
Fainting after flu shot

Common Questions and Answers about Fainting after flu shot


Avatar n tn I received a flu shot a couple of days ago at work. The day after, I started having pain in my armpit along with some swelling. Is this normal? I still have the pain and it's been 3 days now. This is occurring on my left side where I received the shot. The shot area itself is back to normal, just a little tender.
Avatar f tn Well you cannot get the flu from the flu shot itself because they give you a dead flu but it is possible to still get the flu after you've gotten the shot. It will not be nearly as bad as if you didn't get the shot. If you think you are having flu symptoms, call your doctor or get checked out because it can still be serious even after the flu shot and they need to treat it.
Avatar f tn s been two days and a half that my husband is sick, he had a fever and he thought that he just have a flu,but now its been many times he passed out for several seconds right after he feels like fainting, he hasn't eaten any solid food yet because his stomach is upset and afraid he will vomit.
Avatar n tn Cold chills can come from having the flu, or perhaps in your case with the fainting, could be something as simple as you not having enough protein to eat on a regular basis. Protein is like the wood in a fire, it burns and heats up a person. And if you ain't got no fire, you'll get cold. In addition, protein gives you energy, and if you don't have any, you can get pretty weak and light-headed. But there are many reasons why this happened to you, those are just my top two choices.
Avatar f tn So I work at a hospital and its required for me to get a flu shot is it safe to get one while being pregnant?
Avatar f tn I haven't got my flu shot bc I'm worried about the risks even though I know the benefits out weigh the risks.. I'm still worried.. Any moms out there have the flu shot?
Avatar f tn I've had both. And I'm fine. Flu shot hurt more than the tdap shot.
Avatar f tn t get one while I was pregnant got it after and I never ever had the flu shot before. . Pregnant with my second and still don't think I will get it this time unless I decide to after.
Avatar f tn I had some symptoms before flu shot but after the shot my life changed. The sticki pain is nerve pain. And he needs an emg/ ncv test done. Google it.
Avatar f tn I never got the flu shot.
Avatar f tn My doctor keeps telling me that I should get the flu shot im 24 weeks pregnant and everytime I got the flu shot before I was pregnant I would always get sick im not sure if I should get one because I can't take meds.
Avatar m tn Get tested at any time. A flu shot will make no difference in the HSV blood test results.
Avatar f tn my edd is Jan 19 , and it will be flu season. I'm conflicted on getting the flu shot. Does anyone know the pros and cons of the flu shot and If they're getting it ?
Avatar f tn Is there anything scientifically to back that up? I wasn't going to get the flu shot but if it protects my baby after he's born I will definitely do it!
Avatar f tn I'm a nurse and get my flu shot every year for work (I work with children who love to share germs) and will be getting it this year also especially since I'm pregnant. Many people worry that the flu shot will make you sick, but it doesn't. It's a dead virus and not biologically possible.
8637947 tn?1410931035 Ladies if your going to get your flu shot as most dr.s recommend for pregnant women get it now! It is not too soon. If you live in the US most Cvs pharmacies are offering them. Get it before the kiddies bring home bugs from school!
Avatar f tn I just got the flu shot and my arm hurts!!! It feels like its going to fall off......what to do?
Avatar f tn The flu shot pretty much puts the flu in your body. A lot of ppl get sick after getting it. Most doc say you already had a cold coming before hand. I've always been against it but I have to receive the shot for my job on Fri and I'm dreading if I'm gonna get sick or not. I think the exact same does it even work or do u have to have it first.
Avatar f tn did any of you get the flu shot while pregnant? did you get sick after you got the shot? can if i get sick can i give it to someone else? thank you. i just go mine today. I'm already sick i don't want to get worse.
Avatar n tn What are your opinions on getting the flu shot while pregnant? I have NEVER had a flu shot, and I haven't gotten the flu in over 10 years, but my Dr has highly recommended it because I am pregnant and due in the middle of flu season and the flu can cause several complications..
11129330 tn?1430878608 This year's flu shot is not the right strain of flu. Getting the flu shot this year won't protect you from the strain of flu going around... it's been all over the news..
Avatar m tn I got my flu shot on Tuesday evening. About 10 minutes after the shot my right arm(where I got the shot) and my right calf area started feeling like numb. It still feels almost like Jelly, weak, numbness (weird feeling). What could it be??
Avatar f tn I'm 23 weeks and curious what everyone thinks about getting a flu shot...I've read it's great and beneficial for both me and my baby even after he is born...
Avatar f tn My husband was hospitalized for pneumonia and he has pulmonary fibrosiis and congestive heart failure .He is 85 years . They could have given him the flu shot . Is there any harm in getting the shot once more???
Avatar m tn Hi there i had the flu shot yesterday and now i have got a lump which has bruised. Is this normal as it is so painful.