Diflucan for uti

Common Questions and Answers about Diflucan for uti


Avatar f tn Once I stop within a few days I feel terrible again. They prescribe diflucan for 14 days. Had it 6 x’s. Always comes back. No bacteria grows in urine. I am also antibiotic resistant from antibiotics for 49+ years. I Am not diabetic but do have polycystic ovarian syndrome. WBC >182 /HP no bacteria growth is current urinalysis.
Avatar f tn Major pain. Went to urgent care diagnosed with a UTI. Dr gave Cipro, diflucan and AZO. After 3 days they called to say my culture results showed Cipro wasn't the correct meds. Micro bid was the new med. I've had lower abdomen pain since off and on. Is it not working? Do I have a major case of yeast? I took another diflucan thinking it could be yeast pain. Weird pain.....
Avatar f tn I'm going through something similar. I don't have an answer for you, but some more data that might be useful in talking to your drs. When I started on abx about 18 mos ago, I noticed some fairly low level redness and itchiness in the vulvar area. Mentioned it to my LLMD but said I could tolerate it. It went on like that for about a year, taking abx and Florastor (which is a 'good' yeast [S.
Avatar f tn You may need to take Diflucan every day for one week and then weekly for up to six months to get the infection to clear. Good luck!
Avatar f tn The 1-day treatment pack you bought would be pointless since you already took the Diflucan and just have to wait for it to take its course, but the itching cream would definitely help you! Since you can't fully empty your bladder, it sounds more UTI related, but the fact that your labia minora was inflamed is a pretty good indicator of a yeast infection or BV too.
Avatar f tn @ AuntieJessie, I took the diflucan a few days ago and I’m going for testing now at the third clinic. The 2nd clinic I got tested for HIV, hepatitis, syphillis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia possibly 14 days after unprotected sex. Still waiting for the results. Went to one of those free clinics right before thanksgiving holiday and they stated it takes 10 business days or more for results. So now I’m going to a clinic and using my insurance to find out what’s going on.
Avatar f tn I visited an urgent care center a month ago, and was diagnosed with Bacterial Vaginitis & a UTI. I was given Macrobid & Clindamycin. Finished treatment with those, and I still had some burning after urination, not really during, but afterwards. It was a very uncomfortable heated sensation that I couldn't really pinpoint. So I saw my regular doctor, not an ob/gyn.
Avatar f tn Thank you for your advise Well once I took the Diflucan it cleared up alot no I guess my assumption was correct. It scared me so much it was def something new in my eyes. Im just happy its over.
Avatar f tn I went to the doctor and got an std screening (cultures only no blood tests) and a general culture for yeast or a UTI. She gave me the 5 day treatment for diflucan because she said to her it looked yeasty inside my vagina. The cultures came back negative for a UTI, bacterial infection, yeast infection, chlamydia and ghonorrea.
Avatar n tn I am 9 yrs out from transplant and every time I have to go on an antibiotic (like for a UTI) I end up getting something else from the antibiotic. Right now, following 10 days of antibiotics for a UTI (Cipro) I have very bad thrush and am now on my 3rd bottle of Nystatin swish and swallow and have seen NO improvement at all. I am going to ask my dr for the mycelex troches when I see him this week. Good Luck to you.
Avatar f tn My boyfriend had mentioned that he was having a strange feeling in his testicles kind of a tickling or itching that would come and go, no discharge no pain just urgency as well. I went into the clinic who tested me for UTI, which came out negative. The clinic gave me Zithromax 1g just in case I had an STD, and a Rocephine shot, and Diflucan because she said it looked like I may have a little yeast. They tested for Gonnorhea/Clamydia which came back negative as well.
Avatar m tn HI In my opinion it could be fungal since you have absolutely ruled bacteria out, harmful bacteria anyway. Just to be sure why don't you get yourself 150mg of diflucan for fungal infections, if you don't have a fungal infection the diflucan won't harm you anyway. The most important thing to do is to let go of the STD fear. Paranoia and anxiety play a major role in your body, it could be as simple as genital focused anxiety. Stop watching your genitals like a hawk.
Avatar f tn Or, you could also purchase over the counter UTI testing strips, which will test for white blood cells and nitrites (by product of bacteria).
