
Estradiol generic patch

Common Questions and Answers about Estradiol generic patch


Avatar f tn since then i have had severe derpession and anxiety vaginal dryness,no intrest in sex recently(i think that could be cause by the antidepressant im on) my dr put me on the estradiol patch low dose..will it help me any?I have no energy and im sick of the depression and anxiety i have no reason to, be this way i have a perfectly good life...has anyone gone off estrogen for years adn then back on it with sucess..i just turned 50,was 36 when i had total hystrectomy..
Avatar f tn I am 55 and went through menopause almost 5 years ago. I use a generic weekly estradiol patch (.1 mg) and Prometrium (200 mg) every night due to extreme menopausal symptoms. I change my patch on Monday evenings. I bleed for several days beginning every other Monday. Could this be caused by the patch losing effectiveness before the week is up? Would switching to Vivelle Dot, which has a twice a week schedule, help prevent the bleeding?
1651832 tn?1301690605 The only reason I would switch to that form of Estradiol is because my new health insurance is charging so much for the Vivelle and will only cover the generic form of the Climara patch (also a bioidentical estradiol and not a bad choice, but I have heard that women are not liking the generic version. Maybe it will get better sooooon... I hope!) I also take testosterone along with that hormone.
Avatar m tn I personally found generic Estrace (micronized estradiol tablets) to work better for me than the patch. And a bonus is that it is a $4 (for 30) / $10 (for 90) prescription whereas I think I was paying $70 for a 3 month supply of patches.
Avatar f tn I have been on the estradiol patch for 5 weeks! I was on the .725 dose. I have gained about 8 pounds and I am freaking out! I have been extremely co scoops of my diet and etc. my doctor suggested we lower the dose to the .375 to see if it will help! How long will it be before I see the weight come off?
216278 tn?1308861082 , it has been determined that I have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and my estrogen levels are low. This is the first month that I have worn an Estradiol patch and am just getting concerned! I know that the best advice and words of wisdom come from those who have experienced it, so I thought that I would start here... Is it possible that this patch can raise my Estrogen to a level that would hinder my chances at pregnancy this month? (I wear it for 10 days after I ovulate!) Thanks!
Avatar f tn i am on meddicine for anxiety and depression,and the patch is generic climara i believe its the lowest dose i took it off last night i see a dr on the 16 that chedcks bllood levels ,i believe this patch was adding to my anxiety,i dont know if it will pass or not i have not seen the kind of dr u mention but i have had my thyroid chrecked millions of times over the years and its always ok
Avatar f tn How long after a confirmed pregnancy are you suppose to continue taking Estradiol? Just read on the internet that it can cause birth defects and I can't reach my doctor to confirm this.
Avatar n tn Hi Vicki, I just have a second (off to work and no computer at work) but I wanted to say that I did a quick search and found that the patch you are on is in fact a bioidentical estradiol, which, in my opinion, is the only way to go...
216278 tn?1308861082 Hi! I am 2dpo and I started an Estradiol patch today to wear for the next week and a half. Of course, I am starting to second guess everything (typical start of my tww) Does anyone know if this could raise my estrogen TOO much, thus hurting my chances for pregnancy? I have posted a picture of the graph of my hormone levels when they did the full panel and I put the numbers in a journal to correspond with it!
374225 tn?1269899262 I have used a couple forms of the Generic Patch and I have to tell you that there is a huge diference. I was getting the Patch by Sandoz which was working great and then the Pharmacy decided that Sandoz was too expensive and restocked the shelves with the Mylan Patch. After refilling my scrip with the Mylan I had noticed over the next day that I had increased pain and felt fluish. I brushed it off and chocked it up to me just not feeling good.
Avatar n tn I was easily overheated on the patch plus it left me with too many other surgical menopause symptoms. I do much better on generic Estrace tablets. Oddly, an estradiol blood level in the 120's on the patch left me with symptoms but an estradiol level in the 60's on the generic Estrace tablets keep symptoms at bay. Have you had your thyroid checked too?
Avatar f tn Two months ago he put me on the patch. A new patch every week. It worked the first month and I got no period at all (which is what he told me would happen) now I'm starting to bleed again. I'm so frustrated and I'm worried that it's gonna be another month long period. I don't know if I should just ask to get it out now? Or what birth control to use next? I have tried the iud and I can't do that again. Don't remember to take the pill..
Avatar f tn i have tried estradiol pill and patch with promtrium which i believe makes depression worse.Menest .
Avatar f tn t afford to buy my own generic right now.Does anyone know of a generic equivalent patch that the drug company will give me for free?
Avatar f tn t totally dicount the use of Estradiol (in the form of a patch...either Vivelle or Climara) in the future. You can look at my journal comments on my profile page where I speak a bit about Bioidentical hormones ... There are comments from others there too.. and, their experiences. To Tobesmartt... there is some GREAT information from Dr. Erika Schwartz (hormone specialist) on why our Grandmothers, etc., did not suffer quite as much as we seem to be now...
Avatar f tn Now when I get them, I take note of it since it tells me that I may need to either increase my dose of estradiol or that I need to change my estradiol patch sooner... (I use the Vivelle patch.. a bioidentical estradiol transdermal patch). Years ago I had all of this checked out by a Cardiac doctor who told me I had benign tacycardia, but we did not discuss how ovarian levels of estradiol affects our heart and how palpatations can occur when things are not at optimal levels.
Avatar n tn Hello, I have had menstrual migraines for over 30 years and as I get closer to menopause, things are getting worse. I had a hysterectomy last July and have been taking.25mg estradiol gel every night and when I first started taking it, it seemed like the headaches were not so bad. Now I am wondering if I should bump it up to .
Avatar f tn I meant to add that the migraines for me stopped once I got on a steady dose of estradiol. I was on the 1mg patch of Vivelle for years before I switched and tried other estrogen combos.... back to Vivelle for me. I get a dull headache now and then if I forget to change my patch. For me the bad headaches were related to menopause... of course, you will check out this pain with the doctors... but do the research on the hormonal front and see what you think.
4128244 tn?1350073611 I've read somewhere that estradiol (I'm on the patch) can increase your T4. Has anyone else heard this? Also, that time of day and fasting can affect TSH. I'm going for TSH, FT4, and FT3 tomorrow. Thanks!
Avatar f tn Maybe Premarin is not a good fit for you since you still have (insane) hot flashes. Have you tried any other types of estrogen such as a gel, patch, or the estradiol tablet (generic Estrace)? I had to switch HRT's because the first one I was prescribed left me with too many low E symptoms.