
Fainting and gall bladder

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting and gall bladder


Avatar f tn Cardiology tests and all bloodworks is always normal. I finally was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Lazy gall bladder. According to the last HIDA my ejection rate is 19%. The doctor did not offer any specific diets and said it was up to me if I wanted to see a surgeant. I am trying to figure out what to do here. I am looking for a specific diet online but have not been succesful. I rahter not go for surgery since I heard it is not recommended for cases like mine.
Avatar n tn Since you just had your gall bladder removed it's possible that they "missed" a stone and it got lodged in the little "tube" left over from the surgery. Hopefully you have passed it and won't have that problem anymore. If it happens again you might want to see your doctor or surgeon to have the oddi checked.
1512305 tn?1290600100 Checking the gall bladder is a good next step, as she may have an infection of the gall bladder or gall stones. Where is her pain located? Is it up high on her abdomen near her ribs, lower near her pelvic bone, or ? Hope you find out some answers soon.
Avatar m tn The specialist sat down, asked a few questions and said okay, those are symptoms of the gall bladder stones. The next day she was scheduled for surgery and the gall bladder was removed, but then they said "it was infected there was no stones". Four days post surgery, she woke up in the morning and woke me up as well. She was again wincing in pain and crying because the back paid had came back.
Avatar f tn The gall bladder emits bile to aid in digestion. If there is a stone it may block the bile from entering the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine. If there is a blockage, or if there is a "gall bladder attack" it could cause the acids to remain in the stomach and not move through the digestive process. Excess acid in the stomach can promote the ulcer. It would be very typical for your doctor to perform a gall bladder test to rule out stones or an attack.
Avatar n tn The surgeon that did the repair recently did ultra sound and CT and said the hernia was slight again and the gall bladder distended and a kidney cyst, Other docs have seen the cyst as well. Several docs have told me that none of these things really need attention or are causing my symptoms. I m convinced something is wrong and worried it will turn into an emergency if I don't do something.
Avatar m tn dear femmy,thanks for your effort answering my question..I really appreciate the way I'm from the Philippines...salamat!
Avatar m tn There will be pain in the right upper abdomen along with nausea in gall bladder problems. If you are still doubtful that it is due to gall bladder problems discuss it with your doctor. You may need an ultrasound. I hope it helps. Best wishes and regards!
1384238 tn?1286028762 If there is gall bladder dyskinesia, you should be having fatty food intolerance and sometimes pain in the right upper quadrant if there is evidence of gall stones or inflammation of the gall bladder. If due to non-functionality of the gall bladder, there is stasis of bile, it could predispose to gall stone formation. So, your symptoms could be gall bladder related. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar n tn Wow that was a radical decision to remove your Gall Bladder to see if it affected your Crohn's..........I have Crohn's and I have Polyp's in my Gall Bladder and not any Doctor ever mentioned removing my Gall is preferred that I keep it unless something happens with the Polyp' far so good......
Avatar f tn In regards to your response to sonia1124 regarding alcohol and gall bladder. I had my gall bladder removed a month ago. I have felt fantastic ever since. Last night I had one mixed drink with my dinner. About an hour or two later, I was just sitting watching t.v. and I started getting that intense pain on the right side of my obdomen. It was the exact same pain I had when I was suffering from a rotten gall bladder. Do you think this had to do with me drinking alcohol?
Avatar n tn Bowel motility agents like sennakot and exlax can cause cramping and diarrhea and should be reserved for more urgent uses. Consult with your doctor if there is a history of bowel disorders. Anesthetics and pain medication slow bowel motility after surgery and lead to constipation. The longer stool sits in the bowel without being evacuated, the more water that is extracted, and the harder the it becomes. Bowel obstructions can occur and are a very serious situation.
637367 tn?1224382807 I just recently has a hida scan and the nurse called and left a message that said it came back a little below normal @ 22%. That the doctor will call me in a couple of days. Then at the end of the message she said that it was a little abnormal @ 22 %. Well not being a doctor I haven't a clue about the percentages. Can anyone please explain??
Avatar n tn my hidascan showed my gall bladder function to be at 39% and I have had simptoms of bulging in my right upper quadrant of my stomach just under my ribs and food sluggishly moves through my system and some nausea. I thought it was a hernia.
Avatar m tn //www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn I went to the ER for pain in my upper abdominal radiating straight down to belly button and on both sides- most tenderness in upper center portion of abdomen. The doctors ran blood work, urine tests, and did 2 ultrasounds. The ultrasound person told me I have "sludge" in my gall bladder, butno stones. The physician then told me my liver enzymes were elevated, but could not find out what was going on. Told me I my have irritation of Acid Reflux.
Avatar n tn I had a Gall stone episode last thur and am scheduled to have syrgery on Thur over the week end I am having a problem with constipation have not had a bowel movement since Last thur. I have taken exlax at 11.p.m with no results and then took a ducalox supository and oral ducalox about 9 hr ago and still not able to have a bowel movement. I feel very blotted and uncomfortable. I also have not eaten to much other than liquids.
Avatar n tn They did an US and found no stones but the GB was contracted. My PC dr the next day referred me to a GI dr and an US. The followup US showed nothing. The GI sent me for a HIDA scan with CCK. i had cramping with the CCK. The results showed that my GB had an EF of 57% which is normal. Tomorrow I am having an endoscopy. I am extremely frustrated because since my last attack I have had URQ pain, diahreah, acid reflux, chest pain among other things. Since my HIDA scan shows normal....
Avatar n tn In October, I found out my gall bladder is only functioning 27%. I do not have stones. Up until last week I was not having any symptoms, therefore, did not think surgery was the answer. I had what seemed like heartburn, and now occaisionaly feel full easily. My husband and I would like to try to have a baby. My primary care physician said it is a roll of the dice if my gall bladder will get worse during pregnancy. Should I have surgery before trying to get pregnant?
Avatar f tn I do not have gall bladder problems but my Mother in law does and she said yes in her her experience she does.
Avatar n tn Had my gall bladder removed last year. Had the same symtoms this year and had an ERCP cone. Couldn't find a stone. Put a stent in my bile in case one was left over from last year. Said I could possibly continue creating new stones. How is that possible without a gallbladder?
Avatar n tn Someone told me that the pain I have in my shoulder could be related to my gall bladder. There is a nerve that correlates with both! I also have had a neck injury from a car accident. I have been told I am a candidate for surgery on the idsc in my neck. The pain is getting worse all the time.
Avatar f tn Dx GERD 2000 been on Prilosec since. No real issues. Family history 2 gall bladder removals aunt and uncle. Father suffered with similar but would not go to doctor... Since colonoscopy... About 20-1 hour after food, severe pain in low stomach area, gripping pain, with burning, bloated after a couple of bites of food, right upper quadrant pain extends under rib cage and around to mid back. Can not get comfortable, sleep on left side elevated, no episodes of GERD.
Avatar f tn Yeah most of my pain is on my left side, mostly my chest area and I have gall bladder sludge. hopefully getting it out soon...