
Hoarders buried alive episode guide

Common Questions and Answers about Hoarders buried alive episode guide


3828469 tn?1358462325 I'm watching an episode where this lady has a week old baby boy and her hoarding is so bad there are dead rats everywhere! Like seriously how are these people allowed to take their kids home and keep them!?
662972 tn?1270166301 She has 26 animals 11 outside big unfriendly dogs that only she can interact with which is ok, 6 inside little dogs and 6 or7 inside cats now she lives in older 2 bedrroom 2 bath trailer which is fine but once you walk in door all you smell is cat pi$$ awful and her house is a plum mess something you would see on tv hoarders that bad. She loves her animals and takes care them but not house.
314833 tn?1263259499 Do you plan to be buried, cremated, cryogenically frozen or something else? Probably just buried! My family seems to be going the cremation way but i dunno kinda freaks me out!!
1530342 tn?1405016490 By staff and news service reports LONDON -- A Polish woman has told a British jury how she used her engagement ring to free herself after her boyfriend tried to bury her alive. Michelina Lewandowska, 27, accuses her partner of attacking her with a Taser at their home, binding her with tape, and then putting her in a cardboard box that he buried in the woods.
228686 tn?1211554707 If one were to look at almost any drug in a PDR or Drug Guide, they just about all list that as a potential side effect, not to mention that most drugs, often have a side effect listed that is the direct opposite of what the drug is trying to fix...and SO many more. The thing is, that you do not get to see a list with numbers of people who've actually developed the side effects as opposed to those on a placebo if you are just seeing drug info on a pharm sheet.
Avatar n tn Can you please gude if there is no risk or any risk of HIV in this episode... really appreciate the opinios of the experts..
Avatar f tn I know exactly how you feel. The only rooms that aren't messy at my place are the bathrooms & the babys room lol! I work full time & when i get home I'm like why bother?.. Hopefully i get a day or two cleaning spurt & get it done!
Avatar f tn This morning, I woke up with my right eye buried in a pillow. I sat up and glanced across the room toward my closet. Things looked weird. I closed my left eye and saw that one of the green coats hanging in the closet looked a little brownish, and a red painting on the wall looked a little darker. I closed my right eye and saw that everything was a little brighter in my left. I completely freaked out and buried my head in the pillow, hoping it would go away. And the odd thing is, it did.
784382 tn?1376931040 when i asked her about him yesterday she told me that he was so hurt and there is nothin that can do for them there that they just buried him....buried that man alive, because no medical attention. so heart breaking..... the airports are not accessable for leaving or incoming flights right now..... i heard they raised like 60 millions from the hope for haiti?...anyone hear anything?
Avatar f tn Was watching one of those sort of horridly-fascinating shows last night on TV that is about hoarders, except this one is about pet hoarders. They visited a couple's house who had 24 cats. The vet who was talking to the couple and she went into the room where the catboxes were, and commented on the smell, and she had handheld meter that she set down on the floor. It measured ammonia in the air.
Avatar n tn Within 4 months I had gained around 60 pounds (went from 240 to 300) and the skin around the shaft of my penis began tightening over the head. A year later and now the head is buried inside the skin. I can no longer have sex or even urinate standing up. This condition has really taken a toll on me emotionally and physically. What can I do to correct this?
Avatar n tn Hi, I noticed you answered a question for a woman who's son was born with a buried penis. My son got one right after circumcision at birth. He is now over a year old and still has a buried/trapped penis following circumcision. He was born lean and 2.5 weeks early at 7 lbs. There was no fat pad that we noticed at birth and his penis was normal when he was born - Gomco clamp was used. Immediately after the circ, it retracted like an innie belly button.
Avatar n tn my left eye is feeling very watery and i am not sure if my floater has increased.also my left eye orbital area is paining when i concentrate hard.Will this episode of intense light entering my eye harm me in any fashion.please guide.
Avatar f tn m 34 weeks and I wanna b thrilled about my little girl coming but it seems like every terrible thing that can happen has happened and keep happening. Last year I buried my grandmother, my grandfather, and my little brother. All within a few months time and as recent as christmas. Now my dad's cancer has come back for the 4th time after 3 years of fighting it...and it has metastasized. I don't even know if he will b alive for my daughter to be born.
Avatar f tn So.... my husband's parents are hoarders and I've never been to their house but our daughter has. She's 3 years old. We have a little boy on the way and I just don't know if I want my kids going over there especially if I'm not allowed to.. Idk how bad the situation is and I know my husband is embarrassed. I've never talked to my in laws about it. They make me uncomfortable as is. I have been distant from them for the last couple months.
Avatar m tn Your case appears too complicated to be understood by layman. You need doctors to guide you in your problem.Surgeons, urologist and psychologist may discuss your case to come to some prognosis. I hop you meet someone to help you to come out of this problem.
Avatar f tn I had sex with a girl I met from Internet. She gave me unprotected oral and had single episode of unprotected sex for a minute. I m worried about getting hsv 1&2.. is it possible to get STD with this encounter?
765828 tn?1306263868 What are you supposed to do during a manic episode? The only information available seems to be on preventing and maintaining them. For the last few months, I've been in a progressive manic state, but over the weekend, I thought I was doing better. Right now I feel like all that time building up has been jammed into this one day. I called my psychiatrist but the soonest available appointment isn't until March 11th.
Avatar m tn I feel bad for all the folks this this affected. But really... what do ya do? There're only (2) options, as I see it: 1) Make peace with the fact that when it's your time, it's your time, and happily live your life until Mother-Nature comes knocking on your door (and subsequently buries you under 25ft of mud) OR 2) Move Brice... I hope you never get caught in one of these things.
Avatar f tn So I've decided that this relationship isn't worth it anymore. He may be the father of this child but he has done nothing to show he wants her except talk about her. My parents and I have bought basically everything and then some for her and he's maybe bought one outfit? He's not clean. He rarely does laundry for himself. Never cleans his place. There's animal feces all over the floor in one room. I feel like I'm on an episode of hoarding buried alive!
Avatar m tn It is very difficult to know anything based on what you posted. First, lab ranges even for the different labs in the US differ so without ranges - have no idea if you are low, high or normal. Second - no idea if you are sick or how you are sick. The tests run are not really run for adrenal except DHEA (and that is really more of an adrogen - e.g. it converts to testosterone and estrogen) so not sure why it belongs in this forum.
Avatar n tn now i am in 3rd month amenotic fluid is low.
Avatar m tn weakness,tired,confused,non tolerance of exercise,muscle weakness,sleep of headache, Taking only Metformin . You can please guide.