
Fainting nausea during pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting nausea during pregnancy


Avatar f tn ( I have some cramps too, not bad but just like minor period cramps. I was told as long as the cramps don't stop you from doing your daily activities then it's perfectly normal!!
5441854 tn?1371187494 I was one for weeks but around 25 weeks I started getting random bouts of nausea, every women and every pregnancy is different , you may have it your entire pregnancy :-/ . I have a script for zofran & only take when needed..
Avatar f tn Did u try finding out the reason?? I know fainting can be caused by many things during pregnancy but some can lead to more complex situation.. U ahould consult ur doctor as it could be due to high or low blood pressure or dehydration etc...
Avatar f tn Has anyone passed out while pregnant? I had a scare the other day at work. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and it's my first pregnancy. I went to the ER and they ran a bunch of tests and made sure the babies heart beat was ok. The conclusion was that I was dehydrated. Drinking more fluids especially water is so important during pregnancy. They said it's really important to listen to your body. If you need to rest than rest. Lesson learned.
917177 tn?1243354247 Is it normal for one to experience lightheadedness and fainting during menstruation? It's happened to me so many times before, typically as soon as my period/cramping starts I'll feel lightheaded, sweaty, and I'll fall to the floor and sit with my head on my knees. Occasionally this happens in the shower, or upon standing up if i wake up with my period, or even if it starts while I'm seated during a class.
Avatar n tn ) I think I pass out mostly due to me having really low blood pressure during pregnancy.. I would talk to your doctor about it of you're worried.
Avatar n tn Dehydration
10777943 tn?1412955415 I'm the same, I get terrible fainting spells during pregnancy. I know its not low blood pressure because I've had preeclamplsia through both pregnancies but interestingly my iron levels have been really low particularly this pregnancy. I had an iron infusion last week and haven't fainted since. Maybe get your iron checked?
Avatar n tn I tested positive in home pregnancy test on July 10. But I still do not have any pregnancy symptoms like nausea, fainting,etc. I'm meeting doctor only on Aug 15. I'm not sure if I'm really pregnant and everything is fine with the baby. Is that fine if I don't feel any change or is there anything I can do at home to confirm my pregnancy health?
Avatar f tn My doc sed eat protein nd less Carb customer my body releases tons of insullin nd causes fainting. My friend fainted during pregnancy for being anemic nd iron deficant.
Avatar f tn I fainted my entire first pregnancy. If gets worse u may have to stop driving. Sometimes it can be from low sugar and sometimes you just faint. Talk to your doctor because I know it can be scary. With me I was fainting atleast 5 times a day so I have to take time from work, school,driving, and I every time I fell I'd have to go to the hospital to check the baby and they would keep me for a couple days.
Avatar f tn To be fair, I had fainting problems in church before pregnancy, but then it happened maybe once a year and I always knew how to avoide it by being hydrated, cool, and not too hungry. It is unavoidable now.
Avatar f tn I had horrible timing with my fainting spells last pregnancy. I was always really sick with morning sickness and once I passed out while on the stairs and fell down half of them. Woke up at the bottom of the stairs so confused. It's an unfortunate thing but also a bit normal. The amount of blood in your body is increasing and that is usually what causes it. If it happens a lot you should definitely go in and get some blood work done.
1923882 tn?1352250106 Lightheadedness and fainting can be common during pregnancy. Sometimes it is due to low blood sugar, and sometimes it is caused by moving to fast or standing up too quickly. If it happens alot then you may want to go get checked.
Avatar f tn 2 weeks ago I had sudden intense nausea shortly followed by dizziness and fainting. My menstruation period started the same day and my vitals were fine. Besides abnormal pain, fatigue and nausea my period was normal. Since then Ive been having pelvic cramping, queasiness, intermittent bloatedness, short lived headaches, occasional fatigue. I had flatulence last week and have been less regular so I took laxatives which was followed by these symptoms being intensified for the following 2 days.
126762 tn?1325261805 Low blood pressure, low blood sugar, lack of protein, dehydration are all likely culprits. Fainting is quite common during pregnancy but is something she should mention to her doctor.
8467580 tn?1401732112 I threw up anything and everything I ate , but it dehydrated me and had to be hospitalized for fainting spells so be careful !!
Avatar f tn Hi, I took diclectin during my pregnancies to relieve the nausea, it can also make you sleepy. Have you tried this?
Avatar f tn Im 16 weeks pregnant. And im going through the most idek if it's due to pregnancy symptoms. I have a headache all the time, my uterus feels like it's dragging all the time, im dizzy about 4 times out of the day, back hurts feet hurts and for the first time in 3months I went back to throwing up again! Is this normal at 16 weeks? is anyone else experience like this at 16 weeks?
Avatar n tn m only 9 weeks and had this experience in my first pregnancy but not this early during pregnancy and never that strong came very close to fainting
Avatar n tn Cramps Tenderness in the lower abdomen Bleeding or brown spotting Shoulder pain, caused by blood from the ruptured tube irritating the peritoneum in the area between the chest and stomach weakness, dizziness, or fainting, caused by blood loss Nausea This information is from the book Your pregnancy week by week. Hope this helps. And as with any concern you have during pregnancy please discuss your concerns with your physcian.
Avatar f tn So I know sex is OK during pregnancy but it makes me sick to my tummy everytime...would it be best to just stop till after pregnancy is over?
Avatar n tn Since the beginning of February I have been suffering fainting and near fainting spells. Sometimes I can feel it coming on (tinitus like sound in my ear, blurred vision, can't hear or speak properly and headaches), sometimes it comes on so fast I can't tell till it's too late (One time I was talking normally to a friend and was feeling fine, then turned around and fell feeling horrible). This happens all the time at work, outside on the street, in the mall, etc.
Avatar f tn Ive been fainting and have nausea constantly which doesnt help the fact i have to constantly eat to prevent from fainting. People say its because im having a boy. Any opinions?