
Fosamax gastric bypass

Common Questions and Answers about Fosamax gastric bypass


Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery 3 years ago. My PTH was 101 in June 09, and now in Aug 09 has elevated to 141. My calcium levels have been normal. (None done since June 09). My Vit D is also normal at 55 in June 09. I developed osteopenia in 2008, one year past GBS(rou-en-y). in 2009 my numbers had worsened by 5%, even with Boniva, then Fosamax. I have many of the symptoms of hyperparathyroid, most notably new dx of A-Fib in the last year. What should I do? Should I be concerned?
Avatar n tn 2 out years out from gastric bypass. For about 3weeks now I have had terrible heart burn. Constant burning. Any ideas?
690240 tn?1227301359 my wife has had the gastric-bypass back in july of 2008, how will the gastric bypass affect her sex drive.
Avatar m tn Im six years out from a true gastric bypass. I have kept my weight off and have done well. I've had lots of problem with my legs though. I had two knee replacements last year. Because of a lack of ability to take any NSAIDS, I ended up on methadone and narco. Now I'm trying to get off of it all. I would love to take one of those Aleve. Every time I take something, even if it's with nexium or prevacid, my stomach hurts. I feel really hungry and it starts a carbohydrate cycle.
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Weight-Loss-Alternatives/Distal-Gastric-Bypass-Mal-absorption-problem/show/2140794">Distal Gastric Bypass Mal-absorption problem.</a> was started.
Avatar f tn I had a scope about 2 months ago and now I have been told since I have esophageal and reflux I that I need gastric bypass. my surgery is set for June 20th. I am very comprehensive knowing I need bypass. After reading comments with problems from gastric bypass, why would this be the best method? I didn't know of any issues with reflux. I have never had problems in the past.
Avatar n tn anyone on here had gastric bypass and if so have yall found that we dont absorb meds like we used to
Avatar f tn Before they do a surgery like gastric bypass you have to loose a certain amount of weight before they will work on you. My mom had it done about 5 years ago and she was on a strict diet plan..its expensive and I believe with diet and exercise you can achieve the same results..
553970 tn?1215380533 Hi there...this is not the gastric bypass forum so unfortunately we would not be able to help you out with that. Also, on the may want to google that not too sure. If you click on forums on the top of the screen I believe there is a forum for weight loss surgeries and I believe you would get alot more responses there! Best of luck to you!
563738 tn?1217064910 Yes, gastric bypass is effective. Yes, it can help you. Yes, its major surgery with implications for you for the rest of your life. It can be a life saver, or a source of misery for many years. Before deciding, have a consult with some reputable surgeons and interview former patients. Many have preop classes you can go to.
Avatar n tn hi i had gastric bypass 9 yrs ago and now see a pain management dr for pain and i wonder if the reason the pain meds dont work is because they aremt liquid and we just dont absorb meds or anything very well for that matter is there anything yuo think that i could ask for pain that may come in a liquid for or maybe i have to have something stronger iam on loritab 10 i take 5 a day with no reliefl
Avatar m tn "there's something about the surgery all by itself that cures the diabetes." I disagree with the above statement as well as these doctors. "With some operations like gastric bypass or similar procedures, the remission of diabetes symptoms is very quick after surgery, which even precedes the weight loss," said Dr. Francesco Rubino, a surgeon at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
Avatar f tn Hi im just wondering if theres anybody on here who has had gastric bypass or any weight loss surgery? Just want to know what kinda pain meds you take cause i have migraines and it feels terrible to not be able to take even tylenol. Gastric bypass pts cant take any other pain meds except tramadol& im tempted to take one. Plus i have a 2 ina half year old daughter so i feel bad that i she has to see me feeling crappy. Anybody?
Avatar f tn I had the gastric bypass due to diabetes. I am currently on the butrane patch and oxycod/acetamin 7.5 mg. The oxy are not working at all and believe due to the gastric bypass my body is not absorbing it right. Thank you for any suggestions.
3660320 tn?1347816593 I had Gastric Bypass and am not allowed Nsaids and I react badly to Aspertame and sugar free now. Any ideas what I can take?
