
Eczema on kids

Common Questions and Answers about Eczema on kids


Avatar n tn i went to the dermatoligst and he said i have eczama but theres pink round circles on my palms that look like ringworm and funny round spots on my fingers he said i had eczema and gave me dexamethason and fluocinonide cream0.
Avatar f tn My family has eczema from my mom kids down to her grand kids. My son has it really bad. He takes a bath with Dove sensitive soap. The doctor prescribed him a prescription for lotions and creams. In between baths I use Aveeno. I wash his hair in free and clear medicated shampoo. My son is 8yrs old had since he been born. My neices also have it. I do not use any scented products on him at all not even to wash his clothes. He wears medicated deodorant.
Avatar n tn If so that same medication will help for the herpes on the finger if indeed that is what is going on. did you have eczema flaring up on your hands/fingers recently? Since you are allergic to bandaids - keep the finger covered with something else like a guaze pad and some non-latex tape.
437027 tn?1670266352 My friend has an 8 month old with what is probably eczema on her cheeks. I had seen a post about this at some point. Does anyone have any adice or anything they have tried and had good results with?
Avatar n tn I came across this quite by accident. Not a cure but giving me relief as I've had this condition on hands n feet for years. Had been putting Vicks on kids heels when they had coughs and discovered itch dying in hands. After 3 days there is just a redness under the flaky skin and remaining blisters are not itchy. I'm hoping they go away without the scratching and puss n infection this time! Hope that's of help to u fellow sufferers!
384896 tn?1335294331 Well, does it look like tiny zits? red ones? Cause it could be baby acne which goes away on it's own and don't pop them... Her pours are working on their own, this happens to all kids at some point before their 1. If it was exzema it's be patches of dry and flakey stuff. I believe you probably know what it lookd like though, but really sounds like acne. You can put some Eucerin Cream/Lotion on it.
Avatar n tn I was wondering if it could be shingles. Doctor says it is eczema but I have 2 different types of break-outs.
Avatar f tn Ok I have 4 children 13 male 11 female 3 female and 2 female, all but the 2 year old have severe medical problems. they all kinda start the same first came the eczema then breathing problems then severe infections. my 2 oldest children have had chicken pox more then a handful of times, each child has had pnuemonia at least 10 time most of the time being hospitalized, their ige levels are all above 70000, my sons list of medical problems are he was born with ...
Avatar f tn It could still be acne on your back with a few on the chest now. Another possibility is eczema which has little sores. It would be wise to see your doctor for a diagnosis though. We use two different products--- Aveeno Eczema Ointment bought at most drug stores and then this other that is a lotion that is anti itch. Not sure if this would increase acne on the back/shoulder area. Perhaps you could use a cleaning wipe like stridex or any brand and then the lotion over it.
Avatar f tn My kids and myself suffer from eczema. Weve tried hydrocortisone all the lotions nothing helps. What else can we do?
Avatar n tn Hi, i wrote that question about the rash on my thigh that i had since i was young, and u gave me some advice, i have to say it was very helpful, but the thing is that i don't have eczema, i never had it nor any other medical illnesses but the usual (cold, flu) etc, rarely..
Avatar n tn hello guys! 2 questions! 1. The other day I got some semen on my hands which have eczema. My eczema do itch and I do scratch them very often. But eczema don't itch all the time. when the semen got on it ,it was not bleeding, it looked like intact skin with very red rash on it. So,my question is, is this kind of no-bleeding eczema showing only severe rashes the same as intact skin?
Avatar n tn I have severe itch on my penis. I have tried a lot of medicines. but none resulted good. I have a lady friend who is a dermatologist. but can i show this to her. or do they only treat females?
Avatar m tn I've been diagnosed with eczema on the underside of my penis. 1% hydrocortisone seems to make it worse. What would be an alternative, milder treatment?
Avatar n tn However, this is such a sensitive part of his body I have been very nervous about what I am doing. Any suggestions on treating eczema on this part of the body? Thanks.
Avatar n tn I was using Nystatin and it seemed to get better, then it returned even worse. The cream seems to do little for it now. I got eczema on my knuckle last year and it finally cleared up. I assume this is the same thing. It is red and raised. It almost looks as if the hair follicles are what is red and raised. The only reason this concerns me is because I was burned badly in this area in 2002. I never went to the Dr. for the burn although I was told it was a severe 2nd degree.
Avatar f tn Am I over reacting, is it safe for them to use chapstick on eczema, or is it further hurting the condition? Please help me so I can pass correct information on to my parents, since they choose not to listen to me! Thanks!
Avatar m tn about 2yrs ago I developed a rash on my one foot.I want to the Dr and he said is was a rash and gave me an antihistmine tablet and some cream.The second time I went to the Dr he said it was eczema and gave me more cream. Both my feet is now covered in scab and I'm to embarresed to go and see a Dr .It itches a lot ,especially at night,and sometimes I stratch it until it bleeds. I'm am extremely anxoius with summer coming up as the mark on my feet draws a lot of negative attention.
Avatar f tn I realise that my eczema gets worse when i get my allergies, it starts with the skin around my mouth getting gradually itchy, sometimes with vesicle fomation on my lips, and the next day my eczema gets worse and my mouth would look darker than usual. Am on mild daily anti-histamines as prescribed by a dermatologist and am using a hydrocortisone cream for the eczema around my lips. I would like to know about the connection between my skin allergies and the eczema.
Avatar n tn since around last summer i developed almost a rash ony myt scrotum, when my groin is cool and dry it doesnt bother me, but when i start to sweat my scrotum starts to get sensitive to my underwear and it starts to get red and itchy, ive used store bought jock itch spray and it works untill i run out. also i have little white bumps on my scrotum where my hair folicals are. any answers on these things would be helpful. This discussion is related to <a href='http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn I was hoping to hear of other potential treatments or medicines. I can handle the eczema elsewhere with the topical steroids and moisturizers. It's just that the eczema on my scrotum is so much more severe and flares up immediately after sex.
Avatar n tn Hello, for a few months now a rash has been developing on my arm. At first i thought that it would eventually go away on its own, but instead it seems to be steadily growing (although at a slow pace). It consists of small bumps that are the same color as my skin, and grows in little patches. At first I thought I might be developing a ringworm, but it isn't raised like one. It also isn't itchy unless I'm out in the sun and sweating a lot. Then it seems a bit agitated.
Avatar n tn Hi, I have a rash that appears mostly in the summer months. It appears on my knees and ankles mostly but can also be seen on legs and feet. It's raised red spots which appear to have white around them. It has come back every year for about 6 years. I live in Ireland so the climate can get warm but not very warm and not very often. When i get to the doctor it has disappeared. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.