
How long for loestrin to be effective

Common Questions and Answers about How long for loestrin to be effective


Avatar f tn there is always a possibility....since uve only been taking them for a week im not sure ur body has enough of the hormones to 'protect' you. from experience though, i was on loestrin for 2 years and i got pregnant...
Avatar f tn When taken as directed it is almost 92-99.7% effective. Whether a particular pill will cause side effects or not cannot be predicted. The response varies in every woman.If you are doubtful contact your gynecologist and discuss your concerns. I sincerely hope it helps Keep me posted. Best luck and regards!
Avatar n tn how long has it been? not sure but i think plan b can be taken up to 72 hours after sex. amoxicillin can make birth control LESS effective, it doesn't completely cancel it out though. also have you checked to see if you were ovulating the day you had sex? an easy way to figure that out is go to and there is an ovulation calculator. when are you supposed to get your next period? i would just wait it out..
Avatar n tn ive been on loestrin 24 fe for about 2 weeks now i started it on a sunday which happen to be the first day of my period that lasted 7 days to end to start with the breakthough bleeding 2 days later and it has yet to stop any idean how long this is going to last i cant begin to think about bleeding for months stright.
Avatar f tn I was on loestrin birth control for 2 weeks. I had unprotected sex, and he finished in me. I took my pill late the next day and started spotting. I took my pill for 2 more days (a total of 3 days after we had sex), but since I was still spotting, I just decided to stop taking the pill and have my period. Is it possible that I could be pregnant? My period was very light.
Avatar f tn I am waiting out a surgery to see if any hormone therapy will do the trick because I have to pay out of pocket. The doctor wants me to try loestrin 24 for 3 months. My question is, does anyone have experience with both? I hate to second guess my doctor, but I am wondering how a lower dose can do better for me than Yaz? Also, I have been extremely depressed since a month or two after starting Yaz, and I turned down anti-depressants in hopes that a new medication will help with that.
17501880 tn?1457282730 I have been taking Lo Loestrin for about a month now and am on my second row on my second package. I have been researching since, that I should be able to take 2 Lo Loestrin pills and that they work as an emergency contraceptive. Can someone please confirm with me on whether or not I can.
Avatar f tn Give her time to heal from the surgery and give Loestrin time to work. When Loestrin is used continuously to stop your period that is how pain is stopped.
Avatar m tn For about a year I've been getting a weekly allergy shot to gradually desensitize me to common allergens, such as grass and ragweed. As yet, I really haven't noticed any benefit. I know it may take several years for this treatment to be effective. I'd like to hear from other members who've undergone a similar regimen. Thanks for your help.
Avatar n tn Hi! I'm traveling across the country to see my boyfriend this weekend, after not having seen him for two whole months. We're in a long distance relationship and we usually only get to see each other once a month for a few days at a time. Needless to say, this is a really special occasion for us! Unfortunately, my period is expected to arrive anywhere from Sunday through Tuesday, threatening to put a damper on some uh, plans!
Avatar f tn Thank you for ur input...I guess I still have to wait then. I'm not a fan of pills and I use birth control for severe dysmennorhea* but I take it when I feel like in having excruciating pain because of AF.
Avatar f tn Honey I bled for a whole 3months thanks to the stupid oral birth control method...Its really dangerous though... I had to stop taking it.. Look where I am now!!!
Avatar n tn just to share...i never had acne until i started taking birth control. I have taken 2 different kinds of BC and hated them both...Cyclessa and Ortho-tricyclen lo. I'm getting ready to try Loestrin and will let you know how it goes. Have you ever considered seeing a dermatologist instead? I think that is the way to go. I was prescribed a benzoyl peroxide wash and clindamycin phosphate roll-on and it worked great. I was on it for like a year or so and hardly ever break out anymore.
Avatar m tn i want to know if retro-screening very effective for HIV test.
Avatar m tn It's possible you could be pregnant, however I doubt it's implantation bleeding. Plan B becomes less effective the longer you take to use it, and overall is 85% effective if used soon after. You should have been told to use condoms the first month of starting birth control pills too. In addition to this, you took them wrong so you likely had no protection at all. Wait to see if you get your period and take a pregnancy test with first morning urine.
1674462 tn?1304114750 I am not sure that birth control will really help with endo pain. I know that it will slow down the growth of the endometriosis though. As far as pain relief, I have heard that ice or heat packs help along with anti-inflamitories. If those don't seem to help talk to your doctor again. They may be able to prescribe you something OR, I know where I am from they have physical therapy that can also help with Endo pain. Maybe you could look into something like that.
Avatar f tn I take lexapro with loestrin fe birth control as well as my medication for diabetes. So far, if anything I am getting better sleep and overall feel better than I have in years. My anxiety hasn't competely gone away, but my depression has greatly improved.
Avatar f tn i am also in peri menopause at 49..I take Wellbutrin,& ob gyn started me on lo loestrin I have taken 12 so far...She gave them to me for Sweats,but I do not have night sweats just during the day,,So I am wondering if I should even be taking these...maybe my sweats are do to my other meds....I feel very nervous & still sweating like crazy...
Avatar f tn Unless your hormones were way out of whack to start with, before you started the Loestrin, your hormonal levels should not be affected long term after taking BC. I would recommend a thorough physical with your doc (if you haven't already), that includes bloodwork, checking for things like thyroid imbalances, anemia, glucose levels.
Avatar f tn How long does the itching last for?
Avatar f tn I have been on Loestrin 24 FE birth control for about 8 months. Since I have been on the pill, I have had monthly 3 day periods that are relatively light. I try and take the pills at the same time every night, but there are some times when I forget and either take the pill a couple of hours later or the next day. This past month my period was only about a day and a half long, if that.
Avatar n tn Hi! If your girlfriend was my patient, I would recommend a repeat pregnancy test in one week UNLESS she has her normal period. I would then test weekly for up to 4-6 weeks. If she has not resumed her periods by then and isn't pregnant, she should check with her doctor. If she is pregnant, she should also check with her doctor, of course. It is possible that the pills delayed her ovulation and that is the reason for the delayed period.
Avatar f tn Has anyone ever switched from Loestrin 24 to Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo? Anybody ever gotten pregnant while on the "lo estrogen" pills? I switched from Loestrin to Ortho because I started not having periods AT ALL on the Loestrin and I had CRAZY PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS. I got a blood test but it was negative. Now I am on Ortho and am a little nervous because I've heard and read that some people have gotten pregnant on this pill. Any advice????
Avatar f tn Hello, I've been on birth control since I was 15 (now 23) for ovarian cysts. About a year ago I switched pills from Loestrin 24 fe to Lo Loestrin 24 fe. Within the year I think I've had 2 periods (only lasting a day or so) and a few days of very light spotting. I do know this pill is the lowest dose of hormones you can have with a birth control pill. Is this normal?