
Clindamycin gel pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about Clindamycin gel pregnancy


Avatar n tn Consulting doctor he gave me clindamycin phosphate + nicotinamide +allantoin; glintra gel once in morning along with adapalene micro spheres + clindamycin phosphate gel; derivative CMS at night. Along with a face wash acetyl alcohol and stearyl alcohol lotion; cetaphil Which after three months he changed my face wash with salicylic acid with glycolic acid; ahaglow s.
Avatar f tn Bv is a crappy thing and its even crappier in pregnancy there's a gel you can use vaginaly its called metronidazole vaginal gel and its amazing!!!!
Avatar f tn Ladies, tell me the truth is it me or its just this stupid ksjahqbskcidow bacterial vaginosis?!?!? Ugh I've had since I found out I'm pregnant! Took flagyl but I was allergic to I switched to clindamycin. I took that clindesse clindamycin vaginal cream, didn't work!!! Clindamycin HCl tablets for 7 days didn't work!!! Now they want me to take clindamycin HCl for 7 days again!!!??!!!!!! I'm sooooooo confused, frustrated, devastated, im cryinh and all mix nega emotions!!!!
Avatar n tn I am 32 Years, 3 yrear old I have a Pimple in my face , for clear face i Press it , 2 days after it comes again I have press it again. i repete this from last three year. The affected area of my face give a white smelly liqued.
4526747 tn?1356283415 Try freemans facial anti stress mask dead sea minerals & cortaid u can purchase both from Walmart I use the cortaid for years & been using mask since preg due to skin...
Avatar f tn Im 20 years old. I have acne scars and pimples . I went to a Dermatologist and he recommended me to use adapalene & clindamycin phosphate gel but now my face gets burning sensation and has got shine wherever I used that product. also the pimples which I had is turning into some kind of mark. I discontinued using after 10 days. Will it be proper by itself?
Avatar f tn Hi, I can tell you that I had baterial vaginosis last year and only took cipro not the gel and everything was fine.. I've also took cipro for a uti..
Avatar m tn He prescribed clindamycin gel and to also shampoo with T-gel or tee tree oil. On July 5th the folliculitis got worse and I developed these bumps in the area of the folliculitis along with pain and intense itching. I was using tea tree oil at that time but wasn't using the antibiotic yet. The folliculitis was spreading. I began using the clindamycin on July 9th and the T-Gel on July 18th. The folliculitis began to settle down and improve.
Avatar m tn Loss of apetite, dehydration. Increased bilrubin of 1.3 mg/dl SGOT/SGPT is normal with 24/15 Pain in bones,which has aggravated due to this Itching on the face Should I continue taking the above medications? If yes,what should be the dosage? One more question.....Scars are seen on the face due to the use of scalpel for removing the pimples and subsequent use of an anti-inflammatory/anti-biotic injection by a doctor...What should be done to make my face even.......
Avatar n tn 05%(base), i also just started using Fougera Clindamycin Phosphate gel USP, 1%(equivalent to 1% clindamycin. i have been using the first one for past three month twice a day and it is almost having no affect. the area is increasing and i m afraid it will get bigger and it is. what should i do? any recommendations on what i should use to get rid of it? can you recommend any medicine/cream?? i would really appreciate the help.
Avatar n tn Im 22 years old in my forehead and all around in face have lot of marks,acne. I went to a Dermatologist and he recommended to use fashbar soap,dezor shampoo,adapalene & clindamycin phosphate gel and take 1 capsule of minolin 100mg but now my face is burning and get lot of oily also still there is no results to that marks and acnes what can I do now pls answer me?
Avatar f tn Hi there, It could most likely be age as well, there is a clindamycin gel that helps way more than the over the counter stuff. I work in wound care in the hospital, dont use alcohol or anything that will dry it out. That actually slows healing process.
Avatar n tn Also, request the gel if you do have it. Do not take clindamycin or any other harsh antibiodics, they can cause C-diff and other bowel problems.
Avatar n tn doc suggested me to use faceclin gel(clindamycin and nicotinamide) and cetaphil face wash.but rashes came out.even i am allergic to neutrogena products and sulpher skin is loosing glow.pls suggest.
Avatar n tn Hi Urmi151, yes I have had this all my life but worse in my teens. I don't know if they have the same drugs as here in the US. You don't want to scrub the area, use gentle fragrance free cleanser and gently wash the area. Scrubbing makes it worse. Here we have Accutane, clinidamycin topical, and other drugs. I also used neutorgena face wash then at bed salicylic acid gel or topical. You can use OXY 5 or 10 cream. I'm sure others will have plenty more to help you with.
Avatar f tn I went to the obgyn last week they ran urine samples and std tests and everything was okay, I told them I’m spotting still for two weeks now three and cramping the test came back for BV so they prescribed me Metronidazole I felt way too anxious about taking it , Friday I went in for a ultrasound and pelvic ultrasound I believe and got the results today that it was fine. They now prescribed me clindamycin gel which I will pick up tomorrow due to pharmacy out of stock.
Avatar f tn I have been to a dermatologist last month and she simply said it is related to friction and moisture at the genital locations and prescribed me a clindamycin phosphate topical gel. Although I have used it regularly for a week, twice a day, the bumps are still there and didnt seem to heal. I was wondering what these bumps could be and what should be my next step to get rid of them. P.S. As I regularly get tested for panel STDs, I know that I am STD free..
Avatar n tn Avoid picking or pressing the acne. You can also use Benzoyl peroxide 5% lotion or gel once at bedtime. An amount of lotion the size of a pea should be enough to cover most of your face. If your skin becomes red or peels, you are using too much of the medicine or applying it too often. If the symptoms persist then topical antibiotics like Clindamycin may be needed. Please consult a dermatologist in that case. I sincerely hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar f tn If your taking about bacterial vaginosis (BV) then usually oral medication is metronidazole (Flagyl) or Clindamycin. Vaglinal gels metro-gel, cleocin, clindasee(spelling?
Avatar f tn I am aware that dapsone gel is effective,though my experience in this is a trifle limited.Do consult and verify.
Avatar m tn Diagnosis can be confirmed after pelvic examination and microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge. Treatment is by metronidazole((Flagyl, MetroGel) and clindamycin (Cleocin).They are available as pills or vaginal gels or creams. Please do not use any vaginal douches. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar f tn to add, I was also using a prescribed acne gel which was similar to ziana however, rather than putting a thin layer over my whole face I would put a fairly thick layer over the initial spots. I stopped doing that when I noticed more bumps. Could the bumps therefore be a reaction to using too much of the tretinoin/clindamycin gel?
Avatar n tn For the first few weeks after stopping use of the Duac gel, you will probably experience a moderate breakout. However, this should not discourage you. The Duac treatment is a combination of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide; these chemicals work to manage the bacteria on your skin, killing it and allowing for a healthier, cleaner complexion. Any anti-bacterial medicine becomes ineffective after a while, as bacteria evolves and then resists the compounds originally intended to relinquish it.
Avatar n tn I have tried washing with Selsun Blue shampoo before, and occasionally tried Clindamycin gel on my skin with little improvement. Can anyone suggest a diagnosis and a cure? I have included the picture below.
Avatar n tn i have been on, cipro 500 for 10 days, cipro 500 for 1 month, Bactirum DS for 10 days, clindamycin solu. 5% alcorten gel (anti fungal, antibactieral) i also wash my hair with chlorhexidine gluconnate (hibaclens). i have seen a total of 4 doctors. and have an appointment for another which ill make 5 doctors total. all i need is something to get my by with the pain. i plan on the dermatologist taking care of the actual infection. it is on my scalp.