
Do zoloft side effects go away

Common Questions and Answers about Do zoloft side effects go away


11638679 tn?1457985940 To make a long story short, i was diagnosed with GAD after 5 years of having it. It all happened after a stressful life event and me worrying about my health. I moved across the country and changed schools and thats when i developed very bad social anxiety. My doctor put me on zoloft and it helped my anxiety immensely, but it started making me feel very apathetic and i couldn't stand that feeling so i stopped taking it. After stopping the medication my anxiety was still alot better.
633284 tn?1271714418 I take zoloft 100mg started on half of a 25 mg I worked my self up ther are some side affects but they usually go away with in a few weeks, PLEASE dont give . I had blurry vision and dry eyes for the first 3 weeks and then it went away.
Avatar f tn Zoloft has a fairly long half-life of 26 hours. A half-life is the amount of time it will take your body to excrete 1/2 of the amount of Zoloft in your body. I really suck at math, so I'll leave that up to you. Bottom line though is that it's not going to take very long. Couple days at most. Hell, you only took a grand total of 75mg. Drink lots of water and understand that your anxiety about "withdrawing" from that tiny amount of Zoloft IS just that......anxiety.
Avatar f tn Unfortunately after 12 plus years on Zoloft it pooped out on me a year ago... But once again it will take time for the side effects to go away stay positive!!
Avatar f tn I have been taking zoloft for 10 days now and I feel really anxious and nervous, I feel shortness of breath can anyone tell me if these are side effects and if they will go away. I don't know if I should stop taking it I just lost my insurance so I can't go back to the dr that prescribed them for me can anyone help me. Right now I'm also taking levaquin, and medrol and norvasc, enalapril. Can I still take my ativan for the anxiety. Any anwers will be greatly appreciated thank you.
Avatar f tn I'm still doing better than I ever expected to. My only probllem is sleepiness. I don't know if it's the Zoloft or just coming off the hydro's. Have to go back to work Monday. Hope I can stay awake! LOL. One more day and it'll be a week. Surprisingly, nobody at home can tell any difference in me except instead of being my ususal hyper self, I'm kinda dragging. One other thing is my appetite, which is practically 0/ Thank goodness for Ensure!
Avatar f tn When I came off of it, my doc put me on a taper as I came off of it. I did notice some side effects like naseau and increased anxiety, however I kept an open line of communication with the doc. I asked if it would be okay to go on a slower taper as I came off of it. He agreed and the slower taper seemed to help with the side effects. I am glad that you are seeing a psychiatrist to help you with your medication prescriptions and questions.
Avatar m tn I have been on zoloft for two weeks and the side effects are still pretty bad, without any benefits (it seems like it has been two years!). (I have tried lexapro, paxil, and celexa, but zoloft was the first AD I have taken and from my first experience seemed to produce the least side effects for me (although this time seems bad). I know it takes awhile for SSRI's to get working and initial side effects are common. I started taking 25mgs for a week and have been on 50mgs for a week.
Avatar f tn I think your plan is a good one. If you can give this some time, you'll get a better idea of what's going on. It's tough because many of the side effects of Zoloft also resemble the original anxiety symptoms (or even new ones). Hang in there, and let us know how you're doing!
Avatar f tn The second is that some psychiatrist will add Wellbutrin,as stimulating antidepressant in low dosage as an adjunct to the ssri and it sometimes takes away the sexual side effects. But then you're on two drugs, so it's a choice. So give it time, see how it goes, but if you find the side effects are too much for you and you need to try a different medication, do it sooner rather than wait a long time -- the longer you're on these drugs, the longer it takes to taper off them.
Avatar m tn A working dosage level often needs to be gradually worked up to so our bodies can adapt to such harsh chemicals, and interim side effects may go away as we adapt. Long term use may lead to a fresh side effect appearing at some point (so, those need to be watched out for). Meanwhile anxiety can create its own symptoms which can confuse matters in assessing a new med's impact and safety. May I message you with a selection of links to my recent posts about anxiety coping tips?
Avatar f tn Hi, I am taking 25 mg of Zoloft since 13 days, my GP think that I have post partum anxiety (even I never had anxietry attck, but he thought so because my appetite is going on and off) . well at the beginning the side effect were much worst than now but I still wake up very eatrly with the FLUTTERY feeling in the chest and hands also some nausea and loss of appetie. Anyone can tell me when these horrible side effect will go away?
