
Filgrastim leukocytosis

Common Questions and Answers about Filgrastim leukocytosis


1305558 tn?1302728951 An elevated number of white blood cells is called leukocytosis. This can result from bacterial infections, inflammation, leukaemia, trauma, or stress. A WBC count of 11.0–17.0x109/L cells would be considered mild to moderate leukocytosis. Eating, physical activity and stress can cause an increased WBC count. See your doctor again and look for the cause of your persistant brain infections.
493068 tn?1224765315 my stats seem to go up and down so I only have to take it now every 2 wks. It is unknown whether filgrastim (Neupogen) increases or decreasses an individual's risk of developing cancer. Based on limited long-term data from healthy people ( if a person is healthy why would they need neupogen in the first place ) who have received filgrastim, no long-term risks have been found so far. good luck to you....hope this helped!
Avatar f tn The white blood cells (hopefully number verified with a duplicate test to make sure accurate) being at that level is cnsidered slight leukocytosis according to and old manual of lab diagnostics tests I have which is a second edition by Frances Fischbach. Did they do a differential white blood cell count? Leukocytosis is typically owing to an elevation of just one typ of white blood cell.
Avatar f tn i hav got total leukocytes count 14,400/cmm. and in remarks its written neutrophilc leukocytosis. i want to know what does it indicate. has anyone suffered from this ? i hav an appointment soon but want to know from u guyz before. also in morphology its written mild hypochromia/anisocytosis. any information from you people is really appreciated.
Avatar m tn Do you mean filgrastim? And are you saying Dengue fever? It would be a surprising though perhaps not impossible use of filgrastim. Dengue is usually treated by pain managers and sometimes hospitalization and a blood transfusion. Anyway, if you have a legitimate prescription from a doctor, you should be able to fill it in the United States.
Avatar f tn For this reason, patients are prescribed antibiotics and even receive injections to increase white blood counts (such as filgrastim or lenograstim). If this 0.4 value really pertains to your white counts, then I believe this is really low and what you are experiencing is a condition called 'febrile neutropenia'. I would suggest you ask your doctor about filgrastim or lenograstim injections aside from the Levaquin. Regards.
107693 tn?1252864443 Raised WBC count or Leukocytosis may be caused by several conditions including bacterial infection, inflammation, leukemia, trauma, or stress. I suggest you to consult a hematologist and get a differential count done.
Avatar f tn I was doing some research and found that the instruments used in my procedure where not recommended with someone who has Leukocytosis. The PEEK cage. My Leukocytosis has been Dx as Idiopathic, as 2 bone marrow Bx's have not been able to show anything. Wondering if my body may be rejecting the material in the PEEK or causing excessive bone growth. I would hate to have to do a revision because of a rejection, but if it would mean having a more successful outcome I might would consider it.
Avatar n tn Filgrastim is also prescribed as pegfilgrastim (called Neulasta). My doctor used the 500 neutrophill count as a cut-off, so every time I got down around 500 I used Neulasta. The interferon drops neutrophils and platelets. Some people can do okay with low neutrophils but just as many end up with kidney and sinus infections, etc., that make you even more miserable.
Avatar f tn Hi, i have leukocytosis and for some reason my doctors cant figure out why that is. (I always have recurrent UTIs) One month from finding out the same, im now having swollen lymph nodes, pinching feeling all over my body, short breath and feeling faint. (Collapsed when kneeling to pray the rosary). Now i am very paranoid and very worried that it might be a blood disorder. The last time i had a blood smear, it showed enlarged platelets. What's wrong with me?
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Cancer/leukocytosis-anti-ds-dna/show/1833258">leukocytosis,anti ds dna</a> was started.
Avatar f tn i am 23 years old .i have urticaria for 40 days. my blood report showa slight neutrophiloc leukocytosis (75-76% differential count),no eosinophilia & other parameters are normal. My serum Ig E is also normal . I have also done ANA test within this time which is normal. The rash appears each day involves all over body surface,especially the limbs.
Avatar n tn More lab work, peripheral smear, where it looks at the blood cell further shows leukocytosis and Neutrophillia. Chest X-ray was normal. I had gastric sleeve surgery in 2015. Not sure if any of it could be related. He thinks I should go to infectious disease to see if there’s an underlying infection somewhere. We’ve ruled out UTI, sinus and allergies. Been on antibiotics several times over the year. Looking for someone who’s gone through similar situation.
Avatar m tn Doctors unable to give any explanation for such wide variations on a dose to dose basis. Till date, I have also taken 5 doses of Filgrastim - the WBC Stimulator. Can you pleae advice possible reasons for such wide fluctuations.
Avatar f tn 3 to 10.8 x 109 cells per liter. A range of 11 to 17 x 109/L may be considered mild to moderate leukocytosis. If the values are progressively improving, then it could indicate that you are recovering from the infection. Also, it will take time for the count to normalize. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn The most common type of leukocytosis is neutrophilia (an increase in the absolute number of mature neutrophils to greater than 7,000 per mm3), which can arise from infections, stressful conditions, chronic inflammation, medication use, and other causes.
Avatar f tn Well, if smoking is causing stress, or is causing inflammation of your arteries then yes, it can cause high WBC.
Avatar m tn Neulasta® (pegfilgrastim) or NEUPOGEN® (Filgrastim) may reduce your chance of getting an infection, but it does not prevent all infections. An infection can happen anytime your neutrophil counts are low. Look for signs of infection, such as fever, chills, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, or redness, swelling, or pain around a cut or sore. If you have any of these signs, contact your health care professional immediately.
1986676 tn?1329862471 Musculoskeletal symptoms have been the most frequently reported adverse effects of filgrastim therapy. Bone pain has been reported in approximately 22% of patients. Reactivation of pseudogout occurred in a patient receiving chemotherapy. Postmarketing reports have included decreased bone density and osteoporosis in pediatric severe chronic neutropenia (SCN) patients receiving chronic treatment with filgrastim.
Avatar f tn Leukocytosis is not exactly a disease, it only means that probably your son had an infection because his White Blood Cells are high. Now the Doc. is worried about the Abnormal lymphoid so precautionally he thought to do biopsy and bone marrow test. The bone marrow practically produces blood cells, sometimes these cells develop abnormally. These abnormal cells are found in Leukemia. Also rash and neck swelling are compatible with Leukemia.
Avatar f tn After studying her last peripheral film the doctor has commented that she has non specific morphology with leukocytosis. Besides her anti ds dna sample value result is 391.69IU/ml. Are these too much serious? Is there any way to get her well?
Avatar n tn Elevated WBC or leukocytosis may be caused by several conditions including bacterial infection, inflammation, leukemia, lymphoma, trauma, use of certain drugs (steroids, antiseizure medications), myeloproliferative disorders of the bone marrow (chronic myelogenous leukemia, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, essential thrombocythemia), inflammatory bowel disorders (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis), burns or stress (physical or emotional).