
Flonase walmart

Common Questions and Answers about Flonase walmart


612551 tn?1450022175 My question applies to competing brands, including stuff that is a copy like Equate, which I don't seem to currently offer the "Moisture" version. So, is the "Afrin No Drip 12 Hour Pump Mist, Extra Moisturizing" better than the "regular Afrin"? Same for any other competitors. For reference, I have ongoing trouble with nasal congestion when lying down, sleep time. Afrin and generic work great, but if I use for a week or more I start have sneezing problems.
Avatar f tn This preggy chick needs to stay out of walmart! Is it just me or is walmart just a meeting place for every idiot in town??
Avatar m tn // - which is probably why your doctor said to stop using it. If your cough got better using it, maybe it was helping some allergy symptoms, like post-nasal drip. Did you ask your doctor what he meant, or try to clarify anything? Always feel free to ask questions and clarify anything you don't understand with your doctor.
464237 tn?1315670793 t want the infection to get even worse. How is it ok to use flonase for bacterial infection? Have any of you used flonase for infection. My infection is not allergy related, it came from a cold that was going around. Thanks so much for reading. and yes I have been using nasal irrigation along with all of the other home remedies I have found on the internet.
Avatar n tn // Is this prescribed to decreases swelling or to attend to the sinus issue contributing to the swelling?
Avatar n tn Twice in the last six months using Flonase my mouth filled with blood from sinuses. Is another medication for sinusitis available?
Avatar m tn I've had an upper respiratory infection for about a week. Went to the doctor this morning with severe ear pain, no infection, just inflammation due to the other infection. Was recommended Flonase, rest, and fluids. After I came home and took the Flonase I've had this really weird fizzing sensation off and on at the back of my throat all day. It feels like a handful of poprocks are at the top of my throat/back of my mouth. It's a really weird suggestion.
Avatar f tn I'm also taking Fluticasone Propionate and have the very same issue. I think it's because the nasal spray dries out the nasal cavity. At first, I started having bloody noses, but then that stopped and this current symptom started. My doctor had said it may make the nose very dry and to try saline solution once daily after the Flonase. I have yet to do that, but it's supposed to help. Hope that helps.
Avatar n tn s unfortunate when medication costs so much sometimes that we have to find an alternative. Flonase and Astepro are likely the right names. Flonase is a corticosteroid spray and Astepro is an antihistamine spray. Dymista is a combination medication so it makes sense that the doctor is suggesting the two medications will work as the Dymista did. Let us know how it goes.
Avatar f tn ve also read there is an over the counter medicine, Restless leg at Walmart. Hot baths with Epsom salts. Mine were so bad last time, I bought white medical tape & am going to try taping my legs up tight. This time I'm going off pain pills gradually,so maybe the restless legs won't be as bad. The best of luck to you.
Avatar f tn The folliculitis is limited to the scalp only. I am real curious about the Flonase use ,but also read of a connection toi high tryglycerides, which I do have a problem with. No test have been done, saw family physician, she only suggested a dandruff shampoo. I have been using T- Gel and Demerex.
Avatar f tn t take really any allergy meds due to issues with tachycardia and palpitations. My doctor suggested Flonase, but I am allergic to sulfur (used a sulfur mask once and my whole face swelled huge, used to have to brush me teeth with sulfur water and my entire mouth would get blisters) and I noticed that Flonase contains sulfur in its makeup. Can I use it?
Avatar m tn I notice that the ingredient that in Flonase is the same (fluticasone propionate) as is found in Flovent.. It occurs to me that flonase might even work better because more of the stream of fluticasone propionate would hit the back of my throat and be swallowed, getting more to my esophagus and less to my mouth. The key point though is I can get flonase inexpensively, whereas the flovent is more than I can easily afford.
Avatar f tn Have you been tested for any bacterial infections, like Strep throat? Bad smells are sometimes associated with bacterial infections. If it's not getting better, you should definitely go back to the doctor instead of self-medicating with Flonase. If it's not allergies, Flonase won't help and might make the situation worse.
