
Do lamictal side effects go away

Common Questions and Answers about Do lamictal side effects go away


Avatar n tn My daughter is currently taking a combination of depakote, lamictal, and abilify for a mood disorder. However, her doctor feels the overwhelming problem with her is an anxiety disorder that is not being addressed by the current meds. The doctor wants to ween her off the lamictal completely and start her on klonopin wafers. I am concerned about the "drowsiness" side effects. Do these eventually go away?
Avatar f tn I've been on Depakote and Seroquel for bipolar and not improving much, so today the doc took the depakote away and is starting me on Lamictal. Can anyone share your experiences with it? He told me it should not give me the weight gain or fatigue, and the only thing I need to watch for is if a rash develops on my body to let him know immediately, as it could be serious enough to land me in the hospital. Other than that, does the lamictal really have relatively few side effects?
Avatar f tn I do know that all antipsychotics can cause anti-cholinergic side effects which are typically blurred vision, dry mouth and sometimes trouble urinating so you could speak to your psychiatrist about that as one potential cause.
Avatar f tn Since lamictal has great results, statistically, I think I am going to stick with it and see if the side effects will go away eventually. It could also be that I am weaning off Keppra, now at 500mg at night and this is what is causing it. Who knows....
Avatar m tn Please be sure not to make any changes in the medication dose without your psychiatrist's express permission and supervision. The side effects you are describing can occur as an adverse reaction to Lamictal but it also could be a matter of interactions with the other medications. What might be going on could have a variety of causes. Its also important to think whether it has helped you or not.
Avatar f tn But he said we also have to wait and see if Lamictal alone will control my bipolar symptoms, and I may have to go back on the other meds as well. Anyone else having success with just Lamictal? If so, do you have any side effects, particularly weight gain, hair loss, etc. Thanks a bunch.
Avatar n tn lamictal has a warning in the side effect booklet about taking with birth control; yes, it can (and usually does) minimize your birth control effectiveness. might wanna talk to your doctor, though.
Avatar n tn My Doc wants me to go up to 200mg. I am taking 50mg for two weeks then go up. So far no side effects but I am worried, 200mg seems like a lot. Will it not make me a zombie, emotionally flat like ssris? Has anyone been up to 200mg before?
Avatar n tn Hi Torrey -- Do Not Stop Taking Any Of Your Meds. that's very dangerous. Go to the ER with your meds, doses, and a list of docs, and have them contact your pyschiatrist and GP. Don't screw around with any of these symtoms. You didn't say how much lithium you're taking, but it could be a nasty toxic lithium reaction. Stop reading this and GO GO GO to the ER.
Avatar n tn You can go to the medication website and that will be listed and you can show that to your psychiatrist and ask if that is what might have caused the muscle stiffness. Regardless if that has stopped the other side effects are more typical withdrawal symptoms and should go away without a probleem.
Avatar m tn Hello there, I've recently started on Welbutrin (forgot dosage, but it's small) and I've had some surprising effects. First off, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a year ago and ADD about two months ago. I take lamictal 300mg along with the welbutrin. The welbutrin was prescribed to treat my ADD. Not long after starting I experienced this great emotional change. I realized that I was just not having "extreme" emotions anymore. I haven't felt like this since...ever.
Avatar n tn However the tremors are still there as well as extreme sweating, and muscle tightness. (I have been on this dose for approximately 2 weeks.
735919 tn?1236444549 I am on Lamictal and Geodone. It is a good combination for me. Didn't get any side effects with the Lamictal. With Geodone I have a few side effects. One side effect is I lost a lot of weight. Which was good to begin with as I was a size 12 going on to 14 but I am now a size six. I really have to watch that I don't lose anymore weight. I'd like to gain some muscle tone too. I also have some agitation, or it increased what was already there. I alway fidgited now I do it more.
Avatar f tn If you are feeling any cognitive confusion that should go away in time. Once the Lamictal begins to work in full you can ask your psychiatrist about adjusting your other medications.
Avatar f tn These psyc meds can often times take a while to work out. Often, side effects do go away with a little time, it just depends on the person.
Avatar f tn This will increase the dose gradually. The best way to do it. The only side effects I have noticed is a little bit of a rash, nothing bad. Looks like a little case of heat rash. But the benefits for me are way worth going through the side effects.
Avatar f tn s their decision as regards side effects. One week is not enough time to see if it worked though and some side effects get better after time. You'd have to discuss that with your psychiatrist though. As regards Abilify if it worked for you then that's fine. Antipsychotics can cause prolactin elevation which drops sex drive but Abilify is the least likely to cause this. Its generally more of a nuisance than anything but each person is different in their reactions.
Avatar f tn - I looked up lamictal and sure enough there it was. Your body starts having REALLY bad side effects when it detects an OVERDOSE. I called the doctor and sure enough - he gets on the phone with me - we talk. I would take the medicine and fine, then when it starts being absorbed all hell breaks loose. I stayed off the medicine for one day - went back on the next day at 300 mg.
Avatar f tn I did have some heavy side effects from Lamictal when I started it but they went away in time. I am not sure if all those side effects are from the Lamictal but you should definitely discuss them with your psychiatrist and you could look on the medication website as well and ask your pharmacist in the meantime for more information.
Avatar m tn You probably already know lamotrigine (Lamictal) works better for the depression side more than the manic side. So this is why I think the lithium/lamotrigine combo is good, because you get the antimanic effect (which you don't get with lamotrigine) and the antidepressant effect (which, according to some MDs, you don't neccessarily get with lithium, and without the risk of going manic).
874521 tn?1424116797 Lamictal can occasionally cause extra pyramidal side effects and as an adverse side effect tardive dyskinesia. That is where I acquired it from. Go to the medication website (the prescription information part) under "adverse side effects" and print that out for your psychiatrist. They can determine whether its e.p.s. (in which case it can be treated with a side effect pill) or tardive which means it must be changed to another medication.
524020 tn?1223161005 As for side effects, I have had almost none with Lamictal. Not even sexual side effects. Maybe a little upset stomach once in a while, but no weight gain at all from it. Keep in mind that about 1 in 300 people can develope an allergic reaction to Lamictal shortly after starting. This will show itself as a rash around the neck or chest. IF YOU GET THIS RASH THEN DISCONTINUE THE LAMICTAL IMMIDIATLY AND CALL YOUR DOCTOR. This is rare, but can happen to some people.
1448748 tn?1312956208 My doctor suggested eye exam first and if normal, stop taking lamictal to see if it is that causing my additional symptoms, then if still there,look at ms as possibility My problem with this is that my vision is blurry in only one eye, and I have been taking lamictal a long time with no side effects except for pain relief and help with fatigue.