
Diflucan works

Common Questions and Answers about Diflucan works


1472764 tn?1287588186 I'm 16 weeks and I'm suffering from a horrible yeast infection. I took 7 days of terazol and 3 days of monistat. Neither helped. Creams usually don't on me. Diflucan is the only thing that works but my dr. said he doesn't prescribe it during pregnancy. I'm so sick of it. I'm miserable. Has anyone ever taken diflucan when they were pregnant? What are the side effects to the baby?
Avatar f tn I used monostat one day and it did work but takes about 2 days. Why won't your doctor prescribe diflucan? It's a tablet you take and works well. It's not an antibiotic as antibiotics actually cause yeast infections but an antifungal (which yeast is a fungal issue). I'd ask for diflucan if your doctor is open to you being able to do that.
12182312 tn?1427683956 I'd wait out and use what the Dr prescribed. How long did he/she say it would take? If you just started, you should feel some relief soon.... Good luck...
Avatar n tn I've taken 2 Diflucan tablets one one friday and one on Saturday. Monday i started bleeding my period is not due for another week.
Avatar m tn ve had chronic yeast infections (4-6 a year) for about 3 years now. 2 years ago my doctor prescribed Diflucan and it worked well for a while (cleared up the infection right away). About 8 months ago the Diflucan stopped being as effective, and I would have to take one 150mg pill then followed by another 150mg pill 3 days later. For the past 6 months I've had a yeast infection that has not really gone away. I have relief for a couple days to a week max and then the symptoms returned.
Avatar n tn I took an std test for chlamydia and gonnorea and they both came back negative but the doctor gave diflucan thinking it might be a yeast infection. It worked for about a week and then the burning came back. The doctor then gave me doxycycline( 10 days 2 pills easch day) and said that this should work. It works a little but he said it might take a week and its been six days. I have a couple of questions. 1.
Avatar f tn question ladies...i took my diflucan pill on monday, but i wanted to know is a white discharge a side effect of the pill? i have taking diflucan multiple times before, but i never bothered those times to actually look and see what was going on down there. this time i did and it seems like a white discharge is coming out...someone told me that was the yeast mixing w/the medicine coming out. is that true?
Avatar m tn What is the usual dosage for treatment of toenail fungus with Diflucan? My doctor prescribed it to me and it just seems to be different than normal. He said to take 100 mg/daily for the first 10 days of each month until it's gone. Is that a normal regimen?
Avatar f tn Hi there. Your doctor can call in a prescription for diflucan which clears it up right away. my doctor does that without even seeing you. It's just one pill and works great. Probiotic yogurt such as activia is the yogurt to eat. It helps restore the ph of your vagina.
475187 tn?1208154768 ve search on the internet and i found out about the Diflucan, that according to them will get rid of the yeast infection for just one dose, so we bought it and me and my husband took it, but it's been 3 days now and i still have the white discharge, does anybody tried Diflucan before? and how long it will take effect? or does it mean that it will not work on me? i don't want to try creams because it's messy.
20797525 tn?1510602613 I have had candida for a little over a year now. It all started with strep throat that I required penicillin to combat. Penicillin helped but never fully eliminated the problem. I began to notice a lot of itching underneath my left arm. A few times I would put deodorant on and it would sting to high heaven. Then I noticed that classic yeast smell. I tried all types of treatments with no result, relief or answers.
Avatar f tn I have had a lifelong yeast problem and while on antibiotics needed anti candida medication all the time, This stuff works better than diflucan, nystatin or any other prescription med, and it is just an enzyme that dissolves the candida while doing no harm to your liver at all. You can order it online (I got mine from Amazon) or in a vitamin store. Whatever yeast meds you take, you have to give up sugary foods and drinks altogether, and cut down on complex carbs as much as you can bear to.
Avatar f tn They didnt want me to talk diflucan that early. I am the same way as u. Nothing works but diflucan for me. so i know how u feel.