Avatar f tn Thanks for your reply and advise. But i am not so concerned about the UTI, and i dont have a yeast infection. I am more concerned about the stomach issues and the way i feel when i have these flare-ups, and how to get those under control. I guess not too many people have the same issues, as i see not too many reply's huh. In anycase i will keep your advise in mind :-) Thanks again.
Avatar f tn I hanve been burning in my private area for about 5 months now. Every time I go to the doctor they tell me the same thing that its a uti im scared something else is wrong though I took the medicine they give me but it hasnt gone away and its gotten worse any advice?
Avatar f tn I thought it was a yeast infection so I got prescribed Diflucan but I was still experiencing symptoms so I was prescribed an antifungal cream. The lab results confirmed I have a UTI and didn't find anything with the vaginal swab. I'm confused because I thought UTIs didn't cause itching. The itching is only inside my vaginal canal not on the outside. If I don't have BV or a yeast infection, then why am I itching?
Avatar m tn He refused to treat me for a UTI and I suffered for a long time after that. All I needed was a urine test. He really messed me up long term. I had repeated uti's after that. Make sure you get tested for the uti and the vaginitis. I said TESTED. Make them do both so you don't suffer like I did. Don't let them guess what they think it is and don't be too shy to stand up for yourself like I was. Make sure they know for sure what it is they are treating.
Avatar f tn Said it seems to be a yeast infection with a possible UTI. They gave me Diflucan one day pill and Ciprofloxacin to take for 10 days. I have 5 days left on the meds. I feel that it's made it feel better but I still have a bit of itching, burning and irritation right around the vulva. I went today for a full STD panel and will get the results soon, but I am freaking out. Also my body is itchy, is this from the Ciprofloxacin ? I just want some answers....arrgghh.
Avatar m tn ve recently started having a lot of sex (the beginning of a new relationship) and now the inside of my vagina itches and is irritated. We are both STD free, and I just had a check up for STD's a week ago. So, I know it's nothing like that, but could it be something as simple as a yeast infection? Or UTI? I don't have any discharge or smells or anything, just the itchy feeling inside my vagina. Thanks.
Avatar n tn I have also had problems with yeast infections, dating back 5 months now- which is hard to deal with as antibiotics are prescribed to help with the UTI, but flare my yeast infections. I have had a second opinion on what is best for my overall health, but neither of the doctors I have seen are particullary concerned with what may be the underlaying problem. I am very concerned because of the further health problems diabetics can develop. Any advice or information is greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn Hi and congrats on your baby! That's exciting!! You are probably close to being able to find out the sex! Anyway, is "live" supposed to be "lube"? So, it could be a yeast infection. I, for some reason, got those a little easier when pregnant. The ph of the vagina may be a little different or something. Not really sure why but yeast infections when pregnant aren't uncommon.
Avatar f tn Its weird diflucan has always worked for me almost immediately idk why its not now. The itching isn't as bad anymore but now its so freaking sore): I'm gona call my midwife tomorrow if its not at least a bit better. Ugh.
Avatar m tn I went back to the doctor, he gave me diflucan, She also got diflucan. After three days on the diflucan, her symptoms were gone and mine were 90% gone. I then began to apply a diluted vinegar solution. The symptoms were gone for a few days, including the redness, but then they came back. Not as bad as before, but still there. At that point he screened for claymidia and gonnorea, and gave me the zpac. I continued diflucan and vinegar, with the sympmtoms almost, but not quite, vanishing again.
Avatar n tn Hi mandykitkat, Me too I was put on Diflucan and started bleeding three days after even though my period is not due for another week or so. The bleeding was light for the first week and very heavy for the last two weeks. I went to see an OBGYN and she took a simple and blood work...I have very painful and tender womb now still bleeding and awaiting the lab results. Please any advice is greatly appreciated.
Avatar f tn Either an UTI or a yeast infection. Tell your dr what's happening and he or she will prescribed you something. That was happening to me but no yellow discharge and I went to my OBGYN yesterday and she prescribed me something.
Avatar f tn Hi! If you were my patient, I would recommend treatment for yeast. I would use Diflucan because the vaginal preparations can cause a dermatitis which is worse than the original yeast infection. I sounds like this may have happened to you already. This may sound crazy, but it really helps--Crisco or other vegetable shortening can be really soothing when applied externally while you are waiting for the medication to take effect.