
Flaxseed benefits digestion

Common Questions and Answers about Flaxseed benefits digestion


Avatar f tn Hi, I take flaxseed oil. I was taking it for the benefits to the heart. Haven't heard about benefits to panic attack sufferers. Would like to learn more though.
Avatar m tn Loaded with alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that helps reduce inflammation, flaxseed has been used for centuries for medicinal and health reasons. Gandhi proclaimed, "Wherever flaxseed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." The seed itself has terrific nutritional value, very usable protein, tremendous fatty acids, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Additionally, they're a great source of fiber.
Avatar f tn i also have been using coconut oil in my coffee with agave and in my smoothies ive read so many differant articles stating all the benefits of using coconut oil,fish oil, flaxseed, parssley tea. can i benefit from them?
412194 tn?1233621532 t do the bee pollen thing, but my sister swears by it. I am a complete advocate for flaxseed or flaxseed oil. It give a great mental clarity, energy ....It takes about a good week before u really start to feel the benefits. If you do some research on it you will see how powerful it really is...........FLAXSEED SAVES LIVES ! Nauty.................
Avatar f tn I would listen to your cardiologist or internal medicine doctor if they are very familiar with this situation. Omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil can both sometimes increase bleeding in patients taking blood thinners like coumadin (warfarin), apirin, and plavix. In diabetics on glucose lowering drugs there is some evidence that suggest that flaxseed oil may increase fasting blood sugar levels.
Avatar n tn Hi there. As far as I know, studies about flax seed and cancer are still in their infancy stage. The cancer more frequently associated with this is prostate cancer. I'm quoting this text from the american cancer society website:
Avatar f tn I do alright using flaxseed meal rather than the psyllium based fibers that you mentioned. I can use just a little in water, like the fiber drinks, or just sprinkle a little on my food. It's an actual food product and it has nutritional benefits, like omega 3. I buy the Bob's Red Mill that is available at Trader Joe's, because it's more affordable. It's already ground flaxseed meal. I haven't heard of the Heather's Tummy Fibers, so I'll have to look for that.
480331 tn?1310403529 I don't know how many of you ladies believe drinking herbal teas in pregnancy are beneficial or not, but I just wanted to share this website with you. I started drinking Raspberry Red Leaf Tea in the middle of my 3rd trimester. This tea claims by midwives and health professionals to help women labor more effectively and less painful, due to an alkaloid called fragrine, which lends tone to the uterus, by strengthening the uterine wall.
Avatar m tn Vitamin D liquid (have taken it in the past but had forgotten to take it daily), B12 (probably took too much, as I took 2,000mcg once for 4 days in a row, started eating 1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal in the morning (used to eat this all the time)...I also started seeing a PT for my plantar fasciitis. I stopped taking my probiotics yesterday because I thought maybe they were contributing to the problem? Who knows. Yesterday, I also began eating cultured coconut yogurt again.
326176 tn?1239515689 Does anybody here know the added benefits of increasing good cholesterol(HDL) by eating plain cashews.? If the practice is followed on regular pattern ,how many (number or grams) nuts are to be taking to maximize the good effects?
Avatar m tn Most pharmaceuticals have worse side effects than benefits, unfortunately. What you might benefit from is magnesium citrate every day. It is the relaxation mineral. If I don't take it I'm hyperventilating and uncomfortable. I take it every day. This form of mag does speed up digestion, but this is helpful for me. There are other forms if you don't need that.
Avatar m tn That water that gets soaked up stays there through my whole digestion process. I eat rice every day and my stomach feels better for it. I tried over boiling other stuff like pasta but that helps a little but the water is removed to fast from the pasta. The rice holds the water much longer. Just thought I'd share this to help others. I also tried it with white rice and did not help. Had to be regular brown rice. I think there are many kinds of rice so I'm going to experiment further.
374933 tn?1291081784 He said that it reduces inflamation and that is what the whole Graves eye problem is about. Side benefits are supposed to be help with joint pain too. He did take some measurements so we can track any bulging. I've only been on it a week, so nothing to report other than giving me gas. Anybody have any experience with fish pills?
689528 tn?1364135841 m here to tell you this is only a possibility if you over consume flaxseed. Like everything else in life too much of the flaxseed will be a bad idea, especially during pregnancy. Take caution on the intake of flaxseed and your pregnancy will not endure any complications. Flaxseed will actually be more beneficial to your pregnancy than harmful. The reason being is because flaxseed is a major source of omega 3 fatty acids, which is highly recommended during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Avatar f tn I added 2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed to my diet for the past year. I was very discouraged when I received the results of my lipid panel results. Last year: total chol.=238, trig.=59, HDL=101, LDL=125. This year: total chol.=240, trig.=67, HDL=98, LDL=128. My bad numbers went up and my good number (HDL) went down. Why? (I am a 60 year old female. I exercise regularly (jog and ballet), I am 5'2" and weigh 92 pounds.
Avatar n tn When my wife was preparing for an operation, her lab work showed her liver counts to be very high, near 200. The Dr. said, many things eaten could raise these levels. They wanted to know if she had eaten cereal with flaxseed and said flaxseed could have a large effect. I mention this so you'll know if it happens to you.
7584600 tn?1392261434 I HAVE read so many conflicting things..Is flaxseed oil bad for the liver or not!
Avatar n tn Hello! Alright, so here is the situation. I have extremely loud digestion - my stomach rarely growls when I am hungry, but right after I eat (and I have tried to determine the "problem food" but to no avail) my intestines go crazy and this can last for long periods of time. There is no pain involved, just lots and lots of noise. In the morning, I have a bowel movement (I only go once a day) and it is more often than not very loose.
Avatar f tn I also do yoga/stretches for stress reduction. Be sure to take your vitamins. I read flaxseed and garlic is good.
Avatar f tn I have read women should stay away from flaxseed while pregnant. I love protein shakes and smoothies and I always put blueberry flaxseed in it but a couple books I've read and videos I've seen from pregnancy chat.
Avatar f tn yep! Your body slows down digestion in order to get every nutrient possible out of the food you eat in order to provide enough nutrients to not only you, but your baby as well. A woman's body does amazing things!
612551 tn?1450022175 I am a senior and decided to try it for the possible benefits, including energy and erectile dysfunction problems. After about a month I noticed my weight went down about 10 pounds, 5%. I am 6' 5" so I can carry 225 rather well. I did not notice any change in my energy and or erectile dysfunction. But, the weight loss which may be do to the Ginseng affect on the digestion of carbohydrates and other sources of sugar production may be a benefit in my case.
Avatar f tn What I have found helps with hypothyroid symptoms includes selenium (brazil nuts), avoiding goitrogens, avoiding stress, eliminating refined carbohydrates/sugar. More recently I found the benefits of coconut oil so I am most definitely going to try that as well. "Coconut oil can also positively affect our hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control.
974298 tn?1324833193 um I am not sure about the flaxseed... I have no info on it!!! but it won't hurt just to try it for one cycle and see how you do!!!