
Dha pregnancy nutrition

Common Questions and Answers about Dha pregnancy nutrition


Avatar f tn Because they provide DHA and Folic Acid both very vital in the growth and development of your baby throughout your pregnancy and more so in the first few weeks. And actually... prenatal vitamins should be taken by all women who are in their child baring age and take no precautions against pregnacy giving even an unexpected fetus the healthy enviornment it needs to grow.
7125575 tn?1588844178 What is safe to take folic acid or prenatal pills to be prepare for pregnancy. What is the best prenatal pills and where can I find them at?
Avatar n tn If he will drink juice you could try a smoothie with supplements in it, that's what my kids get every morning and when they get home from school, no questions asked. No other snacks until they finish their smoothie, with Udo's DHA Oil,Vit E oil, Vit B6, probiotic powder, and a little bit of protein powder, mixed with a few frozen strawberries, a few slices of banana and a 2 oz orange juice.
Avatar f tn There are vegetarian and vegan vitamins. Go to one of the bigger nutrition centers or look online.
3109932 tn?1347067940 Which gummies do u take?! I take The transformers ones it says take two but I take 3 (: my ob said just make sure it has a good amount of iron. . This pregnancy I couldn't keep one single prenatal down. :( .
12162520 tn?1426012596 I feel bad because it is important to get all the extra nutrition.
Avatar f tn I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my 1st child. Just had my first prenatal visit over a week ago. Doc said he wanted me start omega pills & handed me a flyer with different brand name options. The one that stood out was Nordic Naturals. I went to their website, click the pregnancy tab & reviewed the options for pregnancy which were Cod liver oil & Prenatal DHA. My best friend who already has a child told me the cod liver oil was the best so I decided to buy it.
Avatar f tn U can do that. Most prenatal vitamins that also have dha r two separate pills anyway. I take regular omega 3 fish oil pills from vitamin shop in conjunction with my prenatals from cvs. U may want to look into dha specifically for pregnancy, but they're also way more expensive. Also check to make sure the fish oil comes from small fish like sardines or anchovy and that it doesn't contain soy. It's a lot to look into, but I hope this helps.
Avatar m tn I am planning to go and visit nutrition doctor tomorrow. I want to make sure that I have good vitamins, minerals in my body to make sure that I am boosting immunity power. I don't know what all the tests they recommend, I will post you guys tomorrow. As I had Vit d3 level very low, I don't wonder if other vitamins/mineral levela are low. I will take supplements depending on the result. What you guys say? Is it better step or it's of no use for HBV?
Avatar f tn I will be 26 weeks Sunday. Suffering from extreme depression. My doctor put me on 50mg of Zolof.... today is the first day taking it. And it exhausts me. And on top i think it is making baby sleep because his movements slowed down. :s any other moms prescribed zolof during pregnancy? What's your experience?
18524847 tn?1465595901 )) Tell us what you are doing for pregnancy nutrition!
Avatar f tn So I Bought prenatal pills and they don't have dha. So when I had my 1st Dr appt at 5 weeks he said buy dha prenatal so I have been taking them. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and a few days ago I ran out so I been taking the prenatal pills without dha until I get paid. But I'm wondering is it even a big deal which pills i take since I'm out of 1st trimester?
Avatar f tn FISH OIL has both DHA plus EPA. The lattest is not good for pregnancy but the DHA is good, so don't take fish oil as they sell it, get DHA alone. All pharmacies have it.
Avatar n tn What brand of prenatal vitamins is everyone using? Im using nature made with dha. Just wondering if there is one kind of prenatals that are better than another.
Avatar f tn With my first pregnancy i only folic acid, I had no idea that there was a multi vitamin for pregnancy so basically I'd say I went my entire pregnancy without taking anything and I have a healthy 2 year old boy he is perfect.
Avatar f tn There is an interesting article on in regards to prenatal vitamins and nutrients. It will provide some answers for your concerns. On their "google search site" type in prenatal vitamins or I can email you the article. The reason "calcium" is low in all prenatal vitamins is explained in the article. I have a background in nutrition specializing in vitamins and minerals. This article does a great job - it is simple and easy to read.
Avatar f tn Your baby needs those prenatal vitamins just like you need them...because whatever u don't eat the prenatals fill in for the nutrition that you are not getting...prenatals have all your folic acid which is so important for the development of your growing baby..& iron & calcium..vitamin d...vitamin c..on top of all the other supplements..please don't stop them just because u don't want to take them anymore..
7062279 tn?1388370086 DHA is in fish oil, and it's for baby's brain development. Some women don't like fish, or won't eat it because they're afraid of the mercury content, but the DHA in capsure form is mercury free, and has a lot of really good benefits for you and baby (if you weren't getting DHA from the pills, or from eating lots of fish, baby would just take the DHA in your body and use that, but you use it too, so you'd be in short supply).
1123156 tn?1338863369 I took a pregnancy test after being a week late and turns out im pregnant! My DF picked up "NatureMade" Multi Prenatal (High folic acid, iron and zinc.) Now he also got "Expecta" Lipil ....DHA supplement for pregnant women.........anyone else take these? I just want to make sure im on the right track. I'm going to see the obgyn tomorrow..........cannot wait!!!!
Avatar m tn Levels used in therapy to lower blood triglycerides, also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, are higher, about 2-4 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. The OSU studies with mice used DHA at levels comparable to the triglyceride therapies. "DHA was more effective than EPA at attenuating inflammation, oxidative stress, fibrosis and hepatic damage," the researchers wrote in their conclusion.
1666434 tn?1325262350 I have always taken mine first thing in the morning with my cran-grape juice after I eat my cereal. If I happen to have a different breakfast - like on Saturdays when we make pancakes - then I usually forget to take my vitamin until I remember later that day. I guess eating the same breakfast helps me remember my vitamin routine. I take nature made prenatals that are sold at most drug stores and grocery stores.
Avatar n tn Idk what is in the pills you are talking about but if it doesnt have dha/epa i would suggest going ahead and taking actual prenatal vitamins. Dha is to help with brain development.
Avatar f tn m taking the prescription vitafol-ob+dha which is $55 and I was taking bellybar before and during the earlier part of pregnancy which has almost 2x the amount of vitamins but no dha for $13 is it safe to switch back? Is there something else that I am overlooking?
Avatar f tn I'm taking DHA per my Dr bc he asked me was I going to breastfeed and I told him yes!