
Dha in vegetarian diet

Common Questions and Answers about Dha in vegetarian diet


915369 tn?1355314810 Hey everyone! I was diagnosed with Crohn's about a year ago, and have since then been on a few medications and have settled on Imuran. Now, I have no complaints about my doctor, he's actually fairly good at what he does and he goes out of his way to help me and all his other patients but I find he doesn't have the time to really go in depth with my questions.
Avatar f tn Does anyone have any suggestions for vegetarian moms in reference to vitamin supplements?
1276890 tn?1271027818 I became vegan about a month ago and I have come to realize that now that my stomach has not been using enzymes to break down meat, dairy products, and some fats, I might have lost these enzymes. I am afraid that I should incorporate some fish and some good fats in my diet because not eating any will take a toll on my body. But everyone has a different opinion on what fats are really good.
1281900 tn?1320336402 Sorry its fish oil and EPA
1530658 tn?1299766324 I take fertility plus for women, vitamin c and vegi DHA. My hubby is not vegetarian but he doesnt eat too much red meat and will eat the quorn products i use.
Avatar f tn She is a vegetarian, non pregnant. No other medical conditions noted. She has had similar symptoms in the past which subsided but the current episode is worse than the past. This has been present for 2 weeks now when she returned to the northeast from her childhood home in the southwest. She does not have asthma or COPD. Family history of breast cancer. She has not seen anyone but a chiropractor who referred to her pcp but will not go.
1192727 tn?1282735542 It is found in cold water fatty fish and fish oil supplements, along with eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Vegetarian sources of DHA come from seaweed. DHA is essential for the proper functioning of our brains as adults, and for the development of our nervous system and visual abilities during the first 6 months of life. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are part of a healthy diet that helps lower risk of heart disease.
8987249 tn?1404774097 My doc recommends a plant based dha supplement if u do not eat 2-3 servings of fish per week. I take it bc I'm a vegetarian. I also take calcium chews depending on how much ca I get in my diet for the day.... If I don't get enough, I take them before bed.
6231275 tn?1379901818 I just started a vegetarian diet what would be the best diet for vegetarian to lose weight?
Avatar n tn Carnosine protects against various degenerative processes in the body. DHA is the most active form of Omega-3 in the body and primarily found in animal foods. The plant form of Omega-3s, ALA, is inefficiently converted to DHA in the body. Cholesterol is important in the body and is part of every cell membrane. It is also used to make steroid hormones like testosterone. Satturated fat intake correlates with increased testosterone levels.
1085545 tn?1284042254 I am also a vegetarian and found I had to make some drastic changes in my diet, but I am now able to eat a variety of foods and enjoy cooking again. What you need to reduce is your intake of carbs. If you are used to eating a large amount of rice (for me the problem was pasta) you will have to change that.
549913 tn?1278499261 And just in case you switch back to vegetarian one day, be prepared for heartburn. With a red meat diet, there is a lot more gastric acid around that tends to irritate the stomach lining once you stop eating the meat.
1051017 tn?1349636853 Google "food containing protein" and the third site down, should have something with "vegs" in the website address, has a list of vegetarian foods containing protein. I don't know if you take supplemental vitamins, but prenatals will help. Your midwife was managed fine, as you said, I'm sure you will too!
Avatar f tn s high quantity of EPA and DHA. DHA in particular is essential for proper brain function. Some people do feel lessened depression with a high dose of fish oil daily. I don't know about anxiety. Make sure you buy one from a good company that uses clean fish; I prefer Nordic Naturals. However, by itself, I don't think it will solve your problem; natural remedies are usually used in combination. Good luck.
Avatar n tn Very classy for her to call it a vegetarian diet. Actually it is a junk food diet. Who ever heard of a vegetarian diet that omitted fruit and vegetables! What you have is a very lazy sister. And she is going to have one unhealthy child.
Avatar f tn Vitamin B12 needs to be supplemented because that does come from any of the foods you eat in the vegetarian diet. Look at for more information on vegetarian eating. Hope this helped you.
Avatar n tn I know it is terribly fashionable to be a vegetarian, but it is not reasonable. Most people have too much meat in their diet and not enough fruits and vegetables. Were you remain largely vegetarian, but add a little meat, you would have an extremely healthy diet, certainly better than most Americans. And,I agree, tofu is awful.
Avatar f tn I asked my doctor and she told me it could be the fish oil in them. I went back to vegetarian ones in liquid form, but the taste makes it hard to keep down. Do you guys have any suggestions for other ones I should try? I'm desperate and I want my baby to be healthy. I'm vegetarian but I'm willing to have non-veg ones (no fish pil though since it makes me sick).
Avatar f tn Some nutrients, such as methionine and B12, are very difficult to get in a vegetarian diet or a vegetarian vitamin since they're largely found in animal food, but it's easier to do in a vitamin than just by vegetarian diet, but since you're not a vegetarian you probably don't have that problem. I think taking a multivitamin is a good idea, because it's always been very difficult to get everything we optimally need in our diet, but mega-dose vitamins should be avoided.
Avatar f tn Want to transition to a vegetarian diet! I am a type1 diabetic for 36yrs and this disease degenerates. What supplementation should I embark to maintain a balance nutritious way to eat?
Avatar f tn I dont think mine have dha in them. I take the target generic brand prenatals with this pregnancy and did with my son and he is a happy healthy almost 3 yr old. My original obgyn with my son said any prenatal is fine and my 2nd with this pregnancy agreed but when I had an appt with a midwife she told me only dha prenatals and I needed a natural brand. Who knows?!
599170 tn?1300973893 Ive come up with a diet that seems to work for me so far in 3 weeks Ive lost 5lbs and I have hyperthyrodism and am post menopausal which both make it hard to lose weight my back hurts a lot and I carry my wieght on my tummy....Im eating nothing but brown whole grains....fruits and veggies also raw nuts does this sound healthy???I dont miss the dairy but feel i need calcuim cause of the potential bone dnesity issues with menopause....
Avatar f tn Including fish oil in your diet is extremely beneficial to control and prevent fibroadenomas For a while, you can even go vegetarian, as vegetarian diets are usually high in fiber. If you find that these natural remedies are not working, you should consult your doctor who may recommend to surgically remove the fibroadenomas. (Onthedanceflorr) please have these 3 new lumps, that have appeared, checked out the sooner the better, just to make sure okay? Take care and best wishes to both of you.
233488 tn?1310693103 is persons with floaters are in great risk of macular degeneration?also can vegetarian diet provide all nutrients to eye?
Avatar f tn I'm not a vegetarian but I'm a clean eater and naturalist. (A cheater though as well :) ) I don't take any prenatal vitamins just because I don't feel its necessary (just my opinion) my doc is fine with it and my labs are too beautiful! (I do take folic acid) I would say just listen to your body, drink plenty of water obviously, and get rest! I don't eat alot of meat so I've been compensating with cheese, eggs, beans, etc for extra protein. I feel great great!