
Colon cancer warning signs

Common Questions and Answers about Colon cancer warning signs


Avatar n tn I could answer this question, but I don't want to scare you. The problem is, the common signs of cancer (colon) are very common symptoms that many people experience. These signs are over 90% of the time, not cancer. If someone has blood in their stool, they probably don't have cancer. If someone is constipated, they probably don't have cancer. So if you read on the internet and see that you have the signs of cancer, testing should be done, but you probably don't have cancer.
5536886 tn?1455827346 In some cases, there are no warning signs. Lung cancer, like colon cancer, is many times a "silent" killer. A yearly physical with a chest x-ray and blood work should be mandatory for current or former smokers. I was diagnosed with lung cancer this year, and I never had one symptom.
Avatar n tn Paula Yes he goes to the Va and is considered a 100% disabeled, It sounds like you are going threw alot too - I feel for you - My husband doesnt have A apotite at all he has some diminsha- never wants to eat -plus he is incontinite- the doctor did a strip on him and the poop came back normal - then he had the xray and cat scan done - we do have a aid that comes in 3 times a week for 2 hours each time because i never could get him in shower and with her she never has a problem with him and if i
1280322 tn?1302780827 Ever since i have stopped my iron i have noticed that i dont really feel the need to have a BM and when i do its very small in size (not thin like pencil thin like one of the signs for colon cancer) and very little in amount. I have not noticed any blood. Im going to do the stool sample this Friday and im so nervous because im only 28. Everyone tells me not to worry and maybe im just not eating or drinking the correct foods to help absorb the iron.
Avatar f tn There seems to be no warning signs nor any consistancy to it. It has occured anywhere from a few weeks apart to several months apart. I spoke to my Dr. about it and, although he ran no tests, he said it was colon spasms. I didn't think about it until later, but wouldn't I be having lower abdominal pains rather than upper pains if it was my colon. How is the burning in the upper part of my stomach related to my colon?
Avatar f tn HI, it is called hemochromatosis, and he as well has had polyps on colon, his dad who dies of congestive heart failure and likely had hemochromatosis now we know what it is, and it is genetic so he got it from one or both or his parents, his dad had all the signs and symptoms, but no one knew, and he was Irish...he also had colon cancer and HIS dad died of colon cancer. Colon cancer and others high in people with iron overload.
622595 tn?1221627691 my name is katie im fixin to be 18 and i have signs of colen cancer. i was digonesed with anemia when i found out i was pregnunt at age 16. since then i have been constapated and have taken pills that havent worked for me. I have had rectal bleeding almost evertime i use the bath room when i do number2 theres is alot of bleeding more that should be and it scares me. im only 18 and my great grapa died 3 years ago from colen cancer at 87 so there is a history.
Avatar f tn Can you tell me the symtoms of colon cancer? My husband has been bleeding for about 12 years on and off when he has a bowel movement. Is this something to be concerned with?
Avatar n tn Does these tests at least rule out advanced colon cancer? Would these tests have shown colon cancer or at least something to some extent to warrant further testing? 8. does the symptoms point to colon cancer? With the blood now gone. 9. I feel like there is something just inside my rectum, is that a sign of colon cancer or possibly a internal hemmorroids? 10. How common is colon cancer/rectal cancer in someone my age without the family history?
488192 tn?1208990289 i went to the dr and he said i have thickening around the colon and inflmmation to i had blood test done it also should inflammation im going for a colonoscopy to see what is going on just wonring if that means you can have colon cancer with the thickening of the colon. me help ginger This discussion is related to <a href=''>thickening of colon lumen</a>.
698408 tn?1256958348 It entailed being sent a weekly module with information, answering a questionnaire and working on a stay well plan such as recognising early warning signs and taking action. It helped me a lot. I was heading down the depression road but took evasive action as per my plan and it worked! Here is the website link to the Online Survey
Avatar m tn I think you are smelling something that was used to clean the toilet , this is very common, it's not your stool. Colon cancer is EXTREMELY rare at your age, so I would put that out of your mind right now! Even if you had lots of blood in your stool you would not smell it. All your blood tests came back fine, your doctor gave you great advice to live a long and healthy life, so accept that you are a healthy young man and enjoy your life.
