Fear of public speaking rated over death

Common Questions and Answers about Fear of public speaking rated over death


Avatar f tn I'm in therapy I still have these thoughts I don't understand I was so normal a year ago. I did extreme sports all the time wasn't afraid of public. Now I'm afraid of a lot of things.
1183666 tn?1274275146 So, JESSiCA, we meet again! I'm glad to hear you're involved with a partner and a project, but I do understand your fear of public speaking. I'm positive the vast majority of us would rather streak through Wal Mart than get up in front of a group of people. (Would anybody notice us in Wal Mart? Somehow I think we'd just "blend!") I suppose there are a number of things you could try before it was your turn to be on stage.
Avatar f tn I have a fear of death. Mostly the death of a loved one. I worry so much that if I lost one of my family members I don't know what would happen to me, I think I would go crazy, it would ruin my life, I feel like crying when I think about it, I shouldn't worry but I do, which makes it worse because they are going to all die one day, this scares me because they are so important to me.
Avatar m tn ya i get this a lot even do im not afraid of dyeing the thought of it just puts my stomach in knots i think its more a fear of un-none will it be painful,l how will i happen, all these questions run in my head, i sometimes convince myself im dyeing and send myself into a full blown panick attack so now when i start to think of death i do something to take my mind off it!
Avatar f tn Though the US has continued to make big gains in productivity over the last decade, nearly all of the benefit of those gains has gone to the wealthy, not the workers. American CEOs earned 411 times as much as average workers in 2005, up from 107 times in 1990. In the economic expansion of 2002-2006, the top 1% captured nearly three quarters of income growth. http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~saez/saez-USto pincomes-2006prel.
Avatar n tn m betting it has to do with fear of failing in something, or of not meeting expectations, or of something you have not completed, something you are afraid to try. Or a mix of stuff like that. It may be extremely difficult to talk about this with a parent or with anyone at all. But you can talk about it HERE, if you want to. You are very fortunate to have this fear of dying right now, because the causes are fairly recent.
Avatar f tn have the exact same thing, when my grandad died when he fell off a ladder and had severe bleeding in the brain, I had bad anxiety but go over it and then my other grandad had a heart attack about 4 months ago in the middle of uni exams and the fear of death has not escaped me ever since. I think about how much life I would miss out on if I died today, think about my mates and family and the emotional toll it would have.
Avatar f tn Fear of heights in all its forms is, I believe, the 2d most common phobia (the first is fear of speaking in public, officially, but I'm guessing more people confront heights than the need to speak in public so I'm guessing heights might be the most common fear). I have this phobia, but didn't have it until I got a full-blown anxiety disorder. If this is your only phobia, good; if you have several and are anxious about a lot of things, harder.
595125 tn?1219834270 One person in one of the threads mentioned that when you feel that fear coming in big tidal waves to just let it wash all over you instead of fighting it, I tried it and it works. What you have to remember is that the fear in you subsides, it will not last, you just have to arm yourself with coping mechanisms.
Avatar f tn She said at that point you stop worrying about your own fear of death because you know you just need to watch over your kids and make sure they grow up healthy, and then you've accomplished everything. But if you need something more, then you should probably try to find your spiritual side. Read into different religions, see what the meaning of life is for others. Just because I'm not religious, doesn't mean I don't have a spiritual side within.
Avatar f tn You are both suffering from a very common phobia. Fear of the dark goes back to the dawn of man and since that time, millions of people have fought it all there lives. Please do not berate yourselves for this phobia or think you are silly for being afraid of the dark at your age. Our phobias are ours to own and suffer with as long as we do nothing about them. Since both of you have stated that your phobia is now interfering with your lives, it's time to take the bull by the horns!
Avatar n tn a good dentist will not think you are silly in fact dental fears and public speaking are the two most common phobias just dont let it get in the way of taking care of your teeth.
Avatar m tn As BeeFree stated, it is very normal to feel anxious when we have to speak in front of a group of strangers. I'm sure that most people feel anxiety to some extent when put in that position. There are self-help books available that will teach you many tips and tricks to deal with this anxiety. If possible, take a Public Speaking class.........I did and it was the best thing I'd done for myself at that time.
Avatar f tn A fear of death is quite normal and is actually a fear of the unknown. Has he know someone or something (pet) that has died or seen it on TV? I don't know your spiritual background, but whatever it is, that is a good place to start talking to him about it. Speak to him about (your belief) of what happens after death and that it is a natural process of life.
Avatar f tn many people have a fear of public speaking. And remember anxiety and panic can come at the most inoppertune times even if we have previously been through the exact same experience panic free time after time. I also agree that you should not expect perfection and not be too hard on yourself. Just the fact that you get up there is something that you should give yourself credit for; that is no easy feat to accomplish in my opinion. Do you have other social situations that you get anxious in?
Avatar f tn Is there a way we can accept death? Since i was about 7yrs old i've had thoughts of death and over the years it has turned into a terrible fear.I am 15 now. i usually only think adout death at night and the fear never affects me during the day. If i talk about death during the day i often wont be bothered by it even if i attend a funeral the fear wont reach me but at night its truley awful.
1238554 tn?1339420116 Afraid I can't help, as I won't travel again. Have just reached a point where it is no fun. Even before I was diagnosed with agoraphobia, I hated leaving home. Vacations are to me, highly over rated. Guess this opinion is colored by my experiences. As you are going to be traveling with friends, you are one up on this. Years ago, I traveled several states and went to the islands with friends who was an experienced traveler. We always drove, except to islands:).
Avatar f tn m having a heart attack, i have a terrible fear of death, i think all that just comes along withthe anxiety, ya know? and it *****, dont worry, you have so many people here that experience te same things you do. you're not alone. promise.
Avatar f tn Ok this might be a little lengthy, so bear with me. I have recently developed thanatophobia. A fear of death. Fear of what might happen to me, fear of how I will die, fear of when I'll die, fear of if theres life after death or not. Basically to sum it up: fear of not knowing the answers to those. I'm only 16, I shouldn't be having these thoughts, I know. But they just cant get past me and its getting worse. Its like I'm obsessed with death.
Avatar m tn Norco I use to love Public speaking because it scared the **** out of me, gave me that fear buzz, loved being afraid ( weird ) Then with Mr Norco no fear whatsoever, wasn't as much fun. Now I'm just unsure and uncomfortable, no self confidence. This time the fear is not fun. I guess I'm just a Day 18 recovering addict, asking for help once again.... Don't think I'll put the pills in my pocket tonight.. But then again I might still need that out....
Avatar f tn If your problem is you are "too" shy when dealing with one or more people, I suggest is isn't a drug that you need. Rather you need help in facing this shyness and beating it down. This can/must be started in small steps. Pick something simple, like one situation that doesn't involve lots of people like public speaking, and condition yourself to deal with it. A good one would be talking with one other person who makes you nervous or otherwise troubled.
Avatar f tn Public speaking is the most common phobia. You can try to deal with it either by seeking anxiety therapy or you can try a speechmaking class, like toastmasters, that might help you get used to and over this fear.