
Heartburn causes and solutions

Common Questions and Answers about Heartburn causes and solutions


Avatar f tn I have started having severe heartburn in my throat and esophagus and am asking if the accumulative drops can be causing the severe heartburn ? Thanks for any information about this.
Avatar f tn Anybody have any solutions for heartburn? Up until the last coupla days, I've never had heartburn. Any suggestions would help. Thanks in advance.
1936698 tn?1333915193 ve tried every home remedy in the book and nothing seemed to stop heartburn for me, I just learned to live with it and avoid anything and everything that triggers it.
Avatar f tn 25 weeks in and heartburn for the last three days like crazy any solutions and how often i know its because she has a head full of hair but will i do this every day or what
Avatar f tn I had heartburn with my first son and he came out damn near bald lol. I have some heartburn with this one to. We shall see how much hair he will have.
Avatar f tn I was diagnosed with acid reflux years ago so I have been on medication for heartburn for quite a while. when I found out I was pregnant the doctor took me off of my medication so the heartburn is back ten times worse due to being pregnant. the doctor told me I can take Tums or Rolaids or Maalox and none of it seems to work, I'm popping Tums and Rolaids every 5 minutes its horrible does anybody have any solutions?
Avatar f tn It's such a nightmare its just as the baby grows it pushes Ur stomach and other organs closer together and its all squished up I had it real bad and couldn't sleep then my midwife prescribed me peptac liquid its good for women when pregnant and breastfeeding it help soothe the your stomach and stop heart burn and.
Avatar f tn ve never noticed before) is too much on my esophagus and really bothering my heartburn then in turn leads to nausea. Anyone else out there?? Solutions?? I don't know if a sports bra will help because the bands are snug and also, anyone who is big busted will know that sports bras make your boobs look like a loaf of bread!
Avatar f tn I know anxiety impacts our stomachs and digestive tracts, but not sure it causes heartburn. Have you tried things like Tums to help with the heart burn? Have you addressed this with your doctor? You truly need to "accept" that your heart is fine. I know it's hard to do this, but this constant worry and fear is fueling your anxiety and keeping it going strong. Heartburn is easily treated, you should see your doctor regarding this, and for peace of mind. Take care.
Avatar f tn Any tips on how to get rid of heartburn quick!? Can't sleep and it's freaking me out!!
Avatar f tn I'm 16 years old and I was diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) in July. Since then, I have been on Tapazole (10 Mg, 3x/day). When I was first diagnosed, my T3 was 669; my T4 was 4.5 and my TSI was at 350. I was essentially asymptomatic. Now, my thyroid hormone levels are normal, but my TSI is slowly decreasing (it's 325 now). Lately, I've been having severe heartburn. I eat a snack when I come home from school and that's all.
Avatar f tn ve tried indigestion tablets, solutions and changing my diet but it is chronic and has been going on for a long time. There is no heartburn or reflux, just a very full, heavy feeling in my stomach, pain, nausea and feeling full even when I haven't eaten much. I have crohn's disease, coeliac disease, pancreatic insufficiency and no longer have a gallbladder. My diet and medications have not changed recently so are unlikely to be causing the new indigestion extremes. Thanks.
993545 tn?1249456679 This is an area where medication definitely makes the situation worse in the long run. And whether Buspar causes heartburn or not, anxiety can and often does cause digestive problems. Buspar more often causes nothing, including effects on anxiety, but hope you're one of the ones getting benefit from it. If not, it's the Buspar. Hasn't proven effective.
6765322 tn?1395814235 Milk and Tums work for me - especially the milk. The dairy coats the inside of your esophagus and creates a "barrier" of sorts between your esophagus and the stomach acid that causes heartburn. It doesn't work for everyone, but its worth a shot...
Avatar f tn Mvp, calicification, regurgiation --- and heart burn --- these are causes. Chest pain and palpiations require a visit to the doctor so that you can under stand cause. Usually, there is nothing to worry about. Be careful.
Avatar f tn My husband and i haven't been able to have sex for but over a month without me being in pain and having brown discharge afterwards. Prior to being with my husband. Ontop of that i have pgp which causes me to feel pain in my pelvic area. He's getting very impatient and Im not sure what to do you?
Avatar n tn A couple days ago I had really horrible heartburn, I took some alka-seltzer for it and it eventually went away but even after it went away I've had a really bad stomach ache remaining and after anything I eat i feel nauseous and have thrown up a couple times as well. Can anyone tell me what it may be that i have or how i can treat it?
Avatar f tn Have you looked at the signs and symptoms of GERD or GORD. This is chronic reflux which causes heatburn and gas. Increased stomach acid after eating exacerbates symptoms as does the sleeping position. Usually the GP will prescribe PPI's like Omeprazole. If you aint happy taking meds, try some lifestyle changes. Google GERD and GORD though and you'll get some good info.
Avatar m tn I was taking these for 3 days and the hives and heartburn have gone away. Every now and then I can feel the heartburn and I resume the meds. I do not take them everyday now because I do not want my body to get use to the meds. And I also avoid foods, drinks and other products that contain sulfites.
Avatar f tn com/health/gallbladder-removal-diet#foods-to-eat I have read that peanut butter causes gas and that is part of the pain and discomfort. ?? Not sure though. I found a low sugar, natural peanut butter that works for me okay.
Avatar m tn Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, can be a major burden that causes heartburn, dysphagia, sore throat and acid reflux. Fortunately there are preventative methods such as lower esophageal sphincter exercises and medications that can help with your GERD. .Prevention and Lifestyle According to The Mayo Clinic, several different issues cause weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter due to GERD. However, some of these common risk factors are easy to control through prevention.
Avatar m tn This hunger could be related to GERD, gastritis or peptic ulcers. Aside GI causes, increased hunger could also result from hormonal/ endocrine and neurological causes. I would suggest consulting a gastroenterologist for a detailed evaluation and suggestion of an appropriate management plan. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar n tn It is a burning sensation that radiates up from the stomach to the chest and throat. Heartburn is most likely to occur in connection with the following activities: * After a heavy meal. * Bending over. * Lifting. * Lying down, particularly on the back. According to one study, nearly three-quarters of patients with frequent GERD symptoms experience them at night.
Avatar n tn Try using an all natural, fragrance free, facial cleanser 3x daily. A common symptom in pregnancy causes us to produce more pore clogging and oillyness. I was lucky to only go through that phase for two months hope this helps just hang in there I know it *****.
Avatar f tn I am ftm @ 15wks 3 days with twins. I have severe heartburn. Anything I eat or drink causes heartburn. I haven't ate since 6pm this evening and its now 1152 pm and my heartburn will not let me go to sleep. Do any of you suffer from this and what is recommended.
Avatar f tn Most of the time acid/heartburn is from the foods you eat plus baby pushes everything up and it causes it too I had heartburn every single day from 5 months till I had my daughter she had a head full of thick long black hair but doesn't mean it's true