
Coughing phlegm singulair

Common Questions and Answers about Coughing phlegm singulair


1100598 tn?1413127426 im on my second course of doxycycline and my dr. put me on a nebulizer. I am not coughing up phlegm anymore, but still don't feel better. Still sometimes feel like i am suffocating at night and am easily short of breath and get chest pain and fatigue from very little activity. Still getting chest or abdominal rashes and chills. I wonder if we might have a fungal or viral infection. My dr. told me that if I don't get better he might have to do a CT scan or a sputum culture.
Avatar n tn I'm 18 years old, don't smoke nor live around smokers, and have no blood history of pulmonary ailments like asthma, etc. Still, I was diagnosed with tuberculosis last December 2006 and took prescribed medication until June 2007. I thought I was problem-free from then on, but recently (around March 20, 2008), I've had trouble with excessive coughing and extremely adhesive yellowish-green phlegm for almost 2 weeks. Then for the next seven days, I took an antibiotic and Endorsteine(?
Avatar f tn I have had a tightness in my chest and in my back along with a dry cough that doesnt go away. I am not producing phlegm with the cough,it is a dry cough. Sometimes I feel like I cant breathe deeply. When I laugh I feel out of breath and usually the coughing begins. I dont have any wheezing. Could this be asthma?
Avatar n tn All pet scans are clear and x-rays clear still I have a cough that sometimes is that of a heavy smoker. Coughing brings up clear mucus. Other than this cough I feel great. Any suggestions on how to take care of the cough?
Avatar n tn It seems to come in waves of coughing spells and then no coughs. I have been coughing up phlegm that is mostly white/clear with small amounts of a yellowish color and small brown flecks. When I lay down I can hear myself breathing/wheezing and makes it impossible to sleep, not to mention coughing fits making my partner unable to sleep. I have been taking antihistamines before bed and it seems to help calm my cough.
Avatar m tn Okay so it started almost half a week ago I'd say.. I wasn't feeling sick at all, but for some reason I just started coughing up a lot of phlegm.. clearish to yellow colored. I don't smoke cigarettes, only on the occassional weekend. I do smoke pot. Anyways I thought the phelgm coughing up mighta been caused by some resin I was smoking, but they said that was black phlegm, not clearish yellow... So a few days pass of coughing up phlegm, and now I'm sitting here.. irritated...
1386655 tn?1452097056 Thank you for your help. I just have some questions. If I have sinusitis, wouldn't the nasal spray and antibiotics help with that? I mean it never made a difference in the cough when I do use them. I'm just wondering if there is something other than those medications that would help? Also I can do the warm salt water gargles but not sure what kind of breathing exercises I can do. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I have been coughing up phlegm daily for around 7 years. I've tried antibiotics several times without any success. I've had x-rays and mri scans but nothing showed up. Around 18 months ago my voice started to change. I was then prescribed omeprazole 20 mg capsules which make a slight difference and my voice returned to normal. But I still have to tap my chest and often have to get someone to hit my back to dislodge the phlegm which is milky white/ beige globules and quite a lot of it.
Avatar m tn s an allergy, the most effective meds, according to research, is pseudofed and singulair. Both work differently, so you could try each, seperately. Your phlegm would be clear or light green probably It could be a sinus infection if your phlegm is yellow or darker green. But if you got a sinus infection without a cold first, then you should visit an ENT to make sure there's not some kind of physical blockage in your sinuses.
Avatar m tn sound like your lungs are clearing and you may have bronco or asthma or something see your doctor some times when you stop smokeing this happen.
Avatar n tn m asthmatic and have never smoked. Over the past six weeks I have been coughing up grey phlegm with black specks in it. I went to see my gp who sent me for an X ray and was clear.
Avatar m tn You should go to the doctor to be checked out because if you stpped cold turkey it can be something More serious then you might think
Avatar m tn I am 50 yrs old I have never smoked but for the past two years I keep getting really bad chest infections the doctor put me on inhalers and said I suffered from asthma, every morning I cough up phlegm and my chest feels tight when I spit out the phlegm its brown in colur like its got blood in it after I rince my mouth this stops until the next morning.
