
Heat rash eczema

Common Questions and Answers about Heat rash eczema


338963 tn?1253660822 my son has eczema since he was 3 weeks old..he also has heat rash at the same time which at first i confused between the two. I now learnt which part of his skin that has eczema and which part doesnt. And yes, eczema should exhibit dry patches on the skin that felt rough to the touch while heat rashes are pimply. My son eczena started out on the cheek and later it gets on the head and on his back. Eczema on the head will exhibit yellow crust which what they call craddle cap?
Avatar f tn I'm from California n this 90-100¤ weather is giving me a heat rash it's down my thighs and ice packs help...anyone else get rashes?
Avatar m tn Also all these spots seem to be raised up slightly above the skin and the turn red around the edges when I get hot. I have been told heat rash before, but i thought it was localized to persistently sweaty areas and that it goes away anywhere from like 4-48 hours. Also with sun spots I always thought they went away after a good winter and you lose your tan and start again, besides sunspots definitely aren't supposed to itch, swell, and turn red.
Avatar n tn Sounds like it could be eczema or heat rash. If it spreads, or the symptoms get worse, see a doctor.
Avatar n tn Every Winter since I was about 13 and got Pityrisis Rosea I have gotten this very very itchy rash. At first I thought it was just a heat rash and so did my parents but now i'm 21 and it's still happening. I also just had my son last year and he has gotten the rash again this year for the second time. Aveeno helps for about 20 minutes and then it's just itching. I literally wake up from a dead sleep from scratching myself.
Avatar n tn Hello, I cannot confirm anything without examination but it can be eczema or heat rash. Eczema is a form of chronic dermatitis (rash).Allergic reaction is one of the important causes of eczema. Allergic reaction can occur to strong soaps, Solvents, chemicals, certain foods, food additives, plants, metals, cosmetics, even urine and faeces of some animals (dust mites). I feel that you should consult a pediatrician and discuss it with him. Hope it helps.
Avatar n tn I have dry bumps throughout my arms kinda looks like a rash. Is this eczema or a heat rash?
Avatar m tn The size of rash, type of rash, color of rash and associated symptoms all are necessary to be known before diagnosing any condition. Contact dermatitis, Psoriasis, heat rash, chicken pox all can cause rashes in these areas of the body. Other possibilities are candidiasis, fungal infections, parasitic infestations like scabies etc. In herpes there is a cluster of vesicles on a red base. In moist areas like the vagina it may cause ulcerations. Consult a dermatologist for a better evaluation.
Avatar m tn Hello, From the symptoms chances are less likely that it is eczema because rash of eczema does not spread. Fungal rash have a property of spreading to other parts of body. However to confirm the diagnosis, it is advisable to get a KOH examination of the skin scrapings done. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar f tn I am getting allergy shots from my allergy doctor. I’m thinking it’s eczema. Hot water and heat makes it worse.
Avatar f tn Hello. I'm a 30 years old female. I've been having a skin problem and I really want to know what it is. Here's how whole thing started: - One day I noticed red rashes on my arms and legs after doing yard work (June 2010) - I saw a general doctor and took antihistamine. No progress. I took antibiotics (bactrim) for one week but I got a terrible drug rash from it. - The hospital finally let me see a dermatologist.
9807151 tn?1406762059 I also have bumps everywhere they itch so bad but I don't know if it a heat rash or something.
Avatar f tn Not STD. Not heat rash, either, probably, as those are just irritating and then go away. Probably just chafing. Not a place likely to get eczema. You might need a better pair of bicycle shorts. I used to get friction rashes all the time in that area from running. If it was just itching and not red, it might be ringworm, or jock itch. That's a fungal infection, but those are more likely in the edges of your pubic area where it's nice and moist.
Avatar n tn t have any major rashs anywhere else a few little spots heat and there tho) my itchiness stopped but the rash has never fully gone. Its 99% clear until i masturbate then it well come back straight a way when i ejaculate. i have stopped washing it with soap which has helped heaps and i have started washing my penis with salt water which also helps, but it wont fully go away, please help what is this. am i allergic to my seaman, yeast infection std, eczema?
Avatar n tn It's hard to know how to fix it, if you don't know the source. It could be hives, an allergic reaction, heat rash, eczema, or many other possibilities- lots of conditions are itchy rashes. I'd have the rash looked at by a doctor so they can see it in person and ask some more detailed medical questions in order to determine the source.
Avatar n tn From the description it seems that the cause for itch is a rash which can be eczematous, dermatitis (atopic, contact, and allergic), heat rash, excessive sweating, folliculitis, or psoriasis, infection (tinea) or some medical condition like SLE. Urticaria, also commonly called hives may be related to allergy, stress (emotional/physical), heat, cold or exercise. You should try moisturizing lotions and some over-the-counter antihistaminics like cetirizine or loratidine.
Avatar n tn That's what I'm thinking, Mom, or a friction rash.
Avatar n tn Pityriasis rosea is a common human skin disease which presents as numerous patches of pink or red oval rash. The rash may be accompanied by low-grade headache, fever, nausea and fatigue and sometimes by itching. No treatment is usually required. In most patients, the condition lasts only a matter of weeks or months(upto six months) If the rash persists then it will be best to get it evaluated from a dermatologist.Other possibilities have to be ruled out then. Hope it helps.
20668025 tn?1503261651 My initial suspicion was heat rash or eczema. None of the rashes appear to be bumpy. The rash on my neck has a long welt where I believe I scratched it Thursday and the rashes on my arms have inflammed since Thursday due to excessive scratching. The skin irritation doesnt appear to hurt much but is definitely itchy and somewhat sore.
Avatar m tn Hi, I have a strange rash on the inside of my left thigh. They don't hurt, but there are clusters of bumps that itch. They've been there for about a couple of weeks now and they haven't spread to any other location.
Avatar m tn I am a 31 yr old female. For the past few weeks I have had a rash on the folds of my groin area and the inside of my thighs. It comes and goes and I think it is affected by the heat (S. Florida - yuck!). It is red, burning, streaky, and has a sharp odor. When it flares up I use a diaper rash cocoa butter cream at night. It is pretty thick so I suffer during the day if it appears. The lotion helps at times; last night it did not.