
Cyclosporine ng tube

Common Questions and Answers about Cyclosporine ng tube


Avatar f tn Hello. I wasn't sure where to post this question, but I had a NG tube put in a few weeks ago due to a bowel obstruction. It is out now, but I get an occasional stabbing pain in my stomach. Has anyone had this experience before? Thanks for any help you may have.
1374347 tn?1279163392 However if you decide to give her a feeding tube you should first start with a NG tube which is less permanent then a G tube and doesn't require surgery.
Avatar f tn The risks include nasal irritation and trauma as well as the risk of getting the tube down his trachea and into his lungs when it is reinserted. That said, if your and your doctor have discussed this, at least you are working together on this and have a plan for his care.
Avatar m tn He is still on an ng tube for most feedings. I have rarely gotten stomach aspirate when checking placement, though I always ensure we hear the "swoosh". I cannot get a straight answer on how much I can pull back on the syringe (in terms of ml) until I do get some aspirate. Can anyone advise?
Avatar f tn About 6 months ago, I was finally diagnosed and started taking cyclosporine 100 mg 2x day. After a week, I could eat like a normal person—just about anything I wanted. It was great, it even allowed me to travel to Europe. The cyclosporine I was taking was a powder in a capsule, apparently this has been taken off the market and instead I took the same medication, but it was in the form of a capsule with alcohol. Unfortunately, after a short time, I was right back to before treatment.
Avatar f tn Yes I took Cyclosporine for my aquagenic urticaria, it helped so much but not enough to have a normal life :S but maybe for you its going to be different...
Avatar n tn Things to think about with the NG tube vs Peg. The NG tube is very uncomfortable, many people with them have runny noses, and after awhile the area gets very sore. Although the Peg tube can be just as bad, patients seem to not bother them as much mother pulled her NG tube out all the time. My mothers therepy stopped after a year...of course a lot of it had to do with insurance and not wanting to pay for someone that they saw as not getting any better.
Avatar f tn An upper GI suggested possible SMA. (She had no pain at all) They were going to scope and place an NG tube. They placed the NG and didn't scope. Ugh! Anyway, the vomiting stopped as soon as the tube was placed. She had it for 2 months. After it was removed, the vomiting returned. A scope revealed thrush completely coating her esophagus. (Perhaps from her ADVAIR inhaler?). She was given antifungal meds for 21 days. (Again she had no pain.) She had intermittent vomiting.
Avatar n tn My mother recently had an NG tube put in, in order to drain fluid due to a bowel obstruction. It was surprising because less fluid than expected was drained. Before the tube was placed her abdomen was tighter, now she has had the tube for about almost 3 days and her abdomen is softer. Her count has also come down 300 points after chemo was started, although 300 points does not mean much compared to what her count is but every little thing helps (at least that's what i believe).
780647 tn?1304020942 Hi my 8 month old baby was in hostipal for 3 weeks he was always getting coughs and was chesty we foumd out he is silently aspiration his bottles his sucking is so bad he is not allowed to have any oral feeds again he has an ng tube in 3 weeks in hostipal and he was sent home with ng tube with he is having all his formula through yesterday he start coughing and is chesty again could anybody tell me if they know what could be causing this again thanks in advance
Avatar f tn An upper GI suggested possible SMA. (She had no pain at all) They were going to scope and place an NG tube. They placed the NG and didn't scope. Ugh! Anyway, the vomiting stopped as soon as the tube was placed. She had it for 2 months. After it was removed, the vomiting returned. A scope revealed thrush completely coating her esophagus. (Perhaps from her ADVAIR inhaler?). She was given antifungal meds for 21 days. (Again she had no pain.) She had intermittent vomiting.
Avatar m tn Patient was being feed through NG tube, born full term+ at 7 lbs 7oz and had dropped to 6lbs 3oz at the time of the heal stick. During the heal stick the patient went into cardiac and respiratory arrest. The RN was performing the stick alone and was not assessing the patient as the stick was being done and was unaware anything was wrong until the infants mother began saying something wasn't right and after being ignored then yelled at the RN that something was wrong.
Avatar m tn By Monday night, he was vomiting up dark brown bile so we went to the ER and they inserted an NG tube in and kept him for four days (the bile coming out of his NG tube after a few days was a greenish color...which the nurse told me it should be). They did blood work, x-rays and a CT scan but only said that it was just taking extra time for his intestines to adjust and that he had an ileus but that it should straighten itself out.
