
Contractions in lower abdomen

Common Questions and Answers about Contractions in lower abdomen


Avatar f tn when you have contractions do you have then just in your lower abdomen or do you have them in your lower back and abdomen
Avatar f tn No contractions are like stomach tightening and sharp pain in your lower abdomen and your lower back.
Avatar f tn They can not hurt at all, hurt like cramps, hurt in your back and/or lower pelvis.
2075737 tn?1379447682 ll be kind of like cramping. I know for me it starts in my back my lower abdomen (like menstrual cramps in my lower abdomen) and move up through my whole stomach. I can't walk or talk or hardly breath, and while the menstrual like cramps make stay the.other stuff will come and go.
Avatar f tn Can contractions just happen in your lower back? Or do you have to have them in your lower abdomen also?
1898060 tn?1336423105 For the past few days been having sharp pains on and off in my lower abdomen. Is this something I should be concerned about??
Avatar f tn Hi, I saw a lot of post in here about vibration in the lower abdomen but none of them really is related to my situation. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and a week ago I started drinking pills and Metformin 850. Ever since I started drinking these meds I am experiencing sudden vibration in my lower abdomen. Their not really painful and it only last for seconds. It also happens whenever I am sitting or lying in bed.
178590 tn?1294176767 ok so I am really achy not really crampy just achy in my lower tummy and it's at times sharp enough to make me bend over....waht would cause that? Is it contractions or just cause my tummy is so huge?
Avatar f tn i had really bad lower back pain. And this morning some cramps in my lower abdomen. Ive been having pains in my lower back that come and go.. can they be contractions ? Its just on my lower back tho, they dont really move towards my belly. Im super uncomfortable and dont wanna get to excited but i wanna meet my little boy already !
Avatar f tn You may be only feeling the severe ones with the shots. I don't know if it's possible to kind of numb the less painful ones and dnt know why I didn't think of that earlier but I'd call and check bc if it does, you could actually be having them a lot closer than you think and that feeling might be baby tryna make a break for it, which can cause u to rupture, correct? I'd be worried he's tearing at where you're sewn up if that's where it feels like it burns.
Avatar f tn Im due in 4 days and all last night and today ive been having lower abdomen pains which comes and goes like crampy pains, lower back ache and it takes my breath away when it comes too and does go when i move etc, anyone knows if its contractions or not? Baby has dropped really low as my midwife said hes 2/5th engaged and they couldnt measure his head at last scan due to being too far down...
9884089 tn?1406756206 Can they feel like sharp pains in the lower abdomen? I've been getting stabbing pains for like 30 minutes down there.
Avatar f tn Labor with my daughter I had pain throughout my entire abdomen it would actually cause me to double over most the time...
Avatar n tn Hello! I'm 15 wewks pregnant and I felt pain in my lower abdomen. Not ao painful but everytime when I am in bed at night, I feel it in a sec then comes back after few minutes. It's like a slightly sting feeling. Wondering that it is cause of everyday lovingloving with my fiancé. Cause we "do" it always. Anyone who have same experience like mine?
Avatar f tn You feel the pain like cramps in your lower abdomen, like really low, but your whole stomach tightens.
Avatar f tn ve also been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the past month but they were mostly mild pain in my lower abdomen and my stomach hardening and once I would lay on my left side and drink a bunch of water they would eventually subside. Also the baby is still moving but when he kicks during the cramping it feels like my uterus is going to break open. Is this what contractions feel like or does it sound just like normal pregnancy pains?
Avatar f tn Was it a contraction? I had sharp pain in my lower abdomen but it like went down into my vagina? It lasted over a minute.
7417215 tn?1403487102 I literally just got home from my doctor and they had to stop my contractions. For me it started out in my lower abdomen on only the left side. They were so strong I couldn't move or breathe through them and it left me with tears in my eyes after each one. Those went away and about an hour later i started feeling a cramping that I can only explain as feeling almost like diarrhea cramps, in my whole belly.. It quickly started wrapping around into my back and my spine.
Avatar f tn Hi , i am 39 w 4 d pregnant . Iam feeling very low pain in my lower abdomen in left side , like periods , but no water break no bloody show . I am confused if its contraction or sumthing else ?
Avatar f tn today I have been getting Sharp pains in my lower back and tightening in my lower abdomen..are these actual contractions or braxton hicks...
Avatar f tn I had some in second trimester and they were just like my abdomen getting really hard and tight in places. Balling up or tensing so that it was uncomfortable to stand straight. Not exactly pain but discomfort. Usually the right side of my abdomen. Sometimes the center or lower part. I could touch my belly and feel the hardness.
Avatar f tn My contractions actually felt like cramps just much more intense and i rent then in my lower abdomen. What your feeling waste probably just braxton hicks though, good luck!
Avatar f tn I'm 40+3weeks pregnant and I've been feel cramps in my lower abdomen and back... Are those contractions? What am I suppose to look for?
Avatar f tn They are kinda hard to explain. Id say like bad period pains or belly ache pains you get when you have a bad stomach. You will definatley know what they are when you get them though lol.
4235497 tn?1356982472 I know when one is starting because I get this dull pain in my lower back (ouch) and it wraps around to my lower abdomen and my stomach gets super tight. Its very uncomfortable and the pain is intense at times. I tolerate pain pretty well but this is a different feeling and I can't seem to control it.