
Heat wave france 2010

Common Questions and Answers about Heat wave france 2010


Avatar f tn So who all is experiencing a heat wave where they live, and who has felt like complete crap since it started?
Avatar f tn No heat wave this year but last year it was horrible, and its very dangerous to get a heat stroke, but in Montreal they have a heat wave and humidity its horrible, and that his not a good combination for me because Im allergic to water and my own sweet so I can't do anything :(
956292 tn?1334054869 You will see many people jump on "having to have GAD contrast." In reality, it will only show lesions that have developed as a reult of a breakdown in the blood brain barrier (BBB) is the last 40 days prior to the study. Your "flare" during the heat wave of 2010 probably does't count as a flare. Exacerbations brought on by heat, exercise or fever are typically termed "Pseudo exacerbations." With 20 lesions, I'm not sure what your Neuro is waiting for.
Avatar f tn But in my country the guidelines said that a 4th generation test negative 6 weeks post exposure without any other risk is conclusive ( 4months in case of a pep ). In France, doctors sais that in 10 years they never saw a negative test at 6 weeks turning positive later. My questions are just followings : 1-Is there someone here that was negative with a 4th generation test at 6 weeks and turned positive later ? 2- How do we know if we are immuno-depressed ?
Avatar f tn The wave of heat can't be a normal hot flash. I had a hysterectomy at age 33. I'm 64. I turn my heat down to at least 63 or 64 at night. It's cool in my room. Every morning as soon as I open my eyes the heat starts. Seems like it starts from my core. It only lasts maybe a minute. I have to throw off the covers and stick my leg out. Sometimes I can almost break a sweat during the heat wave. After it stops I get really cold and have to cover back up. It does not happen any other time.
Avatar m tn Yesterday night i was making a pizza When i open the oven door a heat wave come in My face and eyes . I immediately close the eyes but this was after the wave ,now my vision is normal and the eyes also look normal but I feel something weird on the eyes like a small burning sensation and some head ache maybe I guess the head ache can be that I got nervous . This have never happened to me and I didn’t make anything different or I put my face really near the oven the heat wave just came .
Avatar f tn Communities People What would cause a wave of heat to come over me immediately when I wake up? MammaW273 6 mins The wave of heat can't be a normal hot flash. I had a hysterectomy at age 33. I'm 64. I turn my heat down to at least 63 or 64 at night. It's cool in my room. Every morning as soon as I open my eyes the heat starts. Seems like it starts from my core. It only lasts maybe a minute. I have to throw off the covers and stick my leg out.
Avatar f tn Thank God this heat wave has finally broken. The heat was making me sick.
400099 tn?1282954864 I got waaay overheated before we got an air conditioner put in. Heat wave struck. Anyway, my hand and most of my arm is half numb and tingling. Almost like I'm holding an electrical cord. Anyone else ever have this? It's making me nervous. You know...what now?
Avatar m tn IV and oral were taken for 7 weeks, Strong herx after 2-3days. No test has been positive in uk or France for Lyme or any other CNS disease, diagnosed with probable MS in France after not very good Q'clinical questioning by neurologist.
498948 tn?1253055841 If Greenwich Time zone is the last?? time zone to celebrate New Years at midnight, would the eastern part of Greenland be the first to celebrate, then Brazil? Am I moving in the right direction? It would be interesting to see a thread move around the world as each person reaches midnight. Kind of like doing the "giant wave" at a baseball game. So do we have anyone from Greenland that could start this thread at your midnight? Any takers out there??
Avatar m tn Other factors to consider, I had been wearing a rather tight muscle shirt of nylon and running and cycling in 90 degree heat every day during this time frame, on the Friday after my mild fevers I cycled approx 20 miles in 90 degree heat and felt fine afterwards)- being in Florida during August with high humidity I sweated profusely on a daily basis during this training (Saturday I ran about 10 miles in the late morning in heat, humidity and sun and Sunday I cycled about 10 miles same heat and
Avatar f tn Are any of you guys from los Angeles? And is this heat wave driving you insane?
Avatar f tn According to new research out of Columbia University, however, last year’s heat wave may be nothing compared to what’s just around the corner. Researchers at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory predict that a megadrought, the likes of which haven’t been experienced since the 12th century, could hit planet Earth within the next eight years, and it might never leave [PDF]. The cause?
4476031 tn?1374200674 Ive been stuck home all week thanx yo this crazy heat wave.
Avatar m tn 5mg once per day. By may 1, 2010 all liver functions back to normal. I stopped taking baraclude in December of 2010. How long do I have before my liver crashes again. I was so sick of having to rely on medication for survival. Is this normal for me to feel this way? Although I show no signs of being sick, I can't help but feel that I am on borrowed time. I don't know if I can force myself to take medication as an alternative to death. Please help me.
Avatar f tn I recently had a nuclear stress study done on june 29, 2010 I was scheduled for a pacemaker device change on june 23 2010 and it was cancelled due to an abnormal stress study in which the words used arepoor r-wave progression, chest attenuation, moderate sized perfusion defect mildly decreased tracer of the mid and distal anterior wall and apex, moderate peri infarct ischemia, and mild global hypokensis. LVEF of 43% Today i had an echo study July 14, 2010 and will not be seeing my Dr.
Avatar f tn I experienced the itchies but can not remember if it was due to heat..When we had a heat wave here last summmer, I got a dose of extreme fatigue and weakness in legs with burning up both shins..I could barely stand up I was so weak and tired...Don't know if it relates..
764912 tn?1322711843 Seasonal allergies really seem to contribute my migraines. Extreme heat can also trigger my migraines. Also, many summer activities such as mountain climbing/hiking or sitting/lying around in the sun for too long can trigger my migraines or make them worse. When it goes from heat to rain, that almost always triggers a migraine for me, and that can happen quite a bit around where I live.
Avatar m tn You can make yourself an Oral Rehydration Drink to sip on during this heat wave. 5 cups water, 1 tsp. salt, 1 Tbs. sugar and a pinch of baking soda. Or drink some watered-down Gator Aid or Pedialite. Please take care of yourself. This heat wave has caused a lot of problems for people who aren't used to this type of weather. Some end up in the hospital with heat stroke, heat exhaustion or dehydration.