Avatar f tn I wonder how many of us have anxiety in Walmart? I have been practicing exposure training (having [panic attacks) purposely by going into Walmart and making myself stay in the store for 45 minutes to an hour. It is hell I tell you. So, if you see anybody freaking out in the spice ailse, that would be me!
365714 tn?1292199108 I thought we needed something a little bit lighter with all the political stuff and other things... Anyways I went shopping at Walmart yesterday and thought I'd share the exprience. I think it's sort of funny and sad at the same time: If anyone else has a story feel free to share...
Avatar f tn Wtf she is not being annoying! Lol. That was rude of you to say that... she just stating a fact! The people who work at Walmart don't even do their job half the time! An it's not that hard for them to go look in the back. They always have one or two back there.. if they Don't have it on the shelves then it's always good to ask. Because most of the time they have some in the back. So there's no need to be rude....
Avatar f tn t feel it when I put my finger up my nose only feel it when I scrunch my nose up or wiggle it. My dr also suggested not using my Flonase for a week or so that it might be causing the soreness and bump haven't used it in 2 days and starting to feel a little better.
Avatar f tn Flonase...isn't that addictive?? Just use a netti pot. I think there are low dose zinc lozenges and supplements. I'd get a 2nd opinion r research more, but imho & recent experience: sore throat came on and went away on its own. So how about just trying a little extra water and orange juice, or squeeze fresh lemon into warm or hot water? Would you give your baby flonase for stuffy nose? If not, don't use it for yourself either. Think about the fact that you can have a baby...
1939607 tn?1324289300 I have also had this same experience. (symptoms below). I think I have an allergy to Flonase! The details of severe and less severe side effects of the drug are found here: I think it's the Flonase, in my case adverse reactions are: mild swelling (throat), sore throat, white sores/dry spots in the throat, nausea and vomiting, sinus irritation and congestion, pain in the lymph node area.
Avatar f tn I've never had allergies of any kind. Then I noticed my nose was runny sometimes. Sneezing some. Nothing alarming. Then I woke up and was having trouble swallowing - felt like something was stuck in my throat. Doc said there was tons of drainage - the diagnosis: allergies. I started zyrtec and flonase, and got a HEPA air purifier. I've had that for about 2 weeks. Annnd now I've developed ear infections in BOTH ears due to the allergies, even taking all that and with the filter.
2114467 tn?1358210256 i'm curious if it is ok to use flonase. also, is benadryl ok to use. I just finished using my netti pot for nasal allergies. I'm trying to be careful about drug interaction; I haven't started the boc yet.
Avatar n tn Moved to Chicago several years ago from Phoenix so the doctor suggested that I may be suffering from allergies as a result. Blood test confirmed grass allergy. Have been using Flonase (SP?) for about 1 month coupled with nasal rinsing system but still have the ringing and drainage. Should I be worried about another culprit besides allergies causing these awful symptoms?? In addition, is there any other over-the-counter meds that may be of use. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I caved today and went to urgent care and Dr said I have a sinus infection and gave me a zpak and,Flonase. Worried that my baby is still safe. No major cramping just minor ones off and on but have had those before I was sick and Dr said that it is normal and no bleeding.i go to the ob on the 19th. Should I be worried?
Avatar n tn A good initial treatment is a nasal steroid spray, like Flonase. Zyrtec or Claritin might also be effective. If medical management does not work, immunotherapy (allergy shots) might be required to desensitize you to the things to which you are allergic.
Avatar m tn My 5yr old son has always been a good eater. Pretty much eats anything. For the last 2 weeks he has been eating very little, chewing it forever and then seems to have a problem swallowing it. He doesn't complain of a sore throat or stomach ache. We took him to the doctor to check and see if he had strep. He didn't. He was a little stuffy and the doctor gave him Flonase to help clear things out in the hopes this would help. She said to give it a week and then give her a call.