
Clomid and estradiol for infertility

Common Questions and Answers about Clomid and estradiol for infertility


419990 tn?1228259126 I'm 22 years old and my husband and I are ttc our first child. My husband had a vasectomy 10 years ago..(he's 10 years older than me) so one of our options was to do IUI with a donor. I've had all kinds of tests to make sure I can concieve. I even had an HSG done. Everything was good. However, we have had 5 IUI's and none of them worked. I am getting worried that something is wrong because I've heard after 6 IUI's that it's a slim chance it will work.
Avatar f tn On the other hand, if for unexplained infertility with regular periods, then if clomid is going to work it should have done so within the first three tries. If this is the case. you might want to speak with your provider about more complex treatment options such as injection medications or IVF. Good luck!
134513 tn?1212965848 TP1359, many of my patients have conceived on bromocriptine. the first step is to adjust the bromocriptine dose to normalize prolactin levels. also, make sure TSH levels are normal as well, since low thyroid can increase prolactin levels, and in this case, bromocriptine would be fixing only half the problem.
881571 tn?1326904278 Once a cycle starts, ill be taking Clomid. I have a son who is 1.5yrs old. We tried Clomid and Menopur with him and nothign worked & scheduled IVF but got pregnant on our own and now that i'm trying for #2, i have PCOS again :( even tho the dr said not all women with PCOS the first time will get it the 2nd time... One of the first common sign is irregular periods. that's crazy that you had normal periods! Good luck to you and your husband!
Avatar n tn I did. I was 41 when I had Gavin and my FSH was 16, I did one cycle of clomid and conceived my son. He is now 8 months old and just as healthy as can be. Good luck to you. I did have 5 miscarriages before I was able to have him; but I wasn't giving up and it finally happened for me and it will happen for you too if you keep trying.
Avatar f tn I am taking Crinone gel for infertility, have been taking for 4 months days 17- end of cycle. I am also taking clomid and estradiol. I am currently on day 23 (7th day on crinone) of my cycle and have started having so very mild almost pinching cramps intermittently. They are not painful, but I was just wondering if anyone else has cramping with crinone, I am still about 8 days away from when I am supposed to start my period.
126762 tn?1325261805 Testing for progesterone, in my opinion, is the least important test - all it does is confirm that you are ovulating, which we already know because your periods are regular. You should have a full infertility examination before you are prescribed clomid. Clomid without intrauterine insemination is a good choice for women who are not ovulating regularly, and the clue to this would be that you do not have regular periods.
609372 tn?1220554881 My husband and i have been married for almost two years, and have been together for almost 7. My issue is that in all the time that we have been together we really haven't used any bithcontrol at all! Since getting married though ive wanted to get pregnant and still have had no succes. My husbands sperm is a OK, so no issue there! However with me I was put on 50mg of clomid, and after the five days were up then i had a sonogram to see if it worked.
Avatar n tn guess I am not sure what exactly the estradiol will do? I am on 3rd month of clomid, took 50mg first two months and now 100mg and now dr put me on estradiol (days 10-14) started the estradiol yesterday. Thank you!
Avatar n tn I have to guess at what your doctor is thinking, but to me it sounds like he wants to do a day 3 FSH and estradiol level, and yes, I suspect he is trying to rule out premature ovarian failure. It is possible that your ovaries were damaged by the endometriosis surgery. Has anyone considered Metformin for you? Just an aside.
1439094 tn?1320322110 I had been on clomid for 6 months and did not ovulate once. I had taken clomid 9 years ago and got preg with my daughter. My ob sent me specialist who discovered I have PCOS. I was put on 1500mg of Metformin daily and was given Femera to take days 2-6 of my cycle. When I went in for ultrasound I has some mature follicles and they advised to take trigger shot Odrivel several days after ultrasound which I did and I got a positive on ovulation test which I never had on last 6 rounds of clomid.
Avatar f tn I was on Clomid for 4 months and by the 4th month, it had thinned out my endometrium so much that we had to cancel the cycle. Clomid will do that if you are on it too long. I had to take several cycles of injections (Follistim) to get pregnant. I was like you (hsg-normal, DH semen-normal). It took us 5 cycles of injections before we got pregnant. Have you had laprascopic surgery to see if you have endometriosis??
Avatar f tn this is best achieved by metformin, 2000 mg per day, and clomid, given for five days per month at the lowest dose which will induce ovulation. once you know you are ovulating, you should stay at the same dose of clomid until you conceive. if you go above the minimum dose of clomid needed for ovulation, fertility actually can decline, and rate of miscarriage can increase. if you don't get pregnant after the first, second or third cycle of an ovulatory dose of clomid, don't despair.
Avatar m tn said come in for blood work on Day 3. And Day 10 for blood work and ultrasound. So does this mean that I will have to go back on provera to get another period. And than more waiting? My periods are 50-65 days apart!
Avatar f tn I am getting ready to turn 37 years of age and I have been trying to conceive for the past few years - went through testing (no issues on my end nor husbands, diagnosed with unexplained infertility). I've tried clomid, femara, gonal-f and menopur over the past year. My most recent IUI cycle was cancelled due to a poor response and estradiol levels dropped on menopur (150 iu); however, the next protocol is recommended to be menopur again - but at a higher dose of 300 iu (150 2x per day).
Avatar f tn I never thought I would feel this way. This is so hard. I want to be a mother so badly it's causing me so much pain. I miss our baby so much lately. I've been sobbing and aching to have him back. Oh, and it gets better. Yesterday, on my friggin' birthday, we found out the insurance company is not paying for any more treatments. So we're screw ed. 2 weeks ago my RE submitted for us to jump ahead to do IVF earlier than the insurance company usually allows.
Avatar n tn If you are under age 35, I would start things off by going on clomid and if the clomid regulates your periods and causes you to ovulate more regularly give the clomid 3-4 months. If you are not pregnant after four regular ovulations on clomid, then have your partner get a semenanalysis and even think then about a hysterosalpingogram to check your fallopian tubes. There is nothing wrong with doing a sperm count and a hysterosalpingogram right of the bat, but I am not sure this will be necessary.
342693 tn?1425621476 Thank you for the info I wish we could afford IVF we did clomid, ovidril and times intercourse I am cd 24 so hopefully thats okay
Avatar f tn I am getting ready to turn 37 years of age and I have been trying to conceive for the past few years - went through testing (no issues on my end nor husbands, diagnosed with unexplained infertility). I've tried clomid, femara, gonal-f and menopur over the past year. My most recent IUI cycle was cancelled due to a poor response and estradiol levels dropped on menopur (150 iu); however, the next protocol is recommended to be menopur again - but at a higher dose of 300 iu (150 2x per day).
Avatar f tn I also have PCOS and clomid (months and months of it - on and off over the course of 7 years) never helped me. We were finally able to conceive after IVF. So don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about more options. And most of all - GOOD LUCK and HUGS to you!!
Avatar f tn I just finished taking Clomid for three months and no pregancy. I had a lap and am going to start taking Femara to try and concieve. Hopefully this works. I am just wondering if anyone else has taken Femara and what it was like ie side effects/pregnancy?! Thanks.