Cyclosporine for chronic urticaria

Common Questions and Answers about Cyclosporine for chronic urticaria


Avatar f tn Yes I took Cyclosporine for my aquagenic urticaria, it helped so much but not enough to have a normal life :S but maybe for you its going to be different...
Avatar m tn According to a study done, after taking cyclosporine for chronic urticaria at an average dose of 1.8 ± 1.1 mg/kg, 78% of patients attained complete remission. Side effects were generally mild and seen in 35% of patients; all were reversible by dose reduction. Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn My young son was miraculously approved for one vial of Xolair per month for chronic urticaria he's had for three years, unresponsive to any other drug including cyclosporine. Its been a miracle drug so far! He's had three injections and has been hive-free since the day after the first one. There is a chronic urticaria Yahoo group that will be very helpful for any of you with chronic hives...I am over on that list as well for my son.
Avatar n tn I have had a headache for 4 months now that i cant get to go away! Hashimotos and chronic autoimmune urticaria tx with cyclosporine. always tired, blurred vision even though field test was fine, dizziness and nausea and confusion.
Avatar m tn For the most part I will say i am 85% better but am hoping for FDA approval for the use of this drug for chronic urticaria so my insurance will cover it, because at $1400 a month out of my pocket, not sure how long I can stay on it.
1653132 tn?1301852306 Hello, Chronic urticaria is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e. it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases etc. The most potent antihistamine for urticaria is probably the anti-depressant doxepin.
Avatar m tn I am 13 years old and I was diagnosed with Chronic Urticaria, too, a few months ago. I have had it since about February though. I don't know if you have been treated yet since this post is old, but I'm on a combination of prednisone, Zantac, Zyrtec, zafirlukast, and Hydroxyzine. I don't think there is a cure, but there is help. I'm receiving shots of Xolair which has helped people, but so far it hasn't helped me so I might try Plaquenil. I hope you have gotten better.
Avatar f tn In conditions of chronic urticaria, thyroid antibodies are not only indicators of chronic inflammation, but they appear to play a role in the disease process. In most cases, improvement of urticaria with thyroxine replacement hormone suggests that chronic thyroid inflammation may initiate a hypersensitivity reaction and an underlying thyroid hormone deficiency. However, rarely, patients with chronic urticaria have undiagnosed conditions of Graves' disease.
Avatar n tn Hello, I see that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Avatar f tn I got a lot of blood work done for my allergist and immunologist everything came back normal but my CU index (chronic urticaria) was slightly elevated suggesting it's autoimmune response. He tested for a large variety of autoimmune disorders. The doctor is treating my symptoms with Zantac, Zyrtec, and Singulair. I still wake up to hives every morning. And do not get any new ones during the day. I want to solve the problem at the source. Can anyone help me?
Avatar n tn Dear sir thanks for ur good advise, & which types of medicines should take by Chronic Urticaria petient who gives us perament solution of this problem?bcz i am face it from last 7 years.please give me advise.
623944 tn?1244035490 The researchers also believe that for some patients with chronic urticaria, there is a link to autoimmune disease, and in particular, thyroid disease, as a significant percentage of patients with urticaria also have high levels of antithyroid antibody, even though they may not have clinical thyroid disease." And this from
Avatar f tn I was siagnosed about a year ago. It has been the worst diagnoses along with my death sentence of MRSA Staph infection. I thought it was a string of bad luck for me but bad luck shouldn't last my whole life or at least to what I have left. I'm on medications for this chronic urticaria. the following is Doxepin 25mg, Rantidine, and my epi pen. My doctors described this as something related to my staph infection or stress.
Avatar n tn I see that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Avatar m tn It looks like that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
624829 tn?1240755671 Sometimes oral corticosteroids and immunosuppressants like cyclosporine and phototherapy are used for resistant cases. Since you are having intense itching, your doctor may prescribe some sedative-antihistaminics to reduce itching. You may discuss about these treatment options with your doctor. Besides you should take certain measures like avoiding irritants like perfumes and detergents, keep the skin hydrated by regularly using moisturizer.
Avatar n tn there are multiple types of Urticaria where things like sun, cold, and other reactants cause the hivings Please make sure to type in normal font. Delayed pressure urticaria is a type of chronic hives called physical urticaria because the hives are caused by a certain stimulus on the body. In this case, the stimulus is pressure that's applied to the skin. Delayed pressure urticaria is common. One investigator found that 37% of people with chronic hives had this type of urticaria.
Avatar m tn Hello, I see that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Avatar m tn It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e. it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
Avatar n tn The cause of chronic urticaria is often more difficult to identify. Most cases are called chronic idiopathic urticaria, which means they're caused by the body's unexplainable development of antibodies to itself (auto-antibodies). Chronic urticaria is often accompanied by coexistent physical urticaria, triggered by environmental exposure to heat, cold, sunlight, vibration, pressure on the skin or even exercise. So exact cause of hives is difficult to determine.