
Fainting and the heart

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting and the heart


Avatar n tn I also have anxiety problems and adult add. I am on lexapro and take adderrall during the school year. I went to the ER again a few days later because I was feeling the same signs of when I fainted, like uncomfortable tingling in my arms and chest area, as well as kind of dizzy, and very panic-like. It turns out, it had nothing to with my heart or blood pressure, I was just really wound up and it really effected me, but I felt like something was physically and medically wrong.
1704618 tn?1307528771 I am facing dizzyness and fainting problem for the last 2 weeks. i consulted with my dr. he says the i have swelling in my inner ear (vestabular system). he prescribed me "VOLTAGESIC 50. Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg" and "SercĀ®-8 or Betahistine Tablets 8 mg" tablets for 5 days. i have completed the 5 days course of this treatment. but i didnt feel any possitive effect. its same as before. (my blood suger and blood complete test is all normal and fine).
Avatar f tn I was advised to take a bit of epsom salt/magnesium sulfate for it and it has been helping a lot. However, the heart racing and pounding have not completely gone away and I've been getting them the most after eating, especially when I eat complex carbs, so I'm wondering if my heart issues could have anything to do with blood sugar levels (or anything related) that could have been caused by any of the meds that I've taken this past year.
Avatar f tn I am 53 and in menopause and I have actually fainted now while driving. My heart was racing and I had a hot flash and then I lost consciousness for 3 or 4 seconds. Went off the road, through a fence and into a field. Very luckily, no one was hurt. This happened a year ago. Had tons of tests done on my heart, blood work, etc. Nothing found. Now, a year later, I'm starting to get the dizzy spells again (not vertigo though, I've had that before).
Avatar f tn I have had EKGs done, and EEG done, and an ultr sound on my heart. The results show that my heart is fine. It can come on randomly. They thought maybe I had diabetes, that was not correct. I faint no matter what I do. It happened while I was laying down, sitting, while driving, and just walking. I sometimes at night get woken up quickly, and my husband took my heart rate while I was asleep it dropped to 22 bpm. I dont have high cholesterol.
Avatar f tn t appear to be dehydrated according to them and it was a precautionary step. They also have me benadryl and duladid(sp) and I was discharged at 4:30am. Went in for my anatomy scan in the morning (baby boy like I said!!!! :)) and felt pretty faint all day. Well this evening around 4pm, it got worse so I tried some honey to see if that would help cuz some sites suggested it. It helped some, enough to keep me off the floor.
Avatar f tn I had a holter monitor a few weeks ago and my Dr called me today and said im having pvc's in my left ventricle. Now I do have a family history of heart disease. Mother, both maternal and paternal grandparents. I am scheduled to see a cardiologist in a few weeks. Also I do have high cholesterol and take meds for that. So can anyone tell me what this means for me?
Avatar m tn Without other heart symptoms I suspect it is something outside the heart but best to get checked out by a doctor if this continues. And maybe also post your question in the diagnosed symptoms section to see what others have to offer for fainting spells.
Avatar n tn Lower blood pressure reduces the workload of the heart and provides time for the heart to completely recover from the operation. If you experience dizziness, fainting, etc., your doctor may want to adjust the medication, but if you can tolerate your current blood presssure the better it is for your heart.
Avatar f tn Given the Vagus Nerve controls both impulses sent to the body related to blow flow, and pitch correction, would changing the quality and consistency of my singing regime help the overall blood flow and circulation in my body?
Avatar f tn Since it does not always happen, go back to the few episodes and see what the trigger was. Try and avoid the trigger which may be as simple as standing up suddenly on an empty stomach. Sit down immediately and place your head between the knees. Let the episode pass. Also this needs a detailed evaluation of heart and nervous system. A tilt table test, holter monitor, echocardiogram etc are done for confirmed diagnosis.
Avatar n tn You have some very serious symptoms, and I am disappoint to read your doctor hasn't taken a stronger interest in finding the cause. While some of your symptoms could be related to heart problems, you have had the main first tier tests and no problems were found, so I suspect the problem isn't your heart. You may want to try your post on: http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn Two years ago I fainted and was taken to the ER. My heart rate was 40 bpm and I could not stand. The Dr. Kept me there for 5 days and did a Tilt Table Test that caused me to faint. Since then I have seen a cardiologist who has diagnosed me with POTS because of my constant fainting and fast heart rate upon standing. All of my ECGs and echos are normal. I am wondering if perhaps my disaitonomic problems are caused by something more serious. I mentioned the bradycardia to my current Dr.
