
Dose of fluticasone for eosinophilic esophagitis

Common Questions and Answers about Dose of fluticasone for eosinophilic esophagitis


Avatar n tn My 13 year old daughter has been recently diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis. The treatments of which has been the use of Flovent and an elemental diet (Elecare) have not been working. Her symptoms are immediate regurgetation or vomiting of EVERYTHING SHE EATS OR DRINKS. Water, vitamins, anything that goes in comes right back out. She has lost amlost 30 lbs but is somehow remaining steady for about a month now, thank God.
Avatar m tn I have never heard of using inhalers or nasal sprays to treat esophagitis. They are usually used for inflamation of the lungs and sinus pasages. If you were having any breathing problems associated with your reflux, that could be the reason you are using that medicine. So discus this with your doctor. Keep us posted. I do find this very interesting.
Avatar m tn I believe it is a possibility considering how difficult it may be to make a positive diagnosis of EE. Although this is a bit technical, it may give you an idea of the background on EE and how few things docs really know about it:
Avatar f tn Hi, haven't you been checked out for Eosinophilic Esophagitis? That won't show up on any scan, they have to do a biopsy by taking small snips with an endoscope. It's caused by certain immune cells running amok: eosinophils and mast cells. It's an 'emerging disease', i.e. it's known only fairly recently. See if this sounds like you: ...not only the symptoms but also it being mistaken for GERD.
Avatar n tn I had some allergy testing done after the initial diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis, but nothing was conclusively identified as causative. Doctor's advice has been uniformly to manage it with proton pump inhibitors. It seems to me like I should be getting a CT scan or some other more advanced imaging to determine if there is cancer or something serious.
Avatar n tn I have been dealing with this since August, I really do need help, and in recent days the acid reflux has gotten worse, i havent been able to get this sour taste out of my mouth for about 5 days now, and i take omeprozol every day. The worst part of all of this is my worry, I cannot seem to help myself but drive myself out of my mind with worry about what is wrong with me, i really do need your help, your advice, your suggestions. Thank you very much.
Avatar m tn So, two years ago I went to see a GI doctor because I was having severe stomach pain. He decided to do an endoscopy to see what was going on and discovered that I had GERD and eosinophilic esophagitis. I was then put on Protonix, 40mg once a day, and scoped a year later. The scope last year revealed that I had Barrett's Esophagus as-well as eosinophilic esophagitis and also Schatzki Rings. So, I was raised to 40mg twice a day on the Protonix.
Avatar f tn Three years ago I was diagnosed with LPR after coughing for a year. I am coughing again now since before Christmas, so had another endoscopy. The biopsies showed that my esophagus is lined with eosinophils. The doctor didn't think it was eosinophilic esophagitis because my main symptom is coughing. I have had choking issues but it is not a constant thing. I have had eosinophilc pneumonia and also am hypothyroid and have interstitial cystitis.
Avatar n tn I am trying to find answers to resistant h.pylori, eosinophilic esophagitis, and severe acid reflux. Antibiotics, steriods, prevacid, and several other medications were used to no avail. The esophogal lining is severely decreased... Vomiting and stomach upset are prevalent. I'm looking for dos and donts for these conditions and any successful treatments. Thank you!
574423 tn?1258658571 A lot of information on eosinophilic esophagitis can be found on Medscape - sign in and query the search function. The SAA is not really that rare. If you google, you'll find a number of references to it. You won't find any large papers on it unless you're able to access a medical website like UpToDate, which is a subscription service. What do you need to know about SAA?
Avatar m tn The cause of eosinophilic esophagitis is allergy to certain food substances. Make sure the allergist you're seeing is very familiar with the condition as not all doctors are. Check some of the websites for EE and become familiar with the form of tests that are used to pinpoint which foods are causing your specific problem.
Avatar f tn This is not a question so much as info to be added to the ongoing discussion. I too have experienced hives followed by painful daily/nightly bouts of acid reflux and belching. I've lost 8 pounds in a week due to nausea. I was tested for H. pylori(negative), lipase and cbc both normal. As a precaustion my doctor gave me a 10 day round of meds for systemic yeast. I also had a cat scan and that was normal.
Avatar m tn Listed right under causes on this website I developed a breathing issue in May 13', by July 13' I had an endoscopy performed and they found signs of Eosinophilic Esophagitis, , , finally by Nov 13' I realized that I had not been tested for Herpes back in May when all of it started, and found out I was Herpes + (both 1 and 2). To this day I have NEVER had an outbreak.
