
Dha rich diet

Common Questions and Answers about Dha rich diet


Avatar f tn Hello and thanks for this service! Is it more beneficial to take an "omega 3 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement" or an "omega 3, 6 &9 EPA & DHA fish oil supplement"? I'm a bit confused as to which would be of the optimum benefit to purchase. Thanks for your time and expertise!
Avatar m tn Levels used in therapy to lower blood triglycerides, also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, are higher, about 2-4 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. The OSU studies with mice used DHA at levels comparable to the triglyceride therapies. "DHA was more effective than EPA at attenuating inflammation, oxidative stress, fibrosis and hepatic damage," the researchers wrote in their conclusion.
10533493 tn?1411088519 Im not suggesting it but as long as your eating a 100% balanced and vitamin rich diet its not totally necessary. The baby gets what he;she needs and your left with the leftovers basically. I did take folic acid the first 16 weeks and recently my iron was low so I'm on a supplement for that has well. There are lots of chewabke and even liquid options though for prenatal s though if you feel the need to take them.
Avatar f tn While tumeric is a good herb for the liver, artichoke is better for helping with the digestion of fat. So a diet rich in antioxidants, you know, nice colored veggies and some fruits, vitamin E with the tocotrienols, and such help keep oxidation from occurring, and the good fats, the fish oil, keeps things flowing which also helps prevent oxidation.
1281900 tn?1320336402 Our bodies naturally produce small amounts of DHA, but we must get the amounts we need from our diet or supplements.
Avatar f tn So I Bought prenatal pills and they don't have dha. So when I had my 1st Dr appt at 5 weeks he said buy dha prenatal so I have been taking them. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and a few days ago I ran out so I been taking the prenatal pills without dha until I get paid. But I'm wondering is it even a big deal which pills i take since I'm out of 1st trimester?
1192727 tn?1282735542 It is found in cold water fatty fish and fish oil supplements, along with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Vegetarian sources of DHA come from seaweed. DHA is essential for the proper functioning of our brains as adults, and for the development of our nervous system and visual abilities during the first 6 months of life. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are part of a healthy diet that helps lower risk of heart disease.
233488 tn?1310693103 At about eight years follow-up, they found a possible biological interaction between the CFH Y402H genotype and intakes of zinc, β-carotene, lutein/zeaxanthin, and eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acid (EPA/DHA), and between the LOC387715 A69S genotype and zinc and EPA/DHA, based on significant synergy indices (P < .05 for all).
668044 tn?1225913014 I take One A Day Prenatal with DHA/EPA. The box (for $13) comes with one bottle of 30 prenatals and a bottle of 30 DHA/EPA pills. I have been taking them together through my pregnancy. My OB recommended them if the ones she prescribed didn't work out (they gave me a stomach ache so I went with One A Day). I have heard nothing but good things! I recommend them!
Avatar n tn Dietary modifications are paramount in certain present day, chronic medical illnesses require taking certain types of diets, rich in fiber, low in simple sugars and fats, multi grains, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables to name a few. Please mention in detail the illness of your friend and repost on this forum so that it can be duly answered. I don’t see a mention of the same in this post. Take care always.
915369 tn?1355314810 Hey everyone! I was diagnosed with Crohn's about a year ago, and have since then been on a few medications and have settled on Imuran. Now, I have no complaints about my doctor, he's actually fairly good at what he does and he goes out of his way to help me and all his other patients but I find he doesn't have the time to really go in depth with my questions.
Avatar n tn I have been diagonised with low Blood pressure. Can u suggest a suitable diet to regain normalcy?
Avatar f tn Right now, even though you are only eating fruits and rice and chapati, your diet is mainly sugars and carbs. I know how important rice is for an Asian diet. But honestly... to control weight gain you have to reduce it to very little or none at all. It's only 9 months. Try to reduce your rice/chapati to once a weeks at the most. In order to control my own weight, I ate cooked vegetables, lean meats, and fish. How your food is prepared is very important too.
8171031 tn?1399327634 I have a terrible diet and tried time and time again to change it, but the healthy stuff just isnt fatty enough to help me put on weight (pre pregnancy I was 114 and now I am 121, 8 lbs behind) Is it bad to take two or one and a half prenatal pills? I take generic cvs pills and no fish oil because I throw it right back up. But would it hurt to take two or one and a half instead of one?
Avatar m tn Is meat good ? protein rich foods ? vegetables ?. What foods would be best to help me develop my immune system. Juices ? milk ?. Please help me setup a healthy diet as I will fight this damn thing off !!
Avatar m tn Depending on a patient’s particular profile, I suggest either the Dean Ornish heart-reversal diet or the South Beach Diet. If you know anything about heart disease, the Ornish diet is better because it most effectively cleanses the system of excess fat.The South Beach Diet is usually for those with risk factors but no known heart disease. This diet allows more latitude and can still get a person to the recommended targets.
Avatar f tn Thus, the best diet to accomplish both goals and also provide adequate levels of DHA is one following my dietary recommendations. If you are pregnant you should be consuming extra calories beyond a typical woman’s nutritional needs—on the order of about 300 calories more a day. This simply means using a slightly larger plate at each meal, but still keeping the correct balance of foods.
Avatar m tn fatty liver canbe much more dangerous than hbv according to severity and the disease is on all organs, liver just reflects the fat infiltration of all organs you have to lose weight and change diet, organic only, zero processed foods with chemicals, no sugar, no fat, very little have to make vitamin d25oh 100ng/ml by taking 10.000iu of d3 daily, resveratrol liposomes from maxhealthlabs and fish oil with dha+epa 2,5-3g (very few brands have this content).
Avatar f tn You can take as fancy or basic prenatals as you want. I just take walmart's generic brand. My ob said it's good enough. A lot cheaper than some of the other ones that include extra junk. My ob said as long as you're eating a varied and balanced diet there's no reason to pile on that extra stuff (like DHA, ect.) But it's totally up to you.
862235 tn?1336060295 For this increase dietary intake of fiber rich foods like oat bran will help. Diet should be rich in antioxidant vitamins found primarily in fruits and vegetables. Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid red meats, dairy products and oily food. Substitute your oil for ones which have a high content of unsaturated fats. Omega fatty acids are heart healthy and rich in antioxidants. Consult a nutritionist for a diet plan. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn Does ur prenatal vitamins have dha? Is it ok to take them tablets with dha? The one i take doesn't have it but im trying to get gummies to substitute but all gummies seem to have dha.