Avatar n tn However the tremors are still there as well as extreme sweating, and muscle tightness. (I have been on this dose for approximately 2 weeks.
2198057 tn?1338531205 Hello, I just was introduced to generic brand for Zoloft. I took 1/2 12.5 for only 2 days now and I do feel some side effects. Itchy skin, major headache, tired, overall just not myself. I also am going on cruise next weekend and I was told not to drink with this medication, what's your thoughts? I may stop it today and start it up when I come back from vacation?
Avatar f tn I had terrible side effects from Zoloft not pregnant. I would be terrified to take while I was pregnant. It has to be very unsafe for baby. Hope you feel better.
Avatar f tn I took about 4 days for the Zoloft side-effects to go away, in my case. My only side-effects were EXTREME hyperactivity (which lead to lack of sleep) and a slightly diminished appetite.
Avatar m tn Assuming you began your treatment with Zoloft at the lowest dose, all or most of it should be out of your system by now. After only one week, there would be no w/d. I suggest calling your p-doc for advice on the symptoms you are experiencing. It's possible that you had an allergic reaction to the medication and that is beyond the scope of this forum.
10361664 tn?1409609407 Ok now im scared! What do I do?..ive been on Zoloft before about 15 years ago and I liked it I was only on 30 mg of Paxil before I started the taper!
Avatar f tn Has anyone here ever taken Zoloft? If so wat were your side effects? I started Zoloft on Monday. I only took one pill n within a couple of hours I felt horrible! I had nausea n diarrhea. Today is Thursday and I still feel nauseas. Keep in mind it took one pill on Monday n no more after that. Please give me some input.
Avatar f tn I see why you did that, as you were apparently treating withdrawal problems, but start up side effects are pretty common. Some of these go away as your body gets used to the drug and some don't, and it's a very individual thing. But it isn't anything particularly attached to just these two drugs, it's all of them. Even aspirin eats the lining of the stomach. So these might go away with time and they might not. Only time will say.
Avatar f tn ve been on the 200mg dose of zoloft for five weeks now, and though I had initial side effects they did go away. However, all of the physical side effects such as dry mouth, excessive sweating, nausea, diarrhoea, feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, and crying at the drop of a hat have all come back with a vengance. Typically they ease up by early afternoon, but these side effects are making it very hard for me to function in the morning.
Avatar f tn Hi i was jus wondering if anyone on zoloft could tell me if im already taking 50mg of zoloft for over a year and my dr has recommended i increase it uo 25mg will i notices any side effects ?? I jus so scared of meds as it is and i hated the side effects in the beginning and dont wont to go backwards cuz ive come this far and it was hell let me tell you. PLEASE any advise would really ease my mind cause im so scared. Thank you.
Avatar f tn Now, if it was just the Zoloft and only the Zoloft, any side effects of it should go away pretty quickly since you weren't on it long enough for it to actually do anything much. It takes some time for the brain to learn to alter the way it works. But side effects can start right away, both as the brain tries to adjust and the body fights the drug -- as drugs aren't food, humans aren't evolved to consume them, and so they have to be designed to be force-fed to us.
Avatar f tn Hi there, I had a episode about 3 months ago of unexplained anxiety, no trigger or history of it.. MD thinks hormonal change, I am 39 years old. I felt a little depressed with the anxiety and he started me on Zoloft at the beginning of November. I have been having the jittery caffeine feeling with this med consistently having to take klonopin ..25mg in the am with the dose as it seems to be works about 5 hours post dose.
Avatar f tn I have mild asthma and allergies as well but I also take Zoloft without those side effects. Sure you could be having a reacation but, it could also be your anxiety so worried about side effects.... That is probably why your doc wants to wait to change your meds, to see if the feelings subside.
Avatar n tn As lagoya mentioned, you may or may not experience side effects. If so, they range from annoying side effects to serious side effects. If it's helpful, when I took flecainide, I had weird dreams, shakiness, tremors and gastointestinal problems. It wasn't horrible, but it was bothersome enough that the doctor switched me to rhythmol. Great suggestion from lagoya on checing out the medication under "Health Topics" above.