Heartburn causes overweight

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn causes overweight


Avatar f tn I am also overweight. I was very worried that I wasn't slim prior to getting pregnant but I am happy and healthy to date. I started at 224 and now at 31 weeks and days I am at 240 and have been that weight for about a month. I have stayed very active (exercise and frequent walks) and changed my diet completely to try and avoid Gestational diabetes and other complications.
Avatar n tn Should the combination of below (numbered 1 thru 18) symptoms, causes and risk factors documented in my medical records alert a physician to have a patient do a sleep study? I'm 100% convinced that my sleep apnea developed around 1990. 1. Nasal Congestion/Obstructions: (Allergic Rhinitis- 8/17/84; Flu and Gastritis- 5/87, flu/Pneumonia- 9/87; Bronchitis- 390; flu- 10/90; reported symptoms of allergy- 2/97) 2.
Avatar m tn what are other causes for the pancreas to become inflammed, to the point the pain sent me to the hospital, other than booze as I haven't drank heavily for years and now only have 1 or 2 drinks a month if that. the Doctors are persistant in saying that this is alcohol related but, I haven't had a drink in three weeks prior to this incodent. Please help me to understand!!! This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/522945'>pancreatitius</a>.
795866 tn?1272168354 m sixteen years old and i am kinda of overweight but nothing too bad, but onto my question. i had heartburn all night because i had spicy tacos, and as i was sleeping i had pains in the middle of my chest and it felt like pins were sticking me. it didn't really wake me up it just like really really hurt, and i have never had that feeling before when i had heartburn and so i was wondering what does it sound like to you?
Avatar m tn ve been taking an anti heartburn medication and it seems to have helped a bit but the heartburn more often than not comes back. Is this something I should look in to? Could it be signs of something bigger?
Avatar f tn do not lay down for an hr after eating n eat SMALL portion meals too much food sitting in ur stomach causes the acid in ur stomach to *** up which causes heartburn.. no spicy food nothin acidic!!
Avatar m tn I think you're beginning to experience reflux disease, which is also known as GERD. There is a community here specifically for GERD. I was your age when I first began to experience GERD symptoms.
993545 tn?1249456679 This is an area where medication definitely makes the situation worse in the long run. And whether Buspar causes heartburn or not, anxiety can and often does cause digestive problems. Buspar more often causes nothing, including effects on anxiety, but hope you're one of the ones getting benefit from it. If not, it's the Buspar. Hasn't proven effective.
Avatar f tn He doesnt want someone to have to push out a 9 pounder bc he says it makes the mother tired quicker and causes complications. I know bigger females that have had big babies but I also know bigger females that have tiny babies. I know this woman that is over 240 and both of her babies were under 7lbs.
Avatar n tn At times his heart slows way down . He is not overweight. He is at 120 lbs. Dr took x-rays and blood work. Said his cholesterol is high and he needs to go to dietitian. He has bad heartburn so the dr increased his prilosec. He is supposed to go to a specialist, but the appointment isn't until the 26th of Jan. I am worried. Any ideas?
Avatar f tn Went to the doc's yesterday and she said i was overweight. Before being pregnant i weighed 112 now im 150 i gained 37 pounds. Im past the average by 15 pounds. She said I will have a hard time during labor because im making a big baby, also I wont be able to have natural birth because baby's to big and will get c section and labor is harder for overweight mothers.
Avatar f tn Well I started out 20 lbs heavier than what I wanted to be when I found out I was preg. For me pregnancy is horrible (morning sickness, constipation, heartburn) if I don't eat super healthy. So I end up not gaining much because of that. So just eat what will make your body feel good. I ate a lot of fruit and veggies cuz they didn't make me sick. And I ate 5-6 times a day, small amounts to avoid heartburn. And I drank lots of water. You'll know what your body needs.
Avatar m tn Generally, if your hbv dna is very low, your ALT you should normal. If your ALT is elevated, it can be due to other causes such as fatty liver. I copy some information regarding burning sensation in stomach: http://www.md-health.com/Burning-Sensation-In-Stomach.html Burning Sensation in Stomach A burning sensation in the stomach can be a sign of digestive problems like gastritis, GERD, food allergies or intolerances, or emotional stress.
Avatar n tn I would not experience heartburn in the moment, though I do have history of heartburn. I do not eat at least two hours before bedtime. I do not feel out of breath, but it feels like it is difficult to breathe. To get relief, I usually have to lie on my side (left is better than right side). I sometimes do experience left shoulder pain along with chest pressure. Sometimes, I feel deep burning like pain in the middle of the chest, but it feels different than heartburn.
Avatar f tn I am ftm @ 15wks 3 days with twins. I have severe heartburn. Anything I eat or drink causes heartburn. I haven't ate since 6pm this evening and its now 1152 pm and my heartburn will not let me go to sleep. Do any of you suffer from this and what is recommended.
Avatar f tn Most of the time acid/heartburn is from the foods you eat plus baby pushes everything up and it causes it too I had heartburn every single day from 5 months till I had my daughter she had a head full of thick long black hair but doesn't mean it's true
Avatar n tn ( Try bot to lay down right after a meal either, that can aggravate heartburn symptoms.
11306955 tn?1417053458 can anyone tell me if heartburn can cause palpitation, sweating, anxiety and dizzy spell? please =( i'm so afraid and tired of this condition.
Avatar f tn m 19 weeks pregnant and I have had a terrible head cold (coughing,sneezing, sore throat and a runny nose). But on top of it all I have had horrible heartburn does any one know.of.any home remedies to help.with this?
Avatar f tn for many years now I would develop severe leg pain and stiffness during July(why July? who knows) I am overweight and just fig it was from increased summer activity and arthritis.. but every year the boutsare lasting longer and pain is worse..This year it has yet to stop.. I finally gave up and told doctor I needed help..no amt of pain med is helping..
Avatar f tn I have had acid reflux before, and so had my father. I am overweight and I know this and I am trying to take control over this now. Recently it seems that I have been (burping even more often) My throat is tight often hurts to talk sometimes and I cough a lot (this has been going on for a while but I did not know what it was and did not ask a doctor about this. I don't know why I haven't. Now I am freaking out and am scared and do not know what to do...
Avatar f tn Several years ago I was diagnosed with reflux because of my excessive burping. I was put on Protonix. It never seemed to work all that well but whenever I tried to go off it I had horrible heartburn. I am to point now that I really want off it but can't stand the heartburn. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn ears too. Never after eating or any heartburn. My PCP had me do all the heart tests. All neg. after an endoscopy, ultrasound & HIDA scan, I have Barrett’s esophagus, hiatal hernia, gallstones & an EF rate of 7%. My only symptom is the chest pain that lasts about 10 min. Sometimes 2-3 times a week or a week or two in between. I am 54 & overweight (220); i wonder if diet could help instead of surgery? A lot of scary comments on here about the surgery.