
Expecta lipil dha supplement ingredients

Common Questions and Answers about Expecta lipil dha supplement ingredients


1123156 tn?1338863369 I took a pregnancy test after being a week late and turns out im pregnant! My DF picked up "NatureMade" Multi Prenatal (High folic acid, iron and zinc.) Now he also got "Expecta" Lipil ....DHA supplement for pregnant women.........anyone else take these? I just want to make sure im on the right track. I'm going to see the obgyn tomorrow..........cannot wait!!!!
Avatar f tn I was recommended by my doctors to take the Enfamil Expecta DHA.(but this may be due to them getting paid to promote the product? I don't know. They always give out samples.) Anyway, I've taken it with all my pregnancies and it doens't upset my stomach like regular fish oil caps do. Also, you don't have to worry about mercury. It's a little on the expensive side, varying from $10 - $15/mo. I ordered mine on Amazon where it was only $20 for a 2 month supply.
Avatar f tn You can buy Prenatal+DHA, but regular prenatal does not have DHA in it. My doctor said DHA is very important for babies development.
12426295 tn?1426875995 I take Nature Made Prenatal multi + DHA. I buy them from Costco, good price and they don't make me sick at all.
1047147 tn?1328906154 My RE prescribed prenatal vitamins and Expecta (DHA). The prenatal vitamins are free at most pharmacies and the Expectra is around $12/13. Your RE may have prescribed you a brand name one that doesn't have a generic? My pharmacist was helpful with trying to suggest alternatives that saved me money. Good luck!
223372 tn?1240920676 I am going to try breast feeding exclusively.Enfamil does a supplement Lipil which is supposed to be close to brest milk. http://www.enfamil.
Avatar f tn I buy the kind called Expecta. It comes with one bottle of prenatals and one bottle of DHA which is for the babies brain development. Each bottle is a one month supply. It is about $15 at Target but if you open the box before you buy it there is a coupon for $2 off. I open it and use the coupon each time I buy it. Also if you become nauseous like I did and it made me have a hard time swallowing the pills so I bought the gummies by vitafusion and they tasted pretty good as well.
Avatar n tn Look at the ingredients and see if it has DHA in it. It is an additive that can cause nausea.
Avatar f tn I am also due October 25th, I am taking the vita fusion prenatal gummies. They taste awesome and if I make sure to take them before bedtime I don't get sick from them. I got them at Target for like 9 bucks here in WA state.
Avatar f tn Prenatal are not at all the same. Some are sourced from synthetic ingredients and contain GMO'S and pesticides. What you want is a whole food sourced organic prenatal vitamin. Typically rainbow light prenatal are good for those who want an easy 1 a day whole food based vitamin. It will provide you and your developing baby with the essential nitrients. Personally I use garden of life prenatals. You need to take a DHA supplement as well for your babies brain and nervous system development.
Avatar n tn i take cvs brand prenatals (theres enough in the bottle for my whole pregnancy) and i showed them to my doctor and he said they were fine, and just reccomended me take a dha pill called expecta, cause my prenatals didnt have dha in them...but he said other than they they were perfect to take.
Avatar f tn So i visited a friend today and she looked at my prenatal vitamins that i had with me and was surprised they didn't have dha in them. She gave me some dha vitamins and recommended that i take them and continue to do so. My dr didn't mention dha. Am i alone in this?
Avatar f tn I take for my current pregnancy MorDHA Prenatal supplement which is highly purified. My youngest son was given DHA free formula once breastfeeding stopped and then supplemented with Babies Only DHA from egg phospholipids because I refused to give him vegetable sources of DHA.
668044 tn?1225913014 I take One A Day Prenatal with DHA/EPA. The box (for $13) comes with one bottle of 30 prenatals and a bottle of 30 DHA/EPA pills. I have been taking them together through my pregnancy. My OB recommended them if the ones she prescribed didn't work out (they gave me a stomach ache so I went with One A Day). I have heard nothing but good things! I recommend them!
12584065 tn?1436320514 So i just got a bottle of DHA 600 from gnc tonight. It also is combined with 250 mg of EPA(omega 3). Is that too much? How much do u ladies take???
566175 tn?1278430472 I am looking for a good prenatal, with DHA and a stool softener. I am interested in hearing what all you girls take and any feedback. Thanks!
Avatar f tn I buy the nature made brand prenatals from Costco. They're a great deal and have all the ingredients you need.
Avatar f tn But I was reading the label one day and I realized they were missing some key ingredients, including iron, which you really need during pregnancy. So after doing a little research and a lot of reading of labels, settled on the BrainStrong OTC prenatal. Plenty of folic acid, iron, some calcium though I take a supplement just in case, a good dose of DHA which is good for brain development.
611184 tn?1222039645 The participants were asked to take fish oil supplements containing the omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (decosahexaenoic acid). The surveys findings include: 60% of patients noted an overall improvement in their pain and said their overall pain had improved. 60% of patients specifically reported less joint pain. 80% of patients stated that they were satisfied with their improvement.
1660049 tn?1326089018 I looked metformin up in Mosby's Drug Guide for Nurses 9th Edition and there is no mention of any interaction with vitamins. There is a mention that metformin can cause Vit B12 deficiency. Also if you take an estrogen supplement it can increase your risk for hypoglycemia. There is a long list of herbs that interact with metformin, however, so choose a prenatal vitamin that does not have herbs. I would type it out but it is a pretty long list LOL.
Avatar f tn If I take the one with no DHA is it ok to takr Advocare Omega Plex supplement on the side? Or should I take the vitamin with DHA and take iron on the side? These have me confused!
961574 tn?1520648103 however i did find the following Top Rated Prenatal Vitamins After reviewing a large number of prenatal vitamins, I have found a couple I would consider to be by far the best prenatal vitamins. Both of these prenatal vitamins contain a mix of ingredients that not only help with your babies development but also helps the mother with the necessary nutrients and minerals needed to keep her healthy.
Avatar f tn My doctor is big on dha. I take preferaOB ONE they have pre/post-natal Nutritional Supplement+DHA they're pretty good but its prescribed without insure they cost $123.00 :/. They also sell milk with DHA its pretty good but expensive.
554174 tn?1284031102 I am also taking a vitamin and Expecta by Enfamil (it is a DHA omega 3 supplement which helps brain development and can help prevent autism). Most ppl start it in the 3rd trimester to be effective if anyone is interested, it isn't too late. I could probably do better, but I just don't know how. Like I buy produce but it all goes bad so fast. And I am pretty set in my ways. I'm not having any cravings, just eating the stuff I normally would eat..but more of it. haha.