
Heartburn causes wine

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn causes wine


351724 tn?1267537018 what causes LUQ pain/ burning sensation that radiates to the side and back and a buldging feeling just below ribcage? also i think alcohol might of triggered it , because ive been getting this feeling for the last 3 yrs it comes and goes . and i have tried so hard to see what causes it and so far nothing that i know of except i did have a few drinks 2wks ago and thats when it started ,also when it did i got real bad gas, heartburn , belching ,bloated feeling . im not a heavy drinker .
Avatar f tn I'm not a big drinker. Occasionally I liked a glass of wine every no and then. So, I've stopped that period. And just was wondering what is the con census about wine while pregnant? I miss the taste.
Avatar f tn It has to be red wine is what my doctor told me. I drink a little glass a couple times a week.
Avatar m tn This can be due to gastritis or hyperacidity or heartburn. Pepto-Bismol is an over-the-counter drug used for treatment of nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhoea, and other temporary discomforts of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Ginger ale is often used as a home remedy to alleviate indigestion or motion sickness. Hence you can take them and once you feel slightly better you can get antacids and anti-emetics form the pharmacy. Hope this helps.
Avatar f tn I'm sorry about the heartburn, I never had that! My mother suffers from bad heartburn and she is on RX meds also! One thing the Doctor told her was to sleep with her head raised! She actually put a 2X4 under the bed post to raise the head of the bed! She thinks this helps! Your emotions will be all over the place for a while! Mine still are! It's really good to let them surface! Cry, if you feel like it! Get mad! This is a good thing to get your emotions out!
Avatar f tn do not lay down for an hr after eating n eat SMALL portion meals too much food sitting in ur stomach causes the acid in ur stomach to *** up which causes heartburn.. no spicy food nothin acidic!!
10052319 tn?1408978714 So idk about u girls but i heard i cup of wine is ok for pregnant women ?
Avatar f tn A glass of wine... ok maybe 2! Sushi! Rare steak oh and to sleep without waking up aching!
Avatar m tn Red meats regardless of being organic can be diff to digest, and if u r having issues will take a while to move thru the digestive track. Dairy can also slow an already slow LES..allowing acids to move up into the it is suggested u not eat too much dairy later in the day to allow the LES to close. Chewing gum can help as it causes more saliva to be produced and the saliva helps break down the acids.
993545 tn?1249456679 This is an area where medication definitely makes the situation worse in the long run. And whether Buspar causes heartburn or not, anxiety can and often does cause digestive problems. Buspar more often causes nothing, including effects on anxiety, but hope you're one of the ones getting benefit from it. If not, it's the Buspar. Hasn't proven effective.
Avatar f tn @moe if you want a glass of wine by all means girl have you a glass of wine. Lol don't let others make you feel bad or wrong for doing so. Because at the end of the say It's your body and your baby. Opinions are like assholes...
Avatar f tn Seeing my bf hold him for the first time.. its probably going to make me cry .
Avatar f tn I am ftm @ 15wks 3 days with twins. I have severe heartburn. Anything I eat or drink causes heartburn. I haven't ate since 6pm this evening and its now 1152 pm and my heartburn will not let me go to sleep. Do any of you suffer from this and what is recommended.
Avatar m tn Do any of you know what is meant by caffiene or alcohol, or drugs can cause PVC's? DO they mean that prior use could cause PVC's some time later or that while using and having those substances in your systems cuase PVCs? I regularly drink caffiene, occasional (sometimes heavy) drink alcohol, and I dabbled in drugs in my younger years.
Avatar f tn Most of the time acid/heartburn is from the foods you eat plus baby pushes everything up and it causes it too I had heartburn every single day from 5 months till I had my daughter she had a head full of thick long black hair but doesn't mean it's true