
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis symptoms in infants

Common Questions and Answers about Eosinophilic gastroenteritis symptoms in infants


Avatar f tn My daughter has eosinophilic gastroenteritis and eosinophilic proctocolitis.
Avatar f tn Beside blood and tissue eosinophilia, peripheral neuropathies, cutaneous manifestations, eosinophilic alveolitis and gastroenteritis are frequently found. In contrast to the hypereosinophilic syndrome, Churg-Strauss syndrome is defined by the presence of systemic vasculitis. However, frequently symptoms related to eosinophilia are (mis)interpreted as indirect signs of vasculitis.
Avatar n tn I was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis 2 years ago. I spent 17 days in the hospital and received high dose oral steroid treatment to treat it. It went away; however, the problem has resurfaced. My doctor has recommended I start a six food elimination diet. My question is: is there anybody doing this diet and how are you avoiding these foods? They seem to be in everything at the store. MY SFED consists of egg, milk, seafood/shellfish, tree nuts/peanuts, soy, and wheat.
Avatar n tn Your child most likely has eosinophic gastroenteritis. All of the symptoms point to EG. I was diagnosed with EG at age 10...I'm now in my 40's. I had terrible stomach pains and my blood counts were substantially off. I was diagnosed from everything to Crones to Celiac. When a specialist finally determined it was EG, I took a 6 month round of steroids. My hemoglobin increased, my stomach problems went away, and my eo's went to a normal range (0-4).
Avatar f tn Hi, as you know HIV is an immune disorder and can lead to many symptoms therefore we never use symptoms in connection with HIV infection as could be anything causing them. If you were exposed to HIV, either from unprotected vaginal/anal sex or sharing IV drug needles, then have the DUO test at 28 days.
Avatar f tn Hello, The various possibilities for your symptoms are skin conditions like psoriasis,dermatitis,lice,scabies and hives, internal diseases like liver and kidney disorders, iron deficiency anemia, irritation and allergic reactions to chemicals,wool,soaps,cosmetics and certain foods can cause itchy skin. Another possibility is of eosinophilic gastroenteritis(an uncommon gastrointestinal disease causing itching and abdominal pain. A history of atopy or food allergies is often present).
Avatar f tn It can cause mild to extreme pains anywhere in your abdomen, though most feel it epigastrically. (The hollow right under your ribs, in your upper stomach) Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise and general aches and pains. For most people symptoms subside within 1-3 days but you're contagious much longer. You can still pass the virus through your stool for 2 weeks or so and it can survive on surfaces for a long time too. Just take it easy, eat bland foods and rest a lot.
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn Eight or ten years ago, my gastroenterologist was worried I had eosinophilic gastroenteritis. But I have no idea what it means when your eos levels are low. A low eosinophil level is usually not a cause for concern and is actually quite common. Eosinophils can be too low due to administration of steroids. Steroids are any of a large number of hormone substances with a similar and basic chemical structure.
Avatar n tn Since Feleuk can cause problems anywhere in the body, the symptoms would depend upon where the disease is located. For example in the gastroenteritis form, anywhere from the mouth to the anus can be effected. There could be mouth problems such as stomatitis, chronic periodontal disease, in addition to vomiting and diarrhea. In the polyarthritis, immunosuppressive form, a cat could have lameness, joint swelling and pain.
Avatar n tn Hi there. Starting on 3AM last Friday, I started having symptoms of what I thought was the flu going around. Diarrhea, vomiting, fever (101.5), muscle aches (mild to severe), sweats and chills, stiffness, weakness, some dizziness, no appetite. I automatically assumed it was the influenza virus but in almost everywhere I read, it says a cough and/or sore throat almost always follow. I've had neither, nor have I had any chest pain.
Avatar n tn Hello! I seem to have unfortunately caught gastroenteritis. I was given Ondansentron and it helped immensely. However, I can't sleep. I'm so wired and my stomach still hurts but luckily, no side effects. Is this normal? Is it the gastroenteritis or the drug?
Avatar m tn I never have any sex and drugs injection in my life. 2 - 3 months after that massage. Symptoms like Eosinophilic folliculitis, muscle ache, joint pain and headache come repetitively. joint pain has gone 3 months after initial symptoms.... (This may associated with my anxiety.......
Avatar m tn AIDS acute period will appear similar to the symptoms of acute gastroenteritis? Symptoms lasted for about four days, infusion improvement in 3 days. It is the acute phase of AIDS symptoms?
Avatar f tn Viral gastroenteritis symptoms may appear 1-3 days after you are infected and can range from mild to severe. Symptoms usually last just a day or two, but occasionally they may persist as long as 10 days. Because the symptoms are similar, it is easy to confuse diarrhea caused by viruses with diarrhea caused by bacteria (e.g., Clostridium difficile, salmonella, and E. coli) or parasites (e.g., giardia). If your symptoms persist, see your doctor for further workup and management.
Avatar f tn I have these symptoms too! Now I am not only experiencing it just off center of the middle of my ribs but on the right side just under my ribs. CT is normal with the exception of a small amount of fluid by my spleen. I had a hiatal hernia repair done just over a year ago thinking it was from that but with in two weeks I had another attack. I live in constant fear of it happening again due to how horrible the pain is.
Avatar n tn 35y Male - diagnosed with Eosinophilic Colitis 12 months ago following biopsy. Over that period I have tried different combinations of Prednisolone, Budesonide, Salazopyrin, Singulair and Colpermin, all with limited success. Presently, I am taking Budesonide (9mg daily) and Salazopyrin (150mg daily). Whilst this allows me to function normally (i.e. normal bowel movements) I have discomfort, bloating and cramping all day, every day.
Avatar f tn But its specifically on my side, not my back or tummy. Its been a week since symptoms started. Symptoms include a constant achy feeling in the area, sharp pains in the area when i lay down or move positions or laugh or cough. I went to the doc after 5 days. He said its just viral gastroenteritis. I looked up the condition and it says you have vomiting and/or diarrhea, but i have neither. I am worried it is appendicitis, but the appendix is on the right side, not left.
Avatar n tn My 13 year old daughter has been recently diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis. The treatments of which has been the use of Flovent and an elemental diet (Elecare) have not been working. Her symptoms are immediate regurgetation or vomiting of EVERYTHING SHE EATS OR DRINKS. Water, vitamins, anything that goes in comes right back out. She has lost amlost 30 lbs but is somehow remaining steady for about a month now, thank God.
Avatar f tn I have Eosinophilic esophagitis, Progressive Peripheral neuropathy, Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and now low Oxygen saturation. Any thoughts for the root cause?
Avatar n tn thanks for the link I had found that last week and it was very helpful. However I do not really experience any symptoms of EE, I would not even know I have it if it wasnt for them telling me I have it. My main concern is the abdominal pain, since i have had extensive travel through asia parasitic infection is a real possibility and I did read that eosinophils can increase due to parasitic infection, therefore I was thinking maybe there is a connection... I could be completely wrong though.
Avatar m tn Has there ever been a link between eosinophilic colitis and HIV? I know eosinophilic colitis is rare in itself but since it involves white blood cells I thought I would ask. This is more of a personal type question; I know the only way to really get the answer im looking for is to get tested but how do you get over the anxiety of it all?
Avatar m tn Is it possible to get a false negative on the biopsy for EE due to prolonged use of Steroid treatment? The reason I ask this question, is in April 2011, after being on fairly high dose prednisone for 5 months and inhaled steriods, I had my endoscopy with biopsy for EE. The results came back negative at that time. Over time the symptoms all returned and by September EE is being discussed again as a possibility. Thanks for your help. And best of luck to each of you.