
Fosamax and dental treatment

Common Questions and Answers about Fosamax and dental treatment


Avatar n tn it usually occurs in people with cancer or with serious dental problems. the jawbone actually rots away and can become quite painful and disfiguring. your friends dental problems combined with the drug caused this problem. the good news is she found out before the situation became too extreme.
Avatar f tn That's terrible! I would search for any lawsuits against the manufacturer of Fosamax for injury like this resulting on facial bone loss and tooth loss. Seems to be me they should pay for any corrective dental or medical treatment and pay compensation for pain and suffering. I've read negative things about this drug and it's ironic that it is advertised as preventing bone loss, and yet it accelerates it.
Avatar n tn What did your prescribing doctor say about the side effects caused by the Fosamax and how to deal with it? I understand your feelings about how the facial pain affects your quality of life. Because it's something people can't see -- it's sometimes hard for our families/friends to understand. It took me a long while to get my husband to understand what I was dealing with, with symptomatic TN.
Avatar f tn I have cirroris and was prescribed Fosamax by my Doc's. I have also had a liver transplant. They now are prescribing a once a year Reclast infusion for my osteporois. Thats seems to be a lot less taxing on the liver. Big bonus for me was I didnt have to remember to take those pills everyday!!!! Good luck!
Avatar f tn I stopped taking Fosamax before the extraction (I had taken it for less than 4 years) and am not going to take the drug again. Is there concern that I will have a complication because of the Fosamax? I had hoped for a bone graft and/or socket perservation...
Avatar f tn Hello Emanuelle, I definitely feel for your concern. Although I am 36 I have pretty severe osteoporosis and at one time was recommended to take medication for it. I have several spinal injuries which have resulted in Degenerative Disk Disease, other joint syndromes and overall bone density loss. I had not personally heard of the the fractures (femur) from the Fosamax, but I did hear of the other risk factors for some of the older drugs.
Avatar n tn There are reports that link people taking IV fosamx to osteonecrosis of the bone having oral and maxilofacial surgery. Treatment really depends upon degree of severity. Most of the time patients are advised hyperbaric chambers.
Avatar m tn Food and Drug Administration raised concerns about the potential for some serious side effects in women taking bone-building drugs called bisphosphonates, specifically Fosamax, Actonel and Reclast. The published findings are not new.
Avatar n tn Can prolonged Fosamax use damage the throat lining and if so, what is the treatment?
7469840 tn?1409845836 He started me on a regimen of weekly Estrogen patch, weekly Fosamax, and Citracal Plus D. It took a few years, but I am now back up to normal bone density. I would not trust just any old Family Practive doctor or PCP. You want someone who specializes in Osteoporosis and who will tailor the treatment to you. Best of luck.
Avatar f tn DEXA scan showed increased bone density loss to that of a DEXA scan done before bc (ordered by gastro due to 30+ yrs of steroids). BC surgeon prescribed Fosamax and Calcichew/Vit.D3. A bone scan showed osteo arthritis in both hips, hands and feet. No meds prescribed. I am on weekly injections of 12.5 mg methotrexate for Crohn's. My GP suggested I stop the Arimidex for 3-4 weeks to see if the pain diminished, which miraculously it has.
Avatar f tn She has been test neurologically with negative results, gastro doc says it comes from stomach and has diagnosed gastroparesis without any successful treatment. ENT says has heard of it (water brash) but knows of no treatment. She had dental surgery about the time this started - a scrapping of the gums - but oral surgeon says its not related. Retired ENT says it is Pytalism.Current ENT has never heard of it.
Avatar f tn He looked at me as if I was nuts when I told him I was even on the fosamax, and recommended I stop it altogether. Having said all that, I realize many many need the med, but I guess my suggestion would be to see an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor - he may have some suggestions for you, and would be able to see if any damage is done. Best of luck to you!
Avatar m tn Fosamax has been linked in long-term users to the development of low-impact femoral fractures. In the event of a fracture fosamax may interfere with remodeling and healing. However, the decision to continue or quit would need to be taken by his treating doctor; keeping in view the initial condition for which it was advised and the risks Vs benefits. You may like to discus in detail with his treating doctor. Hope this is helpful. Take care!
Avatar n tn After taking Fosomax for several months I noticed a snapping sound with pain in my jaw when I opened my mouth wide to take a bite of a sandwich. I asked my doctor about it and she said TMJ. I also said that I feel pain deep within my ear and she said that would be caused by the TMJ. When I asked her if the Fosomax could be causing the problem she said absolutely not. She asked if I grind my teeth at night and told me that I may not know that I'm doing it. I really don't think that I am.
Avatar m tn My mom is taking Fosamax [Alendronic Acid], she is taking it exactly as directed and is still getting terriible burning in her esophagus. She is really suffering. She says there are no alternative medications she can switch to. Are there any remedys she can take to help ease the burning in her esophagus? Supplements, Vitamins, anything like that? Any help anyone can give me would be greatle appreciated, as i Said, she is really suffering Thanks in Advance!
Avatar n tn Do you mean Fosamax (alendronate)? If you do, its for treating bone problems like Osteoperosis by adding bone mass and slows bone loss. I use it for Osteopenia.
Avatar f tn I was dx with osteopenia a month before I started treatment for C and began taking fosamax weekly - the low dose 35 mg per week. Before tx for C my hip T score was -1.7. After treatment my T score was -1.3, so it did improve. The lumbar spine T score imporved during that time too. I continued to take the fosamax thoughout my tx and did not clear the virus, so would surmise the improvement was from the fosamax and not anything else.
Avatar f tn I know that the early hysterectomy has caused my bone issues(been on Fosamax and actually just started Reclast this week -2.7) but I wonder if it is effecting the breast? I went in for my annual mamo last week and have been called back yet again. New spot directly under the nipple, same breast. Sheduled US for next week. So two mamos and 2 call backs...I am this common, should I be worried, is this what I have to look forward to every year...
248382 tn?1274938634 Thanks jenn