
Flonase and tylenol

Common Questions and Answers about Flonase and tylenol


Avatar f tn O ok
Avatar f tn Over the counter nasal spray is safe and i was prescribed Flonase also may be somthin to look into if u think it may be sinus related :)
Avatar f tn have had a chest cold for about 11 days(coughing,stuffy nose ect no fever.) Took nothing but Tylenol and vicks vapor rub and warm showers. I caved today and went to urgent care and Dr said I have a sinus infection and gave me a zpak and,Flonase. Worried that my baby is still safe. No major cramping just minor ones off and on but have had those before I was sick and Dr said that it is normal and no bleeding.i go to the ob on the 19th. Should I be worried?
Avatar m tn I had FESS and Setoplasty one week ago, today. I have noticed that the sit of my nose where my deviated septum had been seems to still be significantly inflamed and that the generalized area around where the maxillary sinus would be hurts as well. Perhaps the most annoying, is the fact that my upper left molars kill. is this likely just residual inflammation from the surgery itself?
Avatar f tn I have a cold and I talked to the pharmasict. And he says all I can take is Tylenol. No cough candies, no vitamin c, unless it is naturally occurring. No extra zinc, except what is in my prenatal vitamins. I checked with my doctor and they agreed. She did give me a prescription for a nasal spray to help with breathing. It is called Flonase.
Avatar n tn I had a sinus infection at 32 weeks. My Dr put me on antibiotics and recommended tylenol cold and sinus for my symptoms but I don't think you're supposed to take that during the first trimester. Check with your doctor.
Avatar f tn Benidril and Tylonahol are the two drugs my doc said i could take everyday (if need be) without any side effects for me and the baby .. and if sick Tylonahol PM at night to help me sleep.
1472764 tn?1287588186 All i was able to do was drink hot water with lemon and pasturized honey. They said if i did get a fever it was ok to take tylenol, but to follow the instructions and not ake too many. Like kricket said, make sure you are runnung these meds past your doctor!!
Avatar m tn I used flonase for a week and got better with my cough and then I stopped. Afterwards my cough came back and I saw a doctor and he told me do not use flonase which makes me cough. I am confused?
Avatar m tn I have a esophagus condition and was told to take flonase and spray 2 shots in my mouth twice a day. Flonase is a steroid and it helps with the inflammation. I had difficulty swallowing to the point of choking and passing out and this has helped me tremendously.
Avatar f tn t been feeling well. You can always call and ask your doctor these questions for guidance. Flonase is known to reduce nasal inflammation over time. The best thing is to blow your nose prior to using it and then wait as long as you possibly can before blowing your nose again. The longer you wait, the better chance the Flonase has of being absorbed into your nasal cavity. The most common recommendation is 15 to 30 minutes to wait to blow your nose after using. https://www.webmd.
Avatar n tn // Is this prescribed to decreases swelling or to attend to the sinus issue contributing to the swelling?
Avatar n tn Hello. I have been experiencing moderate to severe postnasal drip and ringing in the ears. Moved to Chicago several years ago from Phoenix so the doctor suggested that I may be suffering from allergies as a result. Blood test confirmed grass allergy. Have been using Flonase (SP?) for about 1 month coupled with nasal rinsing system but still have the ringing and drainage. Should I be worried about another culprit besides allergies causing these awful symptoms??
Avatar f tn I went to the urgent care on tuesday and they prescribed me flonase, z pack and tylenol and claratin. He said if it doesnt show any sign of clearing up in a couple days I should consider going to the hospital. Tomorrow is the 2nd day and its definitely not clearing up. Do you guys think this is something I should go to the hospital for? Is my baby sick too since I'm sick? By the way I'm 33+3 days.
Avatar n tn I generally take Flonase. About a week ago the allergies and sinuses really got a hold of me and i had horrible sinus pressure, felt really spacey, had ear fullness and pain, felt a little off but no ear infection. I got put on a antibiotic. I then just started the Flonase back up. One day i felt short of breath off and on. I also took a Zyrtec. I almost went to the hospital because i felt bad and felt like my allergies/ sinuses were causing it. I also have anxiety.
Avatar n tn Twice in the last six months using Flonase my mouth filled with blood from sinuses. Is another medication for sinusitis available?
1472764 tn?1287588186 I just called my doctor and the nurse said it was fine if I took those and can even continue taking them.
Avatar m tn I've had an upper respiratory infection for about a week. Went to the doctor this morning with severe ear pain, no infection, just inflammation due to the other infection. Was recommended Flonase, rest, and fluids. After I came home and took the Flonase I've had this really weird fizzing sensation off and on at the back of my throat all day. It feels like a handful of poprocks are at the top of my throat/back of my mouth. It's a really weird suggestion.
Avatar m tn I know that many cold remedies have Phenedrine and/or other stimlulants and I am wondering if any Afib patients out there take Nasonex or Flonase wihtout any problems.
Avatar f tn I'm also taking Fluticasone Propionate and have the very same issue. I think it's because the nasal spray dries out the nasal cavity. At first, I started having bloody noses, but then that stopped and this current symptom started. My doctor had said it may make the nose very dry and to try saline solution once daily after the Flonase. I have yet to do that, but it's supposed to help. Hope that helps.
Avatar n tn s unfortunate when medication costs so much sometimes that we have to find an alternative. Flonase and Astepro are likely the right names. Flonase is a corticosteroid spray and Astepro is an antihistamine spray. Dymista is a combination medication so it makes sense that the doctor is suggesting the two medications will work as the Dymista did. Let us know how it goes.
Avatar n tn How do I find out what causes this? I am 75, have asthma which is under control and allergies to mold and some pollens. I take synthroid and have done so for 50 years.
Avatar f tn Tylenol regular strength... Call dr.
Avatar m tn I cant talk too much, otherwise i start feeling dry my nose and mouth, and get fatigued. Then my tongue feel dry and gets white. I feel better when i scrape the white stuff off, but comes back often. Its been going on for 4-5 years. Its start to sleep well, and function with these issues. Doc put me on Flonase didnt work. HELP !!
Avatar f tn ENT said eustachian tube dysfunction due to allergies (tested positive for various inhalent allergies) and said to use Xyzal and Flonase. Xyzal made me too sleepy so stopped, and Flonase has done nothing. ENT said it would take Flonase a month to clear up the ETD. The constant ear popping wouldn't bother me if it weren't accompanied by the lightheadedness and brain fog, which sometimes by the end of the day turns into a very bad headache and then disappears.
Avatar f tn The folliculitis is limited to the scalp only. I am real curious about the Flonase use ,but also read of a connection toi high tryglycerides, which I do have a problem with. No test have been done, saw family physician, she only suggested a dandruff shampoo. I have been using T- Gel and Demerex.
Avatar f tn ve tried 3 different antibiotics for sinus infection. Also tried flonase, allegra, and Sudafed. Nothing seems to help. I feel pressure mostly in my forehead. I don't have any congestion with mucus or anything. I've had a sinus x-ray, CT scan, and MRI, which were all fine and showed nothing wrong with sinuses. I usually clean my ears out with a q tip after showering. I used to get some wax out, however, after this started, I can't get any wax out.
Avatar f tn My doctor suggested Flonase, but I am allergic to sulfur (used a sulfur mask once and my whole face swelled huge, used to have to brush me teeth with sulfur water and my entire mouth would get blisters) and I noticed that Flonase contains sulfur in its makeup. Can I use it?