Avatar f tn I am 21 now and i have been suffering from blackouts/fainting since i was about 14yrs old. At first i was told by my GP that it was hormonal, then that it was something called vagesvagrel syndrome (i think thats how it's spelt). However this last few month i'm still suffering and knew it couldn't still be hormonal, i've had an ECG test done and been told i have an ectopic heart beat but this is not related to my fainting. Do you have any suggestions?
Avatar m tn Viagra(Sildenafil) is a vasodilator (that is, a drug that dilates blood vessels), and consequently it lowers the systolic blood pressure (the "top" number in blood pressure measurements) by an average of 8 mmHg. In the majority of patients with heart disease, including most of those being treated with antihypertensive drugs, this is not a problem.
Avatar f tn I have had a really bad tooth ache/infection, and I am wondering if that could be the reason I have been getting light headed, blacking out to the point of passing out and sometimes doing a flooping episode like a seziour afterwards, and very low blood pressure? Can you help me on any info of what might be going on with me?
Avatar m tn The term "Triplets" usually refers to 3 consecutive Premature Vebtricular Contractions or PVC's. In rare occasions they may report weakness, dizziness, or fainting. This is because frequent premature ventricular contractions can diminish the ability of the heart to pump blood to the other organs, resulting in low blood pressure. Patients with three or more consecutive premature ventricular contractions in a row have ventricular tachycardia.
Avatar f tn So it is likely fluids accumulated slowly, and the pericardium (sac surrounding the heart) may have and is stretched enough to accommodate it without symptoms and the signs and symptoms may not occurred until a large amount of fluid collects over time. But a rapid fluid accumulation...even if the fluid amount is relatively small...can severely impair the function of the heart.
Avatar m tn Heart problems such as an irregular heartbeat or blockages in or near the heart that block the blood from getting to the brain. Diabetes, anxiety or panic disorders, dehydration, low blood sugar, high blood pressure etc. It is difficult to speculate what the underlying cause for your fainting eposides without further information but just to rule out a condition with just an ekg is not adequate. Unless you had a fainting episode while taking the ekg that may have been of some help.
970599 tn?1247714164 I was at my friends house with my boyfriend and we were standing outside talking and i felt the weird feeling of black and white pulsating flashes coming on and i tried to fight it, but couldnt. I lost my balance and fell into my friends car then hit the stone driveway on my back, almost hitting my head on a pointy rock. they rushed over and took me inside and i relaxed and felt better except for the pain from hitting the ground. this time it was different than the other.
Avatar n tn If you got out of bed in the middle of the night and went to the bathroom still sort of sleepy your fainting spell could easily have been vasovagal syncope. Its pretty common and occurs when your BP drops inappropriately (can be induced by many many things).
391686 tn?1225168008 It first started as waking up in the morning and I felt like fainting. I thought I was low on sugar so I had taken some honey. It didnt help so I laid down and can see the ceiling as if I was floating. (not spinning). After many GP visits(second opinion GP's), ENT, Physiotherepist for Vestibular Neuronitist, Neurologist, Physcologist for Anxiety, I still have no firm diagnosis. GP thinks its anxiety so I was send for 6 months of Physcologist.
Avatar n tn If the problem is your walls are too thick, Calcium Channel Blockers are the drugs they generally use because they help to relax the heart muscle and therefore the filling action of the heart is better. If the walls are too thin, then I would think the Beta Blockers would be the drugs of choice. What are you calling a "small" fainting spell? You either faint or you don't.
Avatar n tn I have had that, but never blacked out. And as for the heart stopping and then starts up with a hard beat, I did have that also with supraventricular tachycardia. I could feel my heart stop and start again even in my wrist. SVTs can cause you to faint, so I would want this evaluated a little better. Did your doctor run any tests before shrugging this off as nothing?
Avatar f tn There a side effects associated with the central nervous system that include dizziness, unsteadiness, vertigo, syncope (fainting), headache, sleep disturbances, anxiety/restlessness, decreased concentration/memory. Do you have any of these symptoms?.
Avatar n tn I'm only 16, pretty healthy, and have been feeling very strange in the last few days. I woke up one morning feeling fine, went to church but by the end or close, to, i was really dizzy, couldnt hear anything but a buzz, my stomach dropped like on a roller coaster, and i lost all color in my face.....and usually i have very rosy cheeks. I didnt notice any thing with my heart then, but i was a bit preoccupied with not falling over. when it stopped....after like 3 minutes....