
Etanercept infliximab and adalimumab

Common Questions and Answers about Etanercept infliximab and adalimumab


Avatar f tn Though non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAID) and steroids are the gold standard of treatment, more emphasis should be laid on physical and occupational therapy, rest, heat pads and use of assistive devices for walking. Biological response modifiers like etanercept, leflunomide (used less often), adalimumab, or infliximab can be added in consultation with doctor.
Avatar f tn Drugs called TNF-inhibitors (etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab), which block an inflammatory protein, have been shown to improve the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis. I'm going to refer your post to the Hysterectomy Forum, there is a wonderful CL there who will be able to tell you if there is something related to that surgery that could be causing these issues. (This forum is related to pelvic organ prolapse.) Good luck, I hope you find some relief soon.
1539111 tn?1293014306 Since then he has been under constant treatment. We were given steroid courses, infliximab, adalimumab injections, and now he is on methotrexate every week since 2 weeks. My concern is that this injection is a chemo treatment, which can have many side effects as well as good effects. My son is now nearly 11 years old. His health is deteriorating by the day. He feels weak and dizzy, cannot do activity like playing outside with other children because he feels tired and worn out.
6843062 tn?1387857703 Also, if need be you an take aminosalicylates under expert guidance as this group of drugs does not affect the baby either in mother’s womb or during breast feeding. Biologic drugs such as adalimumab (Humira) and infliximab (Remicade) can also be started later in pregnancy. Discuss this with your doctor. Take care! The medical advice given should not be considered a substitute for medical care provided by a doctor who can examine you.
Avatar f tn Which is why so many of the biologic drugs used for those conditions, such as adalimumab (Humira), etanercept (Enbrel), and infliximab (Remicade) show promise for HS sufferers." *** Excerpts from "Putting Hidradenitis Suppurativa Into Remission".... "I decided to ask Loren Cordain about HS when I interviewed him at the AHS last summer. He mentioned that he thought HS might have an autoimmune component but other than that, he didn’t have any information.
Avatar m tn Our aim was to investigate the efficacy and safety of etanercept as adjuvant to interferon and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients with HCV. METHODS: Double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial. Fifty patients with chronic HCV were randomly assigned to receive interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin with either etanercept or placebo for 24 weeks. The main outcome measure was the absence of HCV RNA at 24 weeks, the on treatment response at the end of the etanercept randomization period.
Avatar n tn Can a perispinal etanercept injection help heal severe pain linked to the piriformous muscle?
Avatar m tn Liver failure occurred in 5 patients, 4 of whom died. The drug Infliximab caused the highest rate of HBV resurgence and liver damage, compared with the drug etanercept in this group. Among core antibody people, with resolved infections: Reactivation occurred in 9 (5%) cases, including 1 patient who died due to liver failure.
Avatar f tn I have had a sore throat for a little over a week now accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, headaches, and runny nose. I was sent to the ER last night by an urgent care doctor because she thought I might be having a flare-up of Crohn's, since I also had a fever. I can't see my primary care physician right now because I'm out of town. They sent me home saying it was a viral and I should be better in a couple of days.
Avatar m tn Hi! Well, peri spinal etanercept is a relatively new therapy for sciatica type of pain. However, as with any new therapy, it has its success and failure stories. It is however known to penetrate the spinal fluid and cause rapid relief in pain. The negative side is that there is no pain relief (which actually cannot be a negative side as you are already in pain). As a note of caution: this mode of drug delivery with etanercept is still in late experimental stage.
Avatar f tn Medicines prescribed for Crohn’s include fibre supplements, Aminosalicylates (medicines that help control mild to moderate symptoms), corticosteroids, medicines such as azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine and biologic therapy like Infliximab and adalimumab in severe cases. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar m tn Question was posed to her GI doctor and they have not offered an opinion. Optometrist does not know, and ophthalmologist will not respond b/c she is not yet a patient. The remicade infusion has been delayed once already (due to illness) and we do not want to delay the infusion any longer than necessary and risk a UC flare up. Any information on RCE and the affects of infliximab would be appreciated.