Avatar f tn I am at work and started coughing, I realized that I started to taste blood, and when I spit what I could into a paper towel after coughing some more, I discovered that the phlegm or spit was actually pink. I blew my nose and it doesn't appear to be bleeding, and I wasn't able to cough up much more after this. But being asthmatic I am worried as to whether or not this is common or is something more serious going on?
Avatar m tn At first nothing was coming up But I have been coughing up A LOT OF THICK WHITE PHLEGM for the past month. I was wondering was this thick white phlegm a sign of hiv? I am not sure if this matters but in the first month i was dizzy. but the room was spinning but then it went away on it own. that is when all the coughing started. Then started producing a lot of thick, white phlegm in the back of my throat. The white white phlegm has not went away yet. It is very thick!
Avatar n tn I have a cold, am not a smoker but am coughing up blood in my phlegm.
Avatar m tn Hello, I am a 22 year old who gets a cold about once a year, and I find that I am good at putting a stop to my cold, having it last only a few days before the end of it comes about. However, my least favorite part of the recovery process is all the phlegm I am producing, which requires me to cough it up in the most nauseating way so frequently. I learned about Phlegm, what it does and why, as well as what certain drugs do, such as expectorants.
Avatar f tn I have this tightness in my chest i kno its mucus but i dont have a cough or cold it hurts when i try to take a deep breath ive never had chest congestion before im not coughing up blood or anything like that. ive been using my asthma pump because when i was younger i had trouble with asthma it helps clearing my airways so i can breath easier but it comes back after awhile. Help?
Avatar m tn hav been taking singulair for 3 years. Cramps in fingers, throat and leg occured common. Shoulders drooped. Standing and sitting posture gone really bad. Extreme tiredness 24X7. Always thirsty even after gulping bottles of water. Inactive physically and mentally. Become even more inferior in social gatherings and activities. Can't even meet minimum commitments and thus affects career and personal, family relationships. After dropping Everything became normal after 8 - 10 days.
Avatar m tn no fever but i was tired and the coughing was worse in the evening and in the morning i would get bad attacks and it was very hard to cough up the phlegm. The phlegm at the time was a thick grey/green mucous. I took some chinese herbs that helped me in the past and the cough finally went away after about 5 weeks. however i still have a residual cough at night and in the morning. not producing much phlegm now but when i do its lighter and easier to hack up.
Avatar n tn Hello. I've recently had a cold and lately I've noticed that every morning when I spit out some phlegm there are streaks of blood in it. When I started coughing, it wasn't there then but after a few days of coughing really heavily it started. It only happens in the mornings though after waking up. No blood comes up the rest of the day no matter how much I cough. It's been going on four about... I don't know, 2 to 4 days now.
Avatar n tn I also have the dripping nose and coughing up phlegm after lap band surgery. It is not an allergy--the nose dripping is gustatory rhinitis. I'm not sure if the coughing is related. It started for me less than a year after lap band surgery. I wish I knew if the coughing up phlegm is related. Apparently my sinuses make gastric fluid--could it be possible that my lungs also do? Couldn't that be harmful to my lungs?
Avatar f tn My 4 year old son coughs constantly at night. It's a dry, hacking cough which does not bring up any phlegm. It doesn't sound "sick" at all--it's the type of cough I wouldn't even notice except that he does it so frequently. During the day, often when he laughs or cries, it turns into the same dry, hacking cough. Otherwise, I haven't noticed that he does much coughing during the day. Does this sound like asthma? He has never wheezed or had difficulty breathing.
Avatar f tn so , do i need to consult a doctor? A good news to tell, today the phlegm i spit out without coughing have no blood with it, except once. =) I did not sleep in air-con room de as i saw some of the post here said that if the air is too dry, that may cause blood vessels in nasal breaks. Thanx for ur advice and opinion. Ur opinion really console me a lot. Thank you!...
Avatar f tn Anyway, rust colored phlegm could be the result of old blood down in the lungs if you are coughing it up. Typically it is nothing to worry about but once in a blue moon it could be tuberculosis which requires medical attention. Doubtful that you have TB but you could check with your doctor to be on the safe side. For phlegm and mucous, it helps to double your intake of liquid to keep it loose and flowing. Try not to use a cough suppressent as it is better to have it moving.