
Fainting while pregnant causes

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting while pregnant causes


Avatar f tn I had horrible timing with my fainting spells last pregnancy. I was always really sick with morning sickness and once I passed out while on the stairs and fell down half of them. Woke up at the bottom of the stairs so confused. It's an unfortunate thing but also a bit normal. The amount of blood in your body is increasing and that is usually what causes it. If it happens a lot you should definitely go in and get some blood work done.
926702 tn?1244054324 The causes of fainting (syncope) can be grouped into four major categories, neurologic, metabolic, vasomotor and cardiac. and is an extremely common symptom. In most cases people who have syncope recover quickly, and are not at especially high risk once the episode is finished. However, cardiac syncope can be dangerous and fatal and that issue should be ruled out. If it is a heart related problem it can be due to obstructive lesions, and/or heart rhythm disturbances.
Avatar f tn My doc sed eat protein nd less Carb customer my body releases tons of insullin nd causes fainting. My friend fainted during pregnancy for being anemic nd iron deficant.
10131590 tn?1408165341 Just a question, but does anyone else feel like they going faint? I'm 16+3 and I feel very light headed and feel like I'm going to faint, even after eating.....what causes this? Well, besides being pregnant?
Avatar n tn I have copied this out for you, it happens quite frequently While there are uncommon serious causes of passing out in children, the majority of fainting episodes are brought about by reasons that are neither serious nor life-threatening. The most common reason for fainting in children is called vasovagal syncope [VAY-so-VAY-gull SEENK-oh-pee). Vasovagal syncope is an abnormal reaction of the nerves to otherwise normal circumstances. These nerves dictate the heart rate and blood pressure.
Avatar f tn Has anyone passed out while pregnant? I had a scare the other day at work. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and it's my first pregnancy. I went to the ER and they ran a bunch of tests and made sure the babies heart beat was ok. The conclusion was that I was dehydrated. Drinking more fluids especially water is so important during pregnancy. They said it's really important to listen to your body. If you need to rest than rest. Lesson learned.
Avatar n tn No ibuprofen, it causes miscarriages. Sounds like you need to eat more.
4545793 tn?1394592544 I haven't fainted at all, I wouldn't worry about it, stay very hydrated and sit down if you feel dizzy, keep snacks on you like peanut butter cups or crackers and if you feel dizzy drink some water, eat a cracker and sit down, you'll be fine! :) Most women don't faint while pregnant but if you do it's not a huge deal.
Avatar f tn maybe low bp..
Avatar f tn u can get a tattoo while pregnant...................i had a big chest piece done for my daughter and there was no harm............of course...i was power pumping so i had extra milk and just pumped and dumped after my tattoo....
341190 tn?1295467125 I have always had my episodes of fainting from being upright which Dr says causes my bp to drop drastically but still am afraid. I just hate the disappointment in their eyes. I hope u can enjoy your grandbaby. Mine are about all that keep me going. They are precious.
Avatar m tn My mother has had bouts of fainting and light headedness. Sometimes they come weekly and other times not for 2 months. This has been going on since 2007. She has been admitted to hospital on a number of occasions but each time they have not come to any conclusions as to a diagnosis. These attacks of light headedness last 2-5 minutes. She slurs her speech, gets pins and needles in her arms, and sometimes but not always faints.
Avatar m tn The worst happened very late last year when I could not manage a single word to call my wife next door but could only clap my hands while I sat on the basin to relief myself. I felt like the time to cross over to be with my Father in Heaven had suddenly come. Last Sunday 20 February 2011, I had a similar experience while attending sunday mass. I left in the middle when I could before I fainted.
773801 tn?1244520679 My husband and I are planning to have a child and this month I think I could be pregnant because of symptoms and being that this would be my fourth pregnancy I pretty much know the symptoms of pregnancy. However, I am not due to get my period for another week but yesterday I started spotting and today I was spotting as well but it is very light, light enough to not use a tampon. This is something new for me because all other times I never bleed or spotted.
203342 tn?1328737207 In some people, fainting can occur without a serious underlying disease like at the time of death of a near one (a moment of sudden and intense grief), on seeing vomitus or on seeing blood (while visiting a hospital). In a good no. of people, fainting is due to some underlying problem that is mainly a cardiovascular problem or a neurological one. In old age, one of the commonest causes of fainting is “sick sinus syndrome”.
Avatar f tn I am not sure what caused the fainting either time. All three were completely different and the length was different as well.
Avatar f tn s much less common for the episodes to occur while in a supine position, (such as while sleeping), but not entirely impossible. Just the same, I would recommend a full workup by a Cardiologist, as well as a Neurologist to be certain there isn't anything else causing your symptoms. The fatigue you describe is a very normal symptom in various forms of Dysautonomia.
Avatar f tn ve been experiencing a lot of headaches and I have been getting pretty dizzy and lightheaded.. what causes this and what can I do to help with the dizziness.. it catches me off guard sometimes and I worry about fainting..
Avatar n tn Mine recently has also dropped from about 110/70 to 90/60, but I used to smoke a lot before I got pregnant. I do have dizzy spells so I take sodium whenever I feel dizzy. It is kind of odd that you mention the arm/leg fatigue because pretty much since I have delivered my son in August 2006 I have been experiencing arm/leg symptoms also. That is also when my BP went down to 90/60 on a consistent basis. Is your BP the same in both arms?