Avatar f tn From everything I have been told by the doctors an NG tube is temporary. It should not be used for more than six weeks at the most. It also can cause sinuitis and infection in the sinus cavities. My father had a stroke a few weeks ago and opted for the PEG before going for the NG tube as he just does not like something in his nose and thoulgy iy would impeded him from doing throat exercises. I was present when the docotrs said an NG was only a temporary measure.
Avatar m tn I am still on 100 mg 2x daily cyclosporine. My cyclosporine through levels have been lower, the last time they were at 79. I Have been on 300 mg ursodiol 3x daily for biliary stricture since tx. I lowered the dose to 300mg once daily but just recently raised it back to 300x 3 daily because right side discomfort an increase in bilirubin. My headaches and fluid in ears have gotten better, still have the vision issues but heart palpitations have also lessened.
Avatar n tn First of all, you want to stay away from products like Artificial Tears and other over-the-counter eye lubricants, because these products contain a form of soap as a stabilizer, and while they are fine for occasional use in normal eyes that just happen to be in a temporarily drying condition, for the lifelong treatment that will be needed for dry eye, the soap stabilizer will be too irritating. There are special preparations that contain cyclosporine that are used to treat KCS.
Avatar n tn Daughter is already on Neocate and Prevacid twice daily. Doctors at hospital and GI doc said they've never seen anything like it. She has mild reflux at best. She's had endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, ph monitoring, MRI, ECHO, Biopsies of colon and esophagus, and numerous blood tests and urine tests. They can find nothing wrong with her. Now they want to put in a G-tube in a week or so. Right now she's feeding through an NG tube. I'm so upset I don't know what to do.
Avatar m tn Hi! I may have a procedure where an NG tube(I’m assuming) will be put into my nose and down into my stomach. This will be to help with constipation, so I think they’ll put laxatives in the tube. My questions are: will this hurt? Will I have to be awake? Will the doctors watch me use the bathroom in the room or will I get privacy in a bathroom?(main question) and how long will I have to wear the tube? Also, what if this procedure doesn’t work?
Avatar f tn An NG tube is always put in when a blockage is suspected or known. Sometimes just doing this will relieve the blockage. It usually isn't removed until everything is moving again, or corrected thru surgery. Putting an NG tube in would have removed the fluid build up in his stomach, but if there was a second blockage, it would have just returned as there is no way for it to pass.
Avatar n tn Because of her low platelet count there is great reluctance to give her anymore chemotherapy. After being hospitalized and given an NG tube, she was given an injection of a drug to reduce fluid build-up and the NG tube was removed. She is receiving nutrition from a liquid going into her port intravenously. She has not had a bowel movement in a couple of weeks.
Avatar f tn There are two ways to open up a blocked colon. The first response is to place an NG tube in your nose to relieve the pressure on the bowel. What is supposed to happen here is the colon will relax causing the scar tissue to release from the bowel. If the first repsonse does not work the only other way is surgery. Generallly laparoscipically is what they try to do...if the scar tissue is considerable they may have to open you up again. In either case...
3135783 tn?1342795621 I can give you much more information about this if you would like. You might need a feeding tube, like an NG or NJ tube, but this should be tried before TPN.
Avatar m tn Spent extra week in hospital with NG tube in stomach. Had a very bad experience with nurse trying to put in NG tube; first adult then pediatric tube, blood everywhere. I told them no more. Later in the day I was taken to a procedure room and a gastroenterologist put the tube in while I was sedated. This is the third or fourth time for a NG for me. Since I got out I have had a low grade fever, in the 99s, hoarseness. I am not at home; saw a primary care doc at a walk in clinic.
Avatar f tn m wondering if they put him on liquids too soon? The NG tube will keep everything out of his system until things start working and I feel he should have had this all along. This alone will make him feel better, just try to get your mom to relax, they are on the right track and things will start working at any moment...are they checking for bowel sounds? This is a big surgery and things can't be rushed. He'll be okay, he just needs a little more time.
Avatar f tn My cat Austin is around 6. he has has sinus infection, pink eye, n diabetes (8 months ago now diet controlled) now he has vomited multiple times and won't eat. He is voiding and was still drinking water. Brought to the vet n labs n urinalysis were ok, vet felt a hard ball in lower abdomen, ultrasound showed it was very hard cause sound waves bounced back.
Avatar m tn The specialist reviewed all of the options with us - cyclosporine, pilocarpine or tacrolimus with sirolimus. She said that very rarely has she seen any dog respond to cyclosporine after not responding to tacrolimus. She also said that because our dog doesn't have a dry, goopy nose, that pilocarpine wouldn't be a first choice. She recommended a mix of tacrolimus with sirolimus. She said sirolimus is new. I have not been able to find anything about this drug on the internet.