Avatar f tn Sometimes well only like once there was a small purplish maroonish) clot on toilet paper, so I am really scared about colon cancer at my age. Please anyone have any ideas. They want me to do colonoscopy on Nov,9. I am scared to do it because I am scared of what theyll find. The colon dr looked at my bloodwork and said it was perfect and he said that it was great because I wasnt anemic, either.
426937 tn?1203591927 The chemotherapy is focused for a colon cancer, and the drugs that are used do not confer protection for lung cancer. Colon cancer tends to produce small clusters of metastasis - it is atypical Hence, the biopsy was explored. The biopsy would of course involve a needle. Local anesthesia to the area to be punctured is usually given. I'm uncertain whether your previous biopsy for the prostate would make you less anxious or more so. Stay positive.
Avatar f tn Last year (November) he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He has had all the checks to see if it has spread and so far it seems to be contained in colon. No signs of it in liver, stomach, bladder or kidneys etc. But doctor has still not staged it. He says staging can only take place during the operation for a definite staging. We are all very concerned about this and his operation is due in 2 weeks time. My question is is this sort of cancer a slow-progressing one?
Avatar n tn s when the cancer starts to move- so it might be in the tissues near the breast (for example my grandma had stage 3 colon cancer and the tumor was on part of her bladder and vaginal cavity); and stage 4 which means that metastasized. This means it traveled from where it originated, in my grandmother's case her colon, to another part of the body. So, again- my grandma had tumors all over her liver, intestines, several lyphnodes in her groin area, and on her bladder.
Avatar f tn If abdominal pain or signs of peritonitis are localised in the left lower quadrant, the suspicion is increased for such conditions as colitis, diverticulitis, ureteral colic or pain due to ovarian cysts or pelvic inflammatory disease. Examples of tumors in the left lower quadrant include colon cancer or ovarian tumor. You should check in with your doc as this has been ongoing for a week.
Avatar n tn Which sounded good to me but my surgeon said they were all bad, and some would have developed into cancer sooner or later and being 41 he would assume colon cancer by age 50 was inevitable and to have my children all screened as though they had a first degree relative with colon cancer. I also have an Aunt who had colon cancer and a cousin. Puts my sister in the same boat as my children since she has Celiac and that alone increases the chance for intestinal cancers. It is all so confusing.
Avatar f tn does coughing and wheezing more {as asmatic anyway} have any bearings on colon cancer
Avatar m tn Colon cancer is EXTREMELY rare in young people. It is normally due to an hereditary colon disease which is in our family. Even with the hereditary disease early detection can save your life! Take your health very seriously, if you don't and something is wrong, you will be forced to deal with it eventually, and probably not with good results.
Avatar f tn Stomach cancer may be without any signs and symptoms in the early stage. In later stages, it usually presents with upper gastro-intestinal symptoms like early satiety, upper abdominal discomfort, vomiting, pain, and weight loss. However, it is possible for stomach cancer to cause other symptoms like diarrhea. All the best, and God Bless!
Avatar m tn Hey there, I am 33. I have had blood in stools for over 2 years and I have extremely bad anxiety so I would not go and get it checked out for fear of colon cancer. I finally went and saw a rectal dr back oct of 09 he did a sigmoidoscopy and said all looked fine, but wanted to do colonoscopy to find out why I was bleeding and for so long. Well I made the appt, and then cancelled 2 days before, well finally a lifelong friend and another dear friend of mine, convinced me I NEEDED to get it done.
Avatar f tn Colon cancer can be extremely hereditary! My mother-in-law has 4th stage colon cancer and it was recommended to my husband and his sister to have a colonoscopy at 40 years old. He did and they found 1 small (3mm) sized tumor that was found to be pre-cancerous. His sister's result was clear. So, that's 50% chance right there. I agree with quinroxanne, be very vigilant! Good luck.
Avatar n tn ve never had it done but heard about it and the tought of knowing that all kinds of needles will first have to penetrate through the colon to get to the prostate already calls for an infection, and much worst if it is determined that there are no signs of prostate cancer now you are at a risk of developing some sort of new disease simply for going through that process, to me this way of determining prostate cancer is too risky, it's obsolete and the method of detecting prostate cancer should