
Dha pregnancy gnc

Common Questions and Answers about Dha pregnancy gnc


349463 tn?1333571576 i use naturemade with dha. these were my favorite and dha is important for brain development.
Avatar f tn Is there much difference between over the counter prenatals and prescription ones? I got a prescription from my primary Dr when I found out I was pregnant but they don't contain dha. The prenatals sold at Costco have dha. Should I take those instead?
12584065 tn?1436320514 So i just got a bottle of DHA 600 from gnc tonight. It also is combined with 250 mg of EPA(omega 3). Is that too much? How much do u ladies take???
Avatar f tn That had a local sale buy one get one free so I got enough to last the whole pregnancy and then some. Go by DHA, iron and just overall vitamin mg. Not much of a difference. Some have like 2p more mg of this vitamin or that.
388140 tn?1207518500 In the beginning I used the GNC brand and had no problems and last month my Dr. prescribed me Prenate DHA with a stool softner (which I really didn't need) but figured taking 1 vit over the 3 I was taking with the GNC brand is better. So I've been on the new vit for about a month and this week I was so constipated (sorry if TMI). I didn't have that problem the first 3 weeks I was on it and it has the stool softner! Do you think it could be the vits?
Avatar f tn I take prenatal vitamins with iron from GNC. with my first pregnancy I took the prenatal vitamins by One A Day and threw them up everytime. These have no side effects and I feel great. They also sell one without the added iron. :) Good luck.
9310208 tn?1410859285 I've been taking some gummy prenatal vitamins. I've been getting tired of the taste of them so I wanted to switch. I went into GNC and bought the women's prenatals with dha. They were 19.99 for 90 pills which I though was a great price for three months but I did some research and you have to take THREE pills a day.... anyone else bought these ?
1008869 tn?1283961257 Just start taking both of them now. Actually, taking DNA supplements in your 3rd trimester is proven to help increase brain/eye development, so I would add that in addition to your prenatal too.
Avatar f tn It depends on the brand gnc has a really good prenatal with dha to promote brain development. You take 3 pills a day and its really gentle on your system. I take those plus an iron supplement from gnc with or with out food and haven't had any tummy issues.
1160986 tn?1486819725 Quick question: How much Folic Acid are /were you all on pre-pregnancy? My family Doctor put me on 5 mg which seemed like a lot! Anyone else? Does anyone know if it's bad to get too much?
Avatar f tn And I found a great brand it is GNC womens prenantal with dha. It is ($20) for a months supply. But gnc usually had good deals, I have gotten $11 each box. There are ones that are $50+ per month. It is really all up to you, just find google what a good one has and compare to ones your interested in. Also prenantals can make you more fetrtile. If you get one with iron ,which is good ,make sure you do not over take. Iron can kill the baby. Best of Luck!
349463 tn?1333571576 I'm on the GNC brand right now and thinking about making a switch. I want to make sure I'm taking the best possible prenatal vitamin while ttc. So the question is what type worked for you??
Avatar f tn 4) Natural Factors RxOmega-3 Factors EPA 400mg/DHA 200 mg (400 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA per softgel, 1 to 3 per day) Found only 83.
Avatar f tn U can do that. Most prenatal vitamins that also have dha r two separate pills anyway. I take regular omega 3 fish oil pills from vitamin shop in conjunction with my prenatals from cvs. U may want to look into dha specifically for pregnancy, but they're also way more expensive. Also check to make sure the fish oil comes from small fish like sardines or anchovy and that it doesn't contain soy. It's a lot to look into, but I hope this helps.
Avatar f tn Dang phone. Vitafusion gummies. They are inexpensive, full of vitamins and they don't make me I'll.
Avatar f tn So I Bought prenatal pills and they don't have dha. So when I had my 1st Dr appt at 5 weeks he said buy dha prenatal so I have been taking them. I'm 20 weeks tomorrow and a few days ago I ran out so I been taking the prenatal pills without dha until I get paid. But I'm wondering is it even a big deal which pills i take since I'm out of 1st trimester?
1054108 tn?1314298660 They are hard on your stomache so the best I found was GNC that come sin a 3 pack havinh DHA/Calcium/Pre-Natal. I also take extra Calcium and iron. Enjoy!!! Can't wait to see your progression!
Avatar f tn I take an iron free kind from I'm gnc so they don't make me feel sick or nauseous. They make me feel sweaty and jittery and give me horrible stomach ache. I've tried other iron free kinds but they all do the same thing. Tried Flintstones and gummies too, no luck - too much iron. Just gonna stop taking them for now I guess. I can only put up with this for so long. I'm 22 weeks with #2.
Avatar f tn FISH OIL has both DHA plus EPA. The lattest is not good for pregnancy but the DHA is good, so don't take fish oil as they sell it, get DHA alone. All pharmacies have it.
3203877 tn?1358032521 Take it at night before bed. Gnc sells a really good one with dha that's really gentle on the system.
Avatar n tn What brand of prenatal vitamins is everyone using? Im using nature made with dha. Just wondering if there is one kind of prenatals that are better than another.