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How long until percocet kicks in

Common Questions and Answers about How long until percocet kicks in


1483925 tn?1287895853 s vary from person to person and depend on a number of things including the amount of use, the length of use, your age, and each WD seems to be worse than the one before. Most of the physical symptoms (flu like symptoms) will be over in 4-6 days and then the mental kicks in and there is no telling how long that will last. Check out the thomas recipe on the health pages on the top right of this page to help ease some of your WD's, and most importantly plan on some aftercare....
Avatar f tn Need to know how long it takes to detox percocet? My legs feel really jittery and uneasy, is this normal, when will the leg problem go away? I am off because my Dr is on vacation and I had no choice. I also am taking classes in school and would like to know if taking the percocet caused me not to grasp information. Does it affect your concentration. How long will it take to get my brain back to the normal functioning state.Thanks .
Avatar m tn im well aware of how it works but ive never been on percocet for this long nor has the pain ever been as bad as its been in the last year. ive now been taken percocet for 15 months straight with no break. i was up to 4 - 5/325mg tablets. i am now down by half of that and the first half was no fun. i decided to get down by the 2 pills then had to work for a month now i have time off and wondering if the second part of this will be worse then the first.
Avatar f tn Thanks for your response. How long have you had this sleeplessness? Over the counter sleeping aids never helped me before I was addicted to Percocet. Hope someone can answer the question for both of us.
Avatar f tn I am going to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in my diet and hopefully that will help. I was wondering how long until my stomach will be completely better? I've had enough of this now. I've lost a lot of weight, I'm very lethargic, I've hardly been sleeping and my stomach pains and the tightness of my chest and throat discomfort me. Any help would be great thank you! :) Thank you for reading my ridiculously long and boring story!
386968 tn?1217351972 long does it take for oxy wd to kick in. I did my last yesterdat afternoon and am real tired but so far just waiting...
Avatar f tn My question is a simple one. If I go through it again either voluntary or involuntary HOW long can one expect the worst of symptoms to FINALLY subside. The crawling in the skin, vomiting, diarrhea, can't sleep or eat. I've done all kinds of research and have read the warnings and horror stories. I also know that it varies on body type, age, amount and length of abuse. I have also concluded that cold turkey although not suggested or liked will not kill you.
656111 tn?1273820739 I was wondering which do you think I am better off to be on short acting med or long acting med? Because when I take short acting percocet which is 10/650 and I am only allowed to take 2 times a day. But when after I take one, I would say within 3 hours then pain comes back slowly then in real pain and I'd have to wait until its other time to take 2nd pill of percocet. I'm just sick of it. So what do I say or bring this issue up to my primary doctor when I see him on Nov. 25th?
Avatar m tn The worst physical stuff will be over by tomorrow.Then you will be drained and still have trouble sleeping.Do you have any mental symptoms or is it mostly physical?
Avatar f tn Hi Everyone, My mother, Joy, 74 years old had suboptimal debulking surgery and then had a pulmonary embolism. She was able to leave the hospital after 7 days. She is now 3 weeks post op and is still having pain in the abdomen and when she doesn't take the percocet she is noticably drained. She doesn't like taking drugs of any kind and doesn't want to take it. The catch 22...she is now afraid to take it because of the constipation. We talked to the Dr.
687729 tn?1397992727 If this is, in fact, drug withdrawal - as opposed to a virus - how long can I expect it to last? and, last, but not least, would flannel sheets help? RSVP I am going out of my mind. Thanks PS. I know that real pain is a part of the problem because I had shoulder surgery recently as well as my very-recent decompression/fusion surgery; but, still, this is ridiculous.
Avatar n tn t live pill to pill anymore. My question is how long does this take? I started taking 1 less everyday, and now i'm down to 1 today, and tomorrow it will be none. How long will I feel the withdraw symptoms? I feel like i'm coming out of my skin. I can't sleep, I don't want to ever feel like this again.
Avatar f tn I have 2 herniated discs in my lower lumbar spine. I was perscribed 7.5mgs of percocet, then upped to 10mgs, referred to Pain Management and ultimately upped to 15mg Roxi's. I can get by with taking 3-4 percs on a GOOD day (manageable pain) to 6-10 percs on a BAD day (usually when the weathers bad or working really hard that day - I clean houses). I never used to have a problem going without them for YEARS it didn't effect me, I thought I was unbeatable, untouchable. Until now.
Avatar f tn I’m still feeling horrible. How long will it take to get back to normal? Does me tapering down to such a little amount have any effect on the days it takes? I read it takes about 7 days, but how can this be if I was down to so little with no serious side effects? Any information would be great. Thank you.
Avatar f tn i am having a horrible tooth ache its my wisdom tooth it needs to be pulled but it cant be extracted until wednesday so this morning i took a vicodin 750 mg but i dnt have any left when the pain kicks back in can i take a percocet 10 mg and it want interact with the vic in my body thanx for your time
Avatar f tn My neuro says that if surgery is needed, it would be hard to control my pain. My question is, how long do I need to be off of the meds before they will effectively work again? I don't know how I'll live thru the withdrawl and the pain of my shoulder and back from coming off of them. I can barely live now. Any advice?
Avatar f tn Every baby is different. This is my first and I started feeling moving at 16 weeks. I'm 22 weeks now and he's just kicking away so people don't feel any movement until about 24 weeks or so.
Avatar f tn First of all I would like to say thank you to everyone who posts on here. I have wanted to quit for some time now, and kept putting it off. During my research on how to deal with the withdrawl symptoms, I came across this forum, and it was very inspiring! This is my story. (I tend to rample alot, even through text..... You have been warned!) I started taking vicodin a little over a year ago, on a pretty regular basis.