Avatar f tn I tried 2 of 3 days of an otc yeast medicine and had my doctor call in 1 pill of diflucan all with no relief. I also recently washed all of my underwear in a hypoallergenic detergent and still nothing. Can someone point me in the direction of what it could be? I'm not sure I can wait til Monday to see a doctor!
Avatar f tn What I do for yeast after having it diagnosed so knowing the signs is to either call the doctor and get a pill called diflucan which works fantastic. One pill an the yeast is gone. OR, I use ONE day monostat over the counter which has the highest concentration of medicine in it. It takes about two days to work as all over the counter yeast medications do not work immediately (diflucan does).
Avatar f tn Use them until the medication kicks in (although diflucan works really fast). You can even leave them in your panties for a bit. Eat probiotic yogurt too!
Avatar f tn Absolutely do not use a tampon. That's the worst thing you can do. The Diflucan is actually a pregnancy category C which means risk can't be ruled out. But one dose isn't expected to have any harmful effects.
Avatar n tn I have had a yeast infection for about 3 months now. I have tried Gynazole-1 & when that didn't work I was given 2 Diflucan pills taken 3 days apart. That didn't work so I went back to the Dr. who looked under the microscope & said it looked like definately yeast. I have had cultures & STD testing done, all fine. So I was given a 7 day treatment of Terazol & 2 more Diflucan pills (take 5 days apart) to take at the same time as using the Terazol.
1763947 tn?1334055319 I have had a year of cyclical break outs on my tongue of very painful flesh colored bumps on both sides of my tongue and my LLMD thinks it is yeast so I have been taking diflucan for 6 weeks and the bumps went and way and have not come back....until tonight. One has popped up and usually more follow the next day or two. Has anyone had anything like this or can someone make a suggestion of another pill for yeast that would cure this for me?
Avatar f tn m not aware of over the counter products. One product used if I have it correct is Diflucan (not sure about the spelling. I hope that you will start to feel better soon. I know how lousy it can make you feel.
Avatar f tn I had one my doctor just called me in a diflucan pill to the pharmacy. It works much faster and not so messy.
Avatar n tn my gyn told me to try that because i used to get a yeast infection after every really works for me so it might for you too....i think cranberry is for kidney infections...good luck...
Avatar f tn It also has some anti-candida effect, and it says when combined with fluconazole (Diflucan), it works well on Diflucan strains of the yeast. I hadn't heard of taking Xylitol, although I have taken Stevia in the past. I felt a bit crummier for the first month of taking Stevia. Later I read that Eva Sapi had seen it kill some spirochetes and cysts in the lab. I figured the extra fatigue and brain fog I had was the die off. After that eased up, it didn't seem to benefit me anymore.
Avatar m tn Thanks for answering me so soon. My doctor started me on diflucan at 150 mg then added nystatin. He later said the diflucan wasn't strong enough. I'm now on 400mg a day. My eyes and lips are so dry. Could this be because of the diflucan? I was worried because it was still here after 6 months. I see you had to stay on it for months. I will see if I can find Yeast Cleanse online. I feel like the yeast and the diflucan are a big part of why I feel so bad.
Avatar f tn I'm allergic to sulfa, too, so I am on Rifampin. It didn't seem to help as much as the Levaquin the first time around, but this time I'm on a higher dose. I assume I'll be on it a long time. For me, Omnicef was almost useless. Within a month, my Lyme symptoms were getting worse. It's odd because Rocephin is helping a lot, and they're in the same drug family. Go figure. Omnicef is really helpful for some people, so don't be discouraged by my experience.
1423392 tn?1286590390 My Mom bought me a walker with a seat early in the spring. I only used it once, but I couldn't have done the outing without it. People were kind and got out of my way, and I could stop and sit down whenever I felt tired or off balance. Too bad I didn't have it months earlier. I could have used it longer. Jackie - I have recently figured out that I really do have a yeast problem in my gut. It explains some of the bloating and discomfort.