
Citalopram sleep

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram sleep


Avatar m tn The Doc wants me to take citalopram for stress. What is the most common side effect?
1282280 tn?1285086420 i was diagnosed with sleep insomnia, ptsd, panic disorder, and major depresive disorder a little over a yr. ago. at first, the dr's just had me on a low dose of zoloft to see if it would help. tho it did help with the depression and a little with the anxiety, i still couldn't sleep. after raising the dose of my zoloft a few more times, and trying seroquil, the dr's finally put me on ambien when i couldn't sleep.
Avatar f tn 00 is it the medicines I take. I never had this before. I had a complete blood test, I Do not know how to handle this, Is it the sleeping pill or clonazepam.
Avatar f tn Hi all I was just wondering if it was safe for me to take citalopram. And valuim to help me withdraw the valuim is not from a dr I could not get in as My dr is out of town and I do not know the dr taking his place so I don't want to talk to him about all of the stuff going on in my life!
769503 tn?1238496321 I have never, persoanlly, taken citalopram, but there are plenty of folks here who have and hopefully they will respond with their experiences with this med. Most of us with an anxiety/panic disorder are "wary" of side effects. But bear in mind that we are all different and your son may not experience any, or if he does, he may find that they are bearable.
Avatar f tn I am on xanax and citalopram (which I just started) and therapy (which I just started). Three days ago I started feeling worse, medically. I wake up early each morning in a panic with some lose bowel issues and dry heaves or vomiting. The last three days it has been worse!! Yesterday was awful and I was so dizzy, especially during the vomiting. I will feel like I am going to pass out. The ER treated me for dehydration, gave me an EKG and ran some test. All normal, of course.
497348 tn?1283436066 The most common side effects associated with citalopram are nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, excessive sweating, headache, tremor, drowsiness, and inability to sleep. Overall, between 1 in 6 and 1 in 5 persons experience a side effect. Citalopram is also associated with sexual dysfunction. Some patients may experience withdrawal reactions upon stopping citalopram.
Avatar f tn Hello everyone I started having severe anxiety attacks two month ago, though I have suffered with anxiety my whole life. I have been on Citalopram for four days now and the side effects seems to be increasing. I am on a small dose, one quarter of a 20 mg tablet. I am suppose to go up to one half of a 20 mg tab today but am afraid to. I am jittery, have headaches, am groggy but panic when I try to sleep, have heat flashes through my upper body, my eyes feels strange...the list goes on.
Avatar n tn ive been taking 20 mg of citalopram for about a month. I like to have a small 4 oz to 6 0Z of Moscato Wine now and then, I haven't had any wine since I started on the citalopram.
1255563 tn?1289427231 Ive been having trouble falling asleep lately, last night i was up laying in bed till 7am then slept till 1pm today! i just want to be able to get to sleep and sleep through the night! ive hurd night nurse is helpfull even though i aint relle got a cold however im on citalopram 10mg a day for anxiety. can i combine these two????
Avatar f tn i take 800 mg of lithuim, 60mg of citalopram for my dipolar II disorder and 125mg of levothyroxine for my underactive thyrod i seem to have problems with my sex drive i never want it could it be the meds
1257808 tn?1322762215 Now, I'm on Zyprexa 20mg & Citalopram 20mg.
335728 tn?1331414412 I just have a quick question about antidepressants and state of mind. I have been on Citalopram since about 2007 and I am wondering if they might have something to do with my feeling of "I really don't care"? It seems that things that would normally upset me now makes me feel indifferent and I don't particularly like it. Most of my friends are no more, partly due to me not giving a hoot about them or what they need.
Avatar f tn i have had depression for 5 years and am treated with citalopram 40mg at times i get such bad anxiety and nausea and dizziness icant really connect it to any depressive episodes though i do feel sick when my nerves are bad also does anyone know how to wean yourself off medication very slowly
15256956 tn?1439425231 Hi all! I'm new to these forums so let me give you some extended Cliff Notes. 39 year old male who has been struggling with Anxiety for 20 years, High Blood Pressure for 13, Diabetes for 3, and now, Sleep Apnea.
Avatar n tn Hi, I am 20 years old and for the past three months or so i have had chest pains, feeling like I am going to die any second, and its hard for me to get a good sleep. And with chest pain also comes costocondritis (my doctor said) and i have had ekgs, holter monitor, chest xray, and blood work several times and everything came back fine. I was wondering if anxiety can cause my chest pain off and on during the week.
Avatar f tn There are many sleep aids to help you sleep at night if you are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Ask your doctor about these sleep aids. Its best not to eat anything within an hour of going to sleep either.
Avatar m tn About 6 months ago I was very constipated so I went to the ER and they did xrays on me and told me I was just constipated from anxiety. I saw my regular doctor and got put on citalopram 10mg. It did nothing for me so I went back recently to up the dosage and also to see why I was getting constipated again. My doctor told me to take 20mg and to add fiber into my diet. I think I went a little overboard will the fiber which made me very gassy and hurt my stomach.
Avatar n tn have had 2 episodes of sleep paralysis since may (just received diagnosis of diabetes at that time). i also take citalopram. Could the citalpram cause the sleep paralysis or would the diabetes be a more likely cause?
Avatar m tn 1 mixture of (S)-Citalopram and (R)-Citalopram]; Escitalopram [(S)-Citalopram) is a pure enantiomer. The dosages for Escitalopram are typically 1/2 of those for Citalopram, and there are fewer side effects, suggesting that most side effects come from the (R)-enantiomer.'' Basically escitalopram is the new citalopram with less side-effects and requires only half the dosage and I think it is the reason for it's cheaper price. -http://en.wikipedia.
1128565 tn?1316721143 Hi All its Lorraine The specialist changed my antidepressant from 150mg's venlafluxine to 20 mg's of citalopram. I am feeling really tired and every night my legs are aching off me, last night I didn;t sleep much as I was having palpitations. Can anyone relate to this? Good job we've got these sites, or we'd go mad!!
Avatar f tn I am a 4'10" 27 year old female weighing 102 lbs. I am prescribed celexa 40 mg and adderall 30 mg BID (2x a day) by the same doctor. Lately I can't sleep at night my blood pressure is high 130/90. My heart rate seems really fast. I've been twitching a lot, have hot and cold flashes, abdominal cramping, a lump on the back of my neck (right side), body is sore, frequent urge to urinate but hardly pee and my skin is warm to the touch. What's wrong with me?
Avatar f tn I was recently on Citalopram 20 mg and went a week on 10mg and then went cold turkey and now i have so many side effects i just want it to go away! I am dizzy all the time my legs keep me awake at night and my emotions are off the scale right now! i cant afford the medication any more and have none and now i dont know what to do??? Can anyone help me????
6866231 tn?1385634141 I have had anxiety for a few weeks but its the 4th day of taking my citalopram and im feelimg better in myself although im to nervous to get on public transport i am feeling more in myself Rather than feeling in a dream world like unreality but i can feel great for a few hours then as the day comes on i feel more ****** and sincr i been taking these tablets i have been have a lack of sleep i have been waking up at 6am everyday no matter what time i go bed i wake up at 6am its annoying me becaus
Avatar f tn I gained about 30 lbs on Citalopram. I work out and eat healthy. I just saw a new doctor and he believes the Citalopram is causing my weight gain. I have been on it for about 18 months. I am now taking half a pill of Citalopram in order to wean myself off of it. My doctor then prescribed me Bupropion HCL (take twice a day). He says that should help with weight loss. Has anyone had good experiences with Bupropion? Did you gain weight on Citalopram? Thanks!!!