Avatar f tn I have Eosinophilic esophagitis, Progressive Peripheral neuropathy, Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and now low Oxygen saturation. Any thoughts for the root cause?
Avatar n tn Welcome to the gastroenterology community! Eosinophilic esophagitis is tested for by taking a biopsy during an EGD. This would have shown up on your previous EGD's so I am pretty sure you don't have EE. Have you had a swallow study?
Avatar n tn I have eosinophilic esophagitis, and I have had severe reflux for 22 years. I have fought taking PPis over the years but when I developed the EE, I had to go on high dose prevacid---30 mgs, 2x daily. I wake up some mornings with stabbing pain in my gut with the first deep breath that I take. I experimented recently afte wakin gup in pain, and didn't ake the prevacid that night. i woke up with no pain in my gut. Has anyone else had a PPI cause them stomach pain?
Avatar n tn Hello, I cannot think of any condition associoated with both urticaria and difficulty swallowing except eosinophilic esophagitis. Symptoms of EE can range from severe heartburn, difficulty swallowing, food impaction in the esophagus, nausea, vomiting and weight loss to urticarial rash.Mostly, patients with eosinophilic esophagitis suffer from food allergies also. Diagnosis is obtained during an upper GI endoscopy where biopsies are taken of the esophagus.
Avatar m tn One of the newer suggestions is the use of orally ingested budesonide. You may want to check with your doctor.
Avatar m tn Keep in mind I had my endoscopy done before herpes was diagnosed. Can herpes esophagitis be mistaken for eosinophilic esophagitis? The eosinophils were only elevated in blood back when I first contracted virus in May, and biopsy of esophagus tissue was high for eosinophils. However here we are in December and the back of my throat is still swollen and inflamed as ever. If it is herpes esophagitis, I'll never be able to cure it correct?
Avatar m tn I have EoE (eosinophilic esophagitis) so this has happened before. But it was stuck for longer than usually and I started getting anxious. I have anxiety and Lexapro to help manage it (it works really well) by the time I get to the er I've already calmed down but the doctor came in with a shot and said it would help calm me and relieve the pressure on my throat. A couple minutes later I felt like I was gonna fall my body felt weird and hot I was dizzy and started to vomit.
Avatar n tn I originally went to a GI doctor because I would feel very full after eating only a small meal, almost always in the evenings. After an endoscopy, it was discovered that I have eosinophilic esophagitis. However, many of the symptoms I don't have. I never have food stuck in my throat or have trouble swallowing... Here are the symptoms that I have on a regular basis. I feel very full in the evenings, and the bloated sensation can last for hours.
Avatar f tn He has, Hypogammaglobulenmia , Eosinophilic Esophagitis (allergy in esophagus), Pots syndrome (heart), and in the last 6 months has debilitating knee pain and fatigue. They did a smudge test and found cells. His ALT is 146 , AST is 112. His Lymphocyte Abs is 5741. Im sick inside, I can't eat, I can't sleep, Im so scared!!! He will see Oncologist/ Hematologist on April 8th. For now we just wait. Any any any advice would be soooooooooo appreciated. Thank you.
1108194 tn?1378424522 My son has Eosinophilic Esophagitis and we just had blood work done because of his fatigue. His Anti-SS Dna test results were 419. Way over the range of 0-99. I was told that it could be from the EoE but I cannot find any information that leads me to this conclusion. Only that it could be an auto-immune disease. My primary wants to send him to a pediatric rheumatologist. Would a rheumatologist be able to diagnose autoimmune or if its caused by EoE?
Avatar n tn now i had an egd procedure. throat came back good with them taking a biopsy to rule out eosinophilic esophagitis. found erythematous mucosa with no bleeding in gastric antrum. it said gastric mucosal abnormality characterized by erythema. what all does this mean?
Avatar m tn My recommendation would be that you and your doctor work closely together to find the lowest dose of fluticasone that will provide good asthma control. In addition, I recommend that you and your doctor may wish to develop good follow-up, with implementation of the underlined recommendations in the above paragraph. With good, close monitoring, the risk of your developing undiagnosed reactivation of TB would be very low.
Avatar m tn ve had breathing issues and eosinophilic esophagitis show up since all of this started 3 years ago.