Avatar m tn Yes, Humira will indirectly help in controlling diarrhea and digestion. Let me explain this. Humira or adalimumab is a biological response modifier and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker. Thus, in Crohn’s it will modify your body’s response to disease (bloating, tenderness, diarrhea, indigestion etc). This is because any immune mediated disease like Crohn’s produces excess of an inflammatory protein called TNF-alpha, which causes cellular damage along with pain and inflammation.
422104 tn?1209763904 If you have already been diagnosed and are sure of the diagnosis, you should consult the doctor and ask for an alternative drug. All the best.
Avatar f tn My husband has ankylosingspondilitis and takes enbrel injections and has considered taking methotrexate before. Best of luck. Could be a real blessing from God :) and a healthy baby!
Avatar n tn I have injected humira 2 weeks ago and after 3 days developed a itch and cant sleep. will it subside?
Avatar n tn I have been on methotrexate for over 20 years and also have been on etanercept (enbrel) but now am only on methotrexate, celebrex and infusions of rituxan every 6 months. I read about all the adverse reactions of all the meds I take and these have never been associated with either of your meds. it could be the vitamin d and calcium deficiencies. best of luck to you.
Avatar m tn He was under treatment and was given Pentasa granules , T PAN (40mg), Tab wysolone and Pentasa Anema. As there was no improvement. Doctor adviced to have Exemptia (Adalimumab) injection. 4 injections (40mg 8ml) was given. Next day he was having stomach pain, tight and rigid stomach, and fast breathing. He was immediately admitted in the nearby hospital and doctor found he was suffering from megacolon (toxic colon).
Avatar f tn hi i'm 15 and i have crohn's disease. i'm portuguese so i apologize for my english. i'm going to start a treatment called infliximab and i wanted to know if it's ok for me to continue smoking weed. i started smoking weed 10 month ago and nothing changed but i'm scared of starting this new treatment. i don't smoke a lot but i don't know the side effects of the 2 combined. i can't ask my doctor because my mom is always is me.
Avatar n tn Yesterday my rheumatologist has finally decided to give me something other than anti-inflammatories and anti-depressants for my list of symptoms which he has decided are due to either Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis (Palindromic Rheumatism was mentioned too) or possibly all of the above, with a side order of Fibromyalgia. Just wondering if anyone here has taken Humira (Adalimumab) as I've read about it and am freaking out a bit!
Avatar n tn I have not taken it since and am continuing on infliximab infusions 8 weekly, with codeine phosphate (to slow my motility) and imodium instants to try and control the morning diarrhea. Winning some days, other days the diarrahea is bad after my first food. Gastro has explained that the sympathetic nervous system goes into action when eating food (no matter what it is, even a simple slice of toast) and this starts the mnotility in the intestines.
Avatar m tn The standard therapy options include intravenous immunoglobulin and plasmapharesis, corticosteroids, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, etanercept, mycophenolate mofetil, interferon alpha 2a and tacrolimus. Current ones are interferon beta 1a, rituximab, and high dose cyclophosphamide. Your neurologist needs to apprise you of the long-term side effects since prolonged therapy are required. Botox shots are not known to be used in therapy.
Avatar m tn Background/Aims Current therapies for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) do not achieve sustained viral clearance in most patients, and are associated with severe toxic effects. Our aim was to investigate the efficacy and safety of etanercept as adjuvant to interferon and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients with HCV. Methods Double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial.
621770 tn?1243220914 I am participating in a Remicade/Infliximab along with standard care PegInf and Riba and was wondering if anyone out there is too?
Avatar m tn While it is antihistaminics, topical and oral steroids for eczema and antifungal for fungal infection, the treatment of psoriasis that have been approved by FDA are adalimumab and Xtrac Velocity excimer laser system. Apart from that, topical medications like emollients, creams containing coal tar, dithranol, corticosteroids, fluocinonide, vitamin D3 analogues and retinoids have been routinely used. So before using any treatment it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. I hope it helps.
Avatar f tn s flares, it goes up really high - 6 weeks ago mine was 190 and I needed to be hospitalised for dehydration and to recommence Infliximab. When I had a really bad flare last year, some 6 months after my first resection (right hemi-colectomy) it was an incredible 260 - my gastro treats a lot of Crohn's and UC patients, and he said he had never of a C-RP being so high. IV antibiotics, methotrexate injections and Infliximab infusions brought the level down, but it was touch and go at the time.