female cat and male cat female cat is jonesing to be outside and has sometimes escaped I have got her back with treats or she will come back on her on ( she goes into a neighbors yard ) my other cat the male (brother and sister) he will go outside a bit then gets scared and runs back in. Is there a way that I can leave a window open and they can go out and come in when they please...
Avatar f tn I LOVE cats with all my heart but in allergist to them :(((((((((( whenever I'm near them I get hives! My allergies might be getting better but I'm not sure. Also I'm going to be working at a animal shelter soon were I have to be around cats and dogs. So if any1 would know if there something I could do or take besides allergy meds then can u please tell me?
Avatar f tn Allergies aren't hereditary but they can come and go. Some people outgrow allergies and others get them when they are older. My little brother had a lot of allergies when he was a kid (including pet dander) and outgrew them, while I didn't have them as a child but became more prone to them as an adult.
Avatar f tn My mum is allergic to cats, what can i do to my cat to help her with her allergies??
362249 tn?1441315018 I had allergies to cats, but when given Waldo (a domestic short/medium-hair), I was surprised I didn't have the reaction I had when I was 12. I had some discomfort with the hair and dandruff, but overall not much. I also did pretty well with my grandma's cat which is black and also a domestic short-hair. I read somewhere that lighter cats are better for people with allergies than darker ones (don't know why).
1275938 tn?1281195461 Kitty is clearly terrified and clawing at the door. I only watched them throw the cat in 3 times and had to stop. I was upset to watch that. Some people, I swear!
Avatar f tn How much room do you have in your house? Do you have spots for each cat to sleep and relax? How about litter boxes? A lot of cats don't get a long or fight because the owner doesn't have enough boxes.
Avatar m tn my question is scents he appears to be okay should i still take him to see a vet or wait to see how he is doing tomorrow. this is his first time in a dog fight and may have gotten off easy.
Avatar n tn You want to make sure that your kitty continues to eat, even if you have to force feed him after a few days, because cats who don't eat for a prolonged period of time can develop feline hepatic lipidosis, or fatty liver disease. While this is more common in overweight cats, it can affect any cat who goes for a long time without eating.
2169449 tn?1358489923 I take Zyrtec 10 mg tablet daily im allergic to my cat/ seasonal allergies etc.
Avatar f tn i have a deviated septum and both ears hurt, sinuses wont drain, i get infections, my doctor wont keep me on antibiotics for longer then a month, so infections comes back even worse, now my ears hurt i get soreness by cheekbones and eyebrows, and even back of my head from left ear to right ear is sore, feels like bruises, i finally went to ent and without even asking me anyquestions she said i have menieres disease, cause my hearing test showed i cant hear certain high pitch sounds, and my eardr
Avatar f tn I was told with my first they don't develop allergies until the age of 1 or 2 yrs. I can't remember which. It's been 5 yrs ago lol. Having a cat will actually help build up their immune system.