Avatar f tn I had a gastric bypass surgery in Jan'04 & so far i have been pretty healthy(despite not following all dr instructions). But about 8 years ago i began suffering from some severe mental health issues which have only worsened over the years. At the beginning, in order to cope i started drinking, and i went from being a person who drank 1 or 2x a yr to being a 24/7 drinker that required a medical detox so i would sieze out and die.
3106099 tn?1341488881 I had an RNY gastric bypass 2 years ago and have lost 130lbs. I just found out I am pregnant finally after trying for so long. Is my pregnancy going to be harder due to the surgery?
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery 14 years ago. In the past 2 weeks I have felt like there is something stuck in my stomach. Sort of similar to not chewing something large and swallowing it. Is this something common with gastric bypass at all or something else I should worry about? No fever but on occasion I do get a sharon pain under my rib and feel like I could belch a lot.
611067 tn?1458591483 One of the reasons that I had to use Lortab for my pain when I had the rotator cuff problem and the spinal problem was that years ago I had gastric bypass surgery. Well, we're not supposed to use NSAIDS for pain and tylenol does nothing for me. The reason is that my stomach is now just a pouch and does not have the gastric juices to protect the pouch. If use use Ibuprofen, Naproxin or Asprin for pain, it can cause ulcers or even a hole to form in the pouch.
Avatar f tn I had gastric bypass surgery in 1981. Recently I have been losing weight in leaps and bounds and my dr is afraid I may have blockage down near my stomach and if I'm not better by my next appt, he is going to send my to a Gastroenterologist. See I would eat and then throw up. Today I am fine, but the day is young. I have been taking nausea meds and also cough meds today and they seem to have helped. Could someone help if they have ever had this problem before.
Pig Am curious bout Gastric Bypass surgery. I have put on 35 pounds even though have lost bout 70. I know diet is important but am thinking bout doing Gastric Bypass to help me lose the weight. Have to get down to atleast 150lbs. Is there a weight requirement that have to be in or if less than 100 lbs wont do it? Or are there other options that could help with diet and exercise?
Avatar n tn I had gastric bypass almost four years ago. A few months after surgery I had some complications with pain, heart burn and nasuea. After tests, no problem was found and it was suspected that I had an ulcer. This got somewhat better, but over the next few months I had several bouts with acid reflux at night where acid came up in my throat and into my lungs. It would usually take several days to recoup from these episodes.
870200 tn?1240459551 I have a close friend that had laparoscopy surgery, having a gastric bypass. She had a bile leak and she is now in ICU heavily sedated on a respirator, her pancreas has shut down and she has this black liquid coming out of her mouth. What are her chances of recovery? and what kind of complications will she have?
Avatar f tn I am over 2 years post op gastric bypass and suffering. I have been going back and forth to many different doctors but so far we haven't been able to figure things out. I suffer in terrible pain and the pain pills aren't working anymore. I have constant vomiting, diarhhea and pain. This isn't living. I have had CT, x ray, small bowel study, MRI, exploratory surgery, gall bladder removed, hernia repair, stricture repair and mutliple scopes - still in pain though!
Avatar n tn I have heard similar comments and have wondered the same thing. Has anyone heard that some gastric bypass procedures have cured the hiatal hernia problem and the runny nose issue?
Avatar f tn And then perhaps you will go back to the eating habits pre baby and be able to maintain the weight again. Can you talk to the office that performed the gastric bypass? Working with them AND your ob may be the best thing.
Avatar f tn Has ANYONE OUT THERE endured these post surgical issues YEARS AFTER a gastric bypass?ANY DRS OUT THERE have any suggestions on what kind of Dr I should see to be PROPERLY EVALUATED & what kind of treatment I should expect?? THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ALL REPLIES!!
Avatar n tn Hi, I had a Gastric bypass in April 2008 and ever since everything I eat or drink just goes right through me even meds Oxycodone doesnt last very long at all my Doctor has me on 16 tablets 30mgs a day and it doesnt seem to help my pain 3 past survical surderies 1 hip and now need low back surgery I am trying to withdraw on my own from Oxycodone because my Doctor just up and told me he can no longer treat me so I am basicly on